Prof. Agnieszka Uberman Ph.D.
Agnieszka Uberman
Associate Professor
Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Received PhD with distinction in Applied Linguistics at the University of Rzeszów
Received Post-PhD in General Linguistics at the University of Prešov, Slovakia
Research area: applied-linguistic modelling of the lexicon of the English language, methods and strategies of language learning and teaching, metaphors in language; lexical semantics; chromatosemy (colour vocabulary) contrastive studies; cognitive models within lexicon study.
Current Courses: methodology of foreign language teaching; translation practice, BA and MA seminar, doctoral seminar
The number of promoted Masters of Arts: over 60
The number of promoted Bachelors of Arts: over 150
The number of reviewed MA projects: over 60
The number of reviewed BA projects: over 150
The number of reviewed PhD theses: 3
- Teodor Hrehovčik, Agnieszka Uberman: English Language Teaching Methodology: An Undergraduate Course for ELT Trainees. Rzeszów: UR, 2003.
- Modelling the English Lexicon in Applied Linguistics. Rzeszów: UR, 2006.
- Metodyka realizacji programu Kształtowanie Kompetencji Kluczowych. Języki obce. pp. 106 – 169. W: Katarzyna Szempruch, Agnieszka Uberman: Założenia programowe, zasady opracowania i modyfikacji programu kształtowania kompetencji kluczowych w zakresie języków obcych. Lublin: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie, 2009.
- Applied-linguistic Modelling of the English Lexis: Cognitive Models in Diverse Applications. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K., 2011.
- Teodor Hrehovčík, Agnieszka Uberman: English-Polish and Polish-English Linguodidactic Dictionary. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014.
1. Kleparski, G.A. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2008.
2. Kleparski, G.A., Rokosz-Piejko, E. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2009.
3. Spólnik, G. and Uberman, A. (eds). R. Maksymowicz Język angielski dla elektroników i informatyków. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Oświatowe FOSZE, 2010.
4. B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek and Uberman, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2012.
5. Pikor-Niedziałek, M. and Uberman, A. (eds). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 10. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2013.
6. Konieczna, E. and Uberman, A. (eds). Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014.
- The Use of Games for Vocabulary Presentation and Revision. English Teaching Forum. Vol.36 No.1 Jan. - Mar. 1998, pp.20 - 27.
- 'Foreign Language Lexical Subsystem: Evaluation of Advanced Learners' Abilities - a Scheme of the Diagnostic Study'. In Arabski, J. (ed.). Research on Foreign Language Acquisition. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2001, pp. 55 - 61.
- 'On Applied-Linguistic Modelling of the Lexicon'. In Ożóg, K. (ed.). Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Seria Filologiczna, Językoznawstwo 2. Vol. 31, Rzeszów, 2005, pp. 131- 148.
- Uberman, A. & Dimitrijev, L. 'Storytelling for Children'. In Graur, E. & Diaconescu, A. (eds.). Messages, Sages, and Ages. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on British and American Studies. Editura Universitatii Suceava, 2006, pp. 823 - 841.
- Uberman, A. & Uberman, M. 'The system of teacher training in Poland and Bologna process: the present and conclusions'. In: Babić, N. (ed.). Competences and Teacher Competence, Proceedings. Osijek, Croatia, 2007, pp. 127 - 135.
- 'Metaphors as a method of conceptualization in language'. In: Kiełtyka, R., Osuchowska, D. & Rokosz-Piejko, E. (eds.). Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszów, Wydawnictwo UR, 2008, pp. 227 - 234.
- 'Employing drama techniques in maintaining motivation during social language work'. In: tom pokonferencyjny Sociálna pedagogika, sociálna práca a sociálna andragogika aktuálne otázky teórie a praxe. Spisska Nova Ves, Słowacja 1 - 2.10.2007.
- 'Cross-curricular teaching - integrating linguistic education with other subject areas for sustainable development'. In: Uzelac, V. & Vujičic, L. Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Rijeka, Chorwacja, 2008, pp. 267 - 272.
- 'Some Remarks on the Application of Metaphors in the EFL Classroom'. In: Kleparski, G.A. & Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2008, pp. 73 - 79.
- 'The application of cognitive models for adult learnenrs' vocabulary instruction'. In: Acta Humanica 2/2008, Aktuálne Problémy Výchovy K Euroobćianstvu V Dimenziách Spoločensko-Vedných Odborov. Žilina 2008; pp. 167 - 171.
