Bożena Duda, PhD.
Bożena Duda, PhD
senior lecturer
MA: Jagiellonian University, in 2005
PhD with distinction: University of Rzeszów, in 2013
Main research interests: diachronic semantics, sociolinguistics, historical sociopragmatics, euphemisation processes, taboo in language, synonymy, cognitive linguistics
Courses conducted: history of language with the elements of historical grammar, practical grammar, practical English classes
- Duda, B. 2014. The Synonyms of Fallen Woman in the History of the English Language. Frankfurt a/Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
- Cymbalista, P., B. Duda, G.A. Kleparski (eds.) 2013. Galicia Studies in English with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA.
- Duda, B., G.A. Kleparski (eds.) 2014. RSDS Top Twenty. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
- Dick-Bursztyn, M., B. Duda, M. Martynuska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (eds.) 2014. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 11. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
- Duda, B. 2009. “(On) the inevitability of language change”, [in:] G.A. Kleparski et al. (eds.) In Medias Res: Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Letteris. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar-International, pp.31-40.
- Duda, B. .2010. „Kochający inaczej a proces eufemizacji (na bazie języka angielskiego)” [in:] G.A. Kleparski and R. Kiełtyka (eds.) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria: Językoznawstwo. Jarosław: Papirus, pp. 81-90.
- Duda, B. 2011. “On structural forces operative in the formation of X-phemisms” [in:] L. Körtvélyessy, D. Osuchowska, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska (eds.) Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA, pp. 31-39.
- Duda, B. 2011. “Euphemisms and dysphemisms: In search of a boundary line” [in:] J. Garrido (ed.) Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicacíon (clac) 45, pp. 3-19,
- Duda, B. 2011. “On masseuse, lady of the night and nymph of the pavement: In search of semantic mechanisms behind the operation of X-phemism” [in:] G.A. Kleparski and R. Kiełtyka (eds.) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria: Językoznawstwo, pp. 77-90.
- Duda, B. 2011. “Downstairs, upstairs and other you-know-whats. On human conceptualisation of taboo” [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia 8. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 311-322.
- Duda, B. 2013. “From portcwene to fille de joie: On etymology and the word-formation processes behind the historical lexical representations in the category FALLEN WOMAN in English” [in:] J. Fisiak and M. Bator (eds.) Historical English Word-Formation and Semantics. Frankfurt a/M., New York: Peter Lang, pp. 259-276.
- Duda, B., G.A. Kleparski 2013. “Stews, fling-dusts and night-shades: On metonymically conditioned synonyms of prostitute in Early Modern English” [in:] P. Cymbalista, B. Duda and G.A. Kleparski (eds.) Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA, pp. 19-27.
- Duda, B., G.A. Kleparski, 2014. “The case of bats and Winchester geese as Early Modern English zoosemic extensions in the conceptual category FALLEN WOMAN” [in:] The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture. Vol. 1 Linguistics and Methodology. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 21-31.
- Duda, B. 2014. “The role of lexical borrowing in the formation of historical synonyms of prostitute” [in:] Galicia Studies in Language, vol.7. Chełm: TAWA, pp. 17-26.
- Duda, B. 2014. “The cases of cat and chicken as zoosemy-based synonyms of (male) prostitute in English” [in:] G.A. Kleparski i R. Oliwa (eds.) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria: Językoznawstwo, pp. 29-38
- Duda, B. 2014. “From poule de luxe to geisha: Source languages behind the Present-day English synonyms of prostitute” [in:] Styles of Communication 6, pp. 31-43.
- Duda, B. 2015. “The productivity of word-formation among selected Modern English synonyms of prostitute in an onomasiological method of research” [in:] SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 12/2015, pp. 78-88.
- Kleparski, G.A., B. Duda (in press) “Cup-bearing in the context of male prostitution: on Early Modern English synonyms of call-boy” [in:] Inozemna Philologia.
Other works:
- Duda, B. 2009. “Świat Słowian w Języku i Kulturze IX. Językoznawstwo: Semantyka. Pragmatyka. Kognitywizm. Edited by Ewa Komorowska and Anna Porchawka-Mulicka, Uniwersytet Szczeciński, 2008, pp. 206. ISBN 978-83-60903-74-2” [in:] G.A. Kleparski (eds.) In Medias Res: Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Letteris. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar-International, pp.197-202.
- 2010 Jarosław (Poland): I Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne.
- 2011 Jarosław (Poland): II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne.
- 2011 Warszawa (Poland): International conference: Historical English Word-Formation and Semantics.
- 2012 Dublin (Ireland): Language and Representation: A Polish-Irish Seminar.
- 2012 Dublin (Ireland): Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar.
- 2013 Rzeszów (Poland): International conference: 3rd Rzeszów Anglistentag: The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture.
- 2013 Murcia (Spain): International Conference on Middle English 8.
- 2014 Jarosław (Poland): III Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne.
- 2014 Poznań (Poland): 1st Poznań Historical Sociopragmatics Symposium.
- 2014 Koszyce (Slovakia): 12th ESSE Conference.
- 2014 Szczyrk (Poland): Various Dimensions of Contrastive Studies.
- 2015 Wrocław (Poland): International Conference on Middle English 9.
Foreign visits and co-operation:
- UR project – Budowa potencjału dydaktycznego UR na poziomie europejskim – the visit conducted at Trinity College Dublin (22.04.2012-29.04.2012).
- ERASMUS+ – Università del Salento, Lecce (11.05.2015-15.05.2015).