Dorota Osuchowska Ph.D.
Dorota Osuchowska
Research Interests
Major research areas
Design and use of pedagogical dictionaries
▪ The structure of a pedagogical dictionary
▪ Specific design features of pedagogical dictionaries
▪ Evaluating the dictionary from the perspective of user’s needs and skills
User-oriented research
▪ Dictionary use by tertiary-level students
▪ Specialized dictionaries in tertiary education
Sense extension in the field of gustatory sensations
Academic texts and their role in fostering interdisciplinary research
Teaching experience
Main subjects taught
▪ Writing and Academic Writing
▪ Lexicography
▪ Linguistics
▪ Written and oral translation
Selected publications
Books Authored
Osuchowska, D. 2007. In Search of the Collocation Value of EFL Dictionaries. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
Osuchowska, D., Kleparski, G.A. 2009. The Rudiments of Academic Writing. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
Osuchowska, D. 2011. Talking Dictionaries. An Introductory-Level Course in Lexicography for English-Bound Students. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
Osuchowska, D. 2011. Collocation in Bilingual and Monolingual English Dictionaries. A Foreign Learner’s Perspective. Saarbrücken: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.
Osuchowska, D. Career Paths 1: Interpreting and Community Interpreting. Forthcoming.
Edited books/journal issues
Kiełtyka, R., Osuchowska, D., Rokosz-Piejko, E. (Eds.) Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
Körtvélyessy, L., Osuchowska, D., Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (Eds.) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA.
Osuchowska, D. (Ed.; Linguistics) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 8. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo
Osuchowska, D. (co-editor) Indirect Language. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
Osuchowska, D. 2001. English At Work. An English-Polish Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Osuchowska, D. 2007. English At Work. An English-Polish Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
Osuchowska, D. 2008. English At Work. An English-Polish Dictionary of Selected Collocations. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN.
In preperation: University English
Papers/Monograph Chapters
- Osuchowska, D. 2002. ‘Compiling a Dictionary of Collocations. Problems and Solutions’. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 1: 79–85.
- Osuchowska, D. 2003. ‘Specialised (Business English) Dictionaries: A Teacher’s Perspective’. In: P. Mamet, ed. Języki specjalistyczne. Zagadnienia dydaktyki i przekładu. Katowice: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Śląsk, pp. 101–108.
- Osuchowska, D. 2003. ‘The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching Dictionary Reference Skills at the College/University Level’. In: G. A. Kleparski, ed. The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University Level. Papers from the Third Chełm Symposium Held in April 2003. Chełm: NKJO-CHEŁM PUBLISHERS, pp. 66–74.
- Osuchowska, D. 2oo4. ‘Smakołyki’. In: M. Buchholz, ed. Obraz Kanady w Polsce. Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, pp. 29–33.
- Osuchowska, D. 2006. ‘Semantic Relations in Monolingual Learners’ Dictionaries: Some Implications for English Language Teaching and Metalexicography’. In: K. Bogacki, A. Miatluk, eds. Proceedings of the International Conference ‘Semantic Relations in Language and Culture’, Białystok, 24–26 October 2005. Białystok: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, pp. 235–241.
- Osuchowska, D. 2007. ‘Maximising the Role of the Dictionary as an Aid to English Language Teaching: Some Implications for Applied Linguistics and Teacher Training’. In: J. Arabski, D. Gabryś-Barker, A. Łyda, eds. PASE Papers 2007. Vol. 1: Studies in Language and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. Katowice: Agencja Artystyczna PARA, pp. 441–455.
- Osuchowska, D. 2007. ‘The Dictionary as an Aid to English Language Teaching: Present State and Future Tasks’. In: J. Wiśniewski, ed. W dialogu języków i kultur. Warszawa: Lingwistyczna Szkoła Wyższa, pp. 139–148.
- Osuchowska, D. 2007. ‘Dictionary Typology: Towards a Practically-Oriented Classification Scheme of Dictionaries Used by Learners of English’. In: D. Werbińska, B. Widawska, eds. Wschód-Zachód. Dialog kultur 2: Studies in Literature and Language. Słupsk: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Akademii Pomorskiej, pp. 196–201.
- Osuchowska, D. 2008. ‘Lexicography in a Language Degree Programme: An Integrated Approach’. In: R. Kiełtyka, D. Osuchowska, E. Rokosz-Piejko, eds. Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 206–211.
- Osuchowska, D. 2009. ‘”The Stories behind Words”: The Issue of Etymologising in British Dictionaries for Young Learners’. In: M. Górecka-Smolińska, G.A. Kleparski, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska, eds. Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, pp. 117–128.
- Osuchowska, D., Hrehovčik, T. 2009. ‘On Dictionary Use by Slovak and Polish Teacher Trainees’. In: M. Ferenčik, J. Horváth, eds. Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic Word. An International Conference Organised by the Institute of British and American Studies, Prešov, 22–23 April 2009. Prešov: Filozofocká fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove, pp. 217–229.
- Osuchowska, D. 2009. ‘Interim Report on Research into the College Students’ Use of Dictionaries in Text Production’. In: G.A. Kleparski, E. Rokosz-Piejko, A. Uberman, eds. Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. The Second Anglistentag in Rzeszów: A Conference Organised by the Institute of English Studies, Rzeszów 9–10 March 2009. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 115–124.
- Osuchowska, D. 2010. ‘Łączliwość leksykalna przymiotnika biały w ujęciu diachronicznym’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, eds. Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria Językoznawstwo. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Jarosławiu, pp. 175–184.
- Osuchowska, D. 2011. ‘On How Parallel Tastes Can Get: A Comparison of Selected Expressions from the English and Polish Field of Gustatory Sensations’. In: L. Körtvélyessy, D. Osuchowska, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska, eds. Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, pp. 117–126.
- Osuchowska, D. 2011. Gustasemy: ‘The Panchronic Account of the Semantics of Bitter’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, eds. Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria Językoznawstwo. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Jarosławiu, pp. 319–333.
- Osuchowska, D. 2011. ‘Context-Induced Creativity and the Figurative Use of Taste Terms’. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 8: 341–357.
- Osuchowska, D., Kleparski, G. A. 2012. ‘The Scope of English Gustasemy with Parallel Developments in Other Languages’. In: P. Łozowski, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska, eds. Words in Contexts:from Linguistic Forms to Literary Functions. Radom: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Radomskiej, pp. 126–139.
- Osuchowska, D. 2012. ‘Categories of Information Sought by University Students while Working on a Written Composition in English’. In: M. Bilá, S. Zákutná, eds. Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešoviensis. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej univerzity, pp. 217–234.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘The Teaching of Reference Skills and the Amount of Dictionary Exposure as Two Possible Factors Affecting Dictionary Use by Tertiary-Level Students while Writing’. In: G. A. K. Kleparski, E. Konieczna and B. Kopecka, eds. The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture. Vol. 1: Linguistics and Methodology. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 370–384.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘Collocation in Dictionaries Consulted by Users of English at the Advanced Level’. In: G. A. Kleparski, R. Oliwa, eds. Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Seria: Językoznawstwo. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWST-E, pp. 181–191.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘Specialised Lexicography and Specialist Dictionaries: A Novice Translator’s Compendium’. In: L. Wille, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, eds. Specialist Languages in Use and Translation. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 141–153.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘Evaluating Reviews of Specialist Dictionaries from a Future Dictionary User’s Perspective’. In: L. Wille. M. Pikor-Niedziałek, eds. Specialist Languages in Use and Translation. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 154–167.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘In Search of an Operational Definition of Creativity’. In