- 'Metaphorical extensions of the sewing frame in the foreign language classroom'. In: Kleparski, G. A. (ed.). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 51/2008, Rzeszów: Wydawnictow UR., pp. 139 - 153.
- ‘On teaching idiomatic expressions: drawing on etymological information in search of (true?) meaning’. In: Górecka-Smolińska, M., Kleparski, G.A. and Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2009, pp. 137 - 142.
- ‘On metaphorics and symbolism of colour terms’. In: Kleparski, G.A., Rokosz-Piejko, E. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2009, pp. 141 – 146.
- ‘Rozwijanie kompetencji językowych dla cywilizacji przyszłości’. In: Chodkowska, M. and Uberman, M. (eds). Szkoła i jej wychowankowie. Między tradycją a wyzwaniami edukacji przyszłości. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2010. pp. 91-97.
- ‘Learners’ self-assessment of lexical knowledge’. In: Ferenčík, M. & Horváth, J. (eds). Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovská Univerzita. 2009. pp. 283-291.
- ‘The use of music for developing foreign language competence’. In: Langsteinová, E., Fridman, L., Janeková, J. and Sokolová, K. (eds). Kultúra - umenie - vzdelávanie. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Banská Bystrica: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2009. pp. 37-38. ISBN: 978-80-8083-755-6 / EAN 9788080837556
- ‘Foreign language learning – a social and cultural necessity’. In: Acta Humanica 3/2009. Žilina: Žilinská Univerzita, 2009. pp. 309-313.
- ‘Teaching English in higher education institutions’. In: Foreign Languages in an Academic Environment. Technical University of Košice: Košice, 2009. pp. 315-323. ISBN: 978-80-553-0325-3
- ‘The representation of the frame of crying in Polish and English’. In: Kufelová, B. (ed.). Text, Context, Hypertext, Interpretation and Communication. Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Trnava, 2010, pp. 283-295.
- ‘Wybrane aspekty profesjonalizmu nauczyciela języka obcego’ In: Szempruch, J., Blachnik-Gęsiarz, M. (eds). Profesjonalne funkcjonowanie nauczyciela. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Lingwistycznej, 2010. pp. 76-82.
- ‘Intercultural communication in foreign language teaching’. In: Pirohová, I., Lukáč, E. (eds). Vzdelávanie dospelých v poznatkovo orientovanej spoločnosti. Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej university, Prešov. 2010. pp. 417-423. ISBN 978-80-555-0152-9.
- ‘Vocabulary as a reflection of life wisdom’. In: Balogová, B. (ed.). Elan vital v priestore medzigeneračných vzťahov. Zborník príspevkov z konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou 15.01.2010 v Prešove. Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej university, Prešov. 2010. pp. 182-188. ISBN 978-80-555-0198-7
- ‘Advanced English vocabulary and idiom in tertiary education: the frame of playing cards’. In: Actual Problems Of Philology: Linguistics, Literature, Teaching Methodology Of Philological Science. Collection of articles of the I International Scientific Conference. Mariupol State University of Humanities, Mariupol, Ukraine. 2010. pp. 236-241. ISBN 966-604-044-1.
- ‘Rama GRA W KARTY – zastosowanie modeli kognitywnych w opisie słownictwa.’ In: Kleparski, G.A., Kiełtyka, R. (eds). Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Jarosław: 2010. pp. 223-232.
- ‘Cultural aspects of the English lexicon’. In: Szmyd, K., Banaś-Baran, E., Dolata, E., Śniegulska, A. (eds). Myśl i praktyka edukacyjna w obliczu zmian cywilizacyjnych. Vol. 1. Człowiek i wychowanie w perspektywie wieloetnicznej I wielokulturowej. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2012. pp. 635-653.
- Uberman, A. and M. Uberman ‘Musical, artistic and linguistic education of children in Polish primary schools’. In: Liimets, A., Mäesalu, M. (eds). Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 21. Music Inside and Outside the School. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, GmbH. 2011. pp. 69-84.
- ‘Application of language learning strategies in language training’. In: Körtvélyessy, L., Osuchowska, D., Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Tawa, 2011. pp. 137-144.
- ‘Learning strategies in teaching culture-related language issues at advanced level’. In: Böhmerová, A. (ed.). Identity in Intercultural Communication. Slovak Studies in English III. Bratislava: ŠEVT, a.s., 2011. pp. 229-245. ISBN 978-80-8106-047-2.
- ‘Yellow in Polish and English – contrastive metaphorics’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka (eds). II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia Języka, Literatury i Kultury. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Techniczno-Ekonomicznej im. ks. B. Markiewicza w Jarosławiu, 2011. pp. 423-434. ISSN 2081-903X.
- ‘Seeing red’ – figurative meanings of colour terms: the case study of red. In: B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, A. Uberman (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2012. pp. 119-136. ISBN 978-83-62638-09-3.
- ‘Less red reds: on idiomaticity of colour terms within the spectrum of red’. In: P. Cymbalista, B. Duda, G.A. Kleparski (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2013. pp. 93-108. ISBN 978-83-62638-85-7.
- ‘Contrastive metaphorics of colour – representations of red in English and Slovak’. In: M. Nováková, D. Uhríková, A. Böhmerová (eds). Links and Connections. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2013. pp. 98-110. ISBN 978-80-223-3462-4.
- ‘Contrastive semantic chromatosemy: the case study of blue’. In: G.A. Kleparski, J. Wesół, M. Górecka-Smolińska (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2014. pp. 105-115. ISBN 978-83-62638-46-8.
34. ‘Black revisited – colour lexicon’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Oliwa (eds). Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne Jarosław, 2014. pp. 219-236. ISSN 2081-903X.
35. ‘Framing COLOUR’. In: I. Lacko, L. Otrísalová (eds). Cross-Cultural Challenges in British and American Studies. Slovak Studies in English IV. Bratislava: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, STIMUL, 2014. pp. 203-218. ISBN 978-80-8127-117-5.
36. ‘Figurative meanings in language. Linguistic representations and metaphorics of pain’. In: E. Konieczna, A. Uberman (eds). Text. Sentence. Word. Studies in English Linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014. pp. 77-87. ISBN 978-83-7996-088-0.
37. ‘Semantics of brown: a contrastive English-Polish analysis’. In: G.A. Kleparski, J. Wesół, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2015. pp. 90-106. ISBN 978-83-62638-67-3.
38. ‘Learning strategies applied by students at university level’. In: Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations. Forthcoming.
39. ‘Analysing cognitive structures: The lexical frame of PAIN’ In: M. Dick-Bursztyn, K. Puchała-Ladzińska (eds). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 12. Rzeszów: UR, 2015. pp. 61-70.
40. ‘Musical metaphors in English’. In: E. Dżwierzyńska, D. Chudyk (eds). Z badań nad językami europejskimi w aspekcie synchronicznym i diachronicznym. Księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesor Zofii Czapidze. Szczecin: Volumina, 2015. pp. 269-278. ISBN: 978-83-7867-319-4.
41. ‘Figurative language: the analysis of nautical metaphors in English and Polish’. Forthcoming.
1. First Certificate Gold - a Review. Języki Obce w Szkole. Warszawa: WSiP. Sept. – Oct. 1998, pp. 369 – 371.
2. Janusz Arabski, Przyswajanie języka obcego i pamięć werbalna. Glottodidactica. Vol. 27. Poznań, 2000, pp.140 - 142.
3. G. A. Kleparski First Facts First Studia Anglica Resoviensia vol.2 Rzeszów, 2001, pp. 193 - 195.
4. Review for the publisher: H. Górny "Język angielski dla przedszkolaków. Metoda nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym z zastosowaniem rytmiki jako środka wspomagającego naukę." Wydawnictwo Oświatowe Fosze: Rzeszów, 2005.
5. Review for the publisher: Roczniki Naukowe Nauczycielskiego Kolegium Języków Obcych w Ostrowcu Św. Miscellaneous Studies in English Vol.1, Dobrowolska-Wesołowska, M. and Kaptur, P. (eds.). Ostrowiec Św: NKJO, 2008. ISSN 1899-3095 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting-1899-3095end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
6. Review for the publisher: R. Hycner & M. Dobrowolska-Wesołowska "Geodesy, Surveying And Professional Ethics." Wydawnictow GALL: Katowice, 2008. ISBN: 978-83-60968-02-4.
7. Review for the publisher: R. Maksymowicz, Język angielski dla elektroników i informatyków. Wydawnictwo Oświatowe Fosze: Rzeszów, 2010. ISBN: 978-83-7586-039-9.
8. Review for the publisher: T. Hrehovčík Introduction to Second Language Acquisition. Vydavatelstvo Prešovskej Univerzity: Prešov, 2011. ISBN 978-80-555-0474-2.
9. Review for the publisher: M. Bilá & A. Kačmárová When Pragmatics Meets Prosody.(Discovering what Text Means to the Speaker). Brno: Vydavatelstvo MSD, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7392-213-9.
10. Review for the publisher: M. Gorczyca-Blok Introduction to Mathematical English. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2013. ISBN 978-83-7338-951-9.
11. Review for the publisher: E. Dźwierzyńska (ed.) Новый взгляд на теорию и практику обучения русскому языку как иностранному. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014. ISBN 978-83-7867-071-1.
Conference participation and guest lectures:
- XIIth International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition, Szczyrk: 21-22 October 1999, presented paper: Foreign language lexical subsystem: evaluation of advanced learners' abilities - a scheme of a diagnostic study..
- Seminar at the Institute of English and American Studies of the University of Prešov (Slovakia) 10.10.2001: 'Vocabulary presentation and revision techniques'.
- Seminar at Facultade de Filoloxia e Traducción - Universidade de Vigo (Spain) 19.01.2004: 'Sposoby utrwalania słownictwa obcojęzycznego' - 'Methods and techniques in consolidating English lexis'.
- Seminar at Facultade de Filoloxia e Traducción - Universidade de Vigo (Spain) 20.01.2004: 'Historyjki i opowiadania w nauczaniu języka obcego dzieci' - 'Storytelling for Children'.
- 2nd International Conference 'Messages, Sages, and Ages' 19 - 21.10.2006; Suceava, Romania, presented paper: Uberman, A. & Dimitrijev, L. Storytelling for Children.
- Conference Przemoc wobec dzieci - profilaktyka i interwencja. Rzeszów - Leżajsk 30.11 - 01.12.2006. presented paper: Cartoons in foreign language teaching - a non-violent way of introducing children to the world?
- The International Scientific Colloquium: Competences and Teacher Competence, (18-19.04.2007) Osijek, Croatia. presented paper: Uberman, A. & Uberman, M. 'The system of teacher training in Poland and Bologna process: the present and conclusions'.
- VI International Conference: Wschód - Zachód. Dialog kultur. Słupsk, Poland 31.05 - 01.06.2007. presented paper: Metaphors in Language Teaching.
- I Anglistentag. Rzeszów, Poland 22 - 23.10.2007. presented paper: Metaphors as a method of conceptualization in language.
- International Conference Aktuálne Problémy Výchovy K Euroobćianstvu V Dimenziách Spoločensko-Vedných Odborov. Uniwersity of Žilina, Strečno, Slovakia 10-11.09.2008. presented paper: The application of cognitive models for adult learners' vocabulary instruction.
- International Conference Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Rijeka, Croatia, 21-23.05.2008. Presented paper: Cross-curricular teaching - integrating linguistic education with other subject areas for sustainable development.
- International Conference: Teraźniejszość wyzwań edukacyjnych do kreowania cywilizacji przyszłości – inspiracje Floriana Znanieckiego we współczesnych badaniach przemian edukacyjnych i społecznych. Rzeszów – Lwów, 22-24.10.2008. University of Rzeszów, Presented paper: Rozwijanie kompetencji językowych dla cywilizacji przyszłości.
- International Conference II Anglistentag / Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów 08-09.03.2009. Presented paper: On metaphorics and symbolism of colour terms.
- International Conference Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia 22-23.04.2009. Presented paper: Learners’ self-assessment of lexical knowledge.
- International Conference Kultúra – Umenie – Vzdelávanie Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia 03-04.06.2009. Presented paper: The use of music for developing foreign language competence.
- International Conference Sociálne a Kultúrne Determinanty v Edukácii. University of Žilina, Strečno, Slovakia 08-09.09.2009. Presented paper: Foreign language learning – a social and cultural necessity.
- International Conference 4th International Conference on Foreign Languages in an Academic Environment. Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia 17-18.09.2009. Presented paper: Teaching English in higher education institutions.
- International Conference Text, Context, Hypertext, Interpretation and Communication. University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Modra - Harmónia, Slovakia 21-23.10.2009. Presented paper: The representation of the frame of crying in Polish and English.
- International Conference Múdrosť veku – vek múdrosti. University of Prešov , Prešov, Slovakia 15.01.2010. Presented paper: Vocabulary as a reflection of life wisdom.
- International Conference Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: kierunki badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław 14-15.04.2010. Presented paper: Rama GRA W KARTY – zastosowanie modeli kognitywnych w opisie słownictwa.
- International Conference I International Scientific Conference Actual Problems Of Philology: Linguistics, Literature, Teaching Methodology Of Philological Science. Mariupol State University of Humanities, Mariupol, Ukraine 23.04.2010. Presented paper: Advanced English vocabulary and idiom in tertiary education: the frame of playing cards.
- International Conference Myśl i praktyka edukacyjna w obliczu zmian cywilizacyjnych. University of Rzeszów, Sanok 26-28.05.2010. Presented paper: Cultural aspects of English lexis instruction.
- International Conference Identity in Intercultural Communication: 3rd Triennial Conference in English and American Studies. Comenius University, Bratislava, Budmerice, Slovakia 21-22.10.2010. Presented paper: Learning strategies in teaching culture-related language issues at advanced level.
- International Conference II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia Języka, Literatury i Kultury. Jarosław 03-04.04.2011. Presented paper: Yellow in Polish and English – contrastive metaphorics.
- Seminar at the Institute of British and American Studies – University of Prešov (Slovakia) 12.04.2011: ‘Application of frames and scripts in the process of modelling the English lexicon’.
- Seminar at the Institute of British and American Studies – University of Prešov (Slovakia) 14.04.2011: ‘Metaphorical extensions of the frame elements’.
- International Conference: IV Triennial Conference in British and American Studies: Humans, Humanity and the Humanities: Cross-Cultural Challenges in British and American Studies. Bratislava, Slovakia 30-31.01.2014. Presented paper: Framing COLOUR.
- International Conference: III Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Podkarpackie Studia Filologiczne: Językoznawstwo, Literatura i Kultura. Jarosław 03.04.2014. Presented paper: Black revisited: colour lexicon.
- Seminar at the Institute of American and English Studies – Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). 07.05.2014: ‘The frame of CRYING - metaphorics of selected frame elements.
- Seminar at the Institute of American and English Studies – Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). 07.05.2014: ‘Analysing ‘red’ - contrastive metaphorics’.
- International Conference Актуальні проблеми початкової освіти та інклюзивного навчання у світлі евроінтеграції, Lvov 13.05.2015. Presented paper: Selected aspects of teaching English vocabulary at pre-school level: cognitive lexical frames (Problemy nauczania słownictwa anglojęzycznego na poziomie wczesnoszkolnym: leksykalne ramy kognitywne).
- International Conference Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World III. Uniwersytet w Prešovie, Prešov, Słowacja 10-12.09.2015. Presented paper: Figurative language: the analysis of nautical metaphors in English and Polish.
- International conference Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture. IFA UR 12-13.11.2015. Presented paper: ‘The colour of endurance: figurative semantics of green’.
2012: University of Rzeszów Rector’s Award for academic achievement (II degree: PostPhD)
2005: University of Rzeszów Rector’s Award for academic achievement (III degree: PhD)
29.09.2014 – 08.10.2014 International internship: Australian National University, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Canberra
10-12 June 2013: W30 Program: University of California, Los Angeles, USA: The John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management
08 – 30 March 2006 US State Exchange Program: International Visitor Leadership Program, Teaching English as a Second Language (A Multi-Regional Project), USA
External Expert of a National Programme Foresight Polska 2020
Expert for Polish Accreditation Commission
Administrative duties:
Head, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów (since November 2014)
Deputy Dean, Philological Faculty, University of Rzeszów (since 2012)
Deputy Head, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów (2000-2012)
Academic supervisor of Teacher Training College in Leżajsk (2008-2015)
Academic supervisor of Teacher Training College in Tarnobrzeg (2008-2014)
Association membership:
International Cognitive Linguistics Association
Alumni Association - since 2006
Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław; member of Philological Sciences Committee (2015-2018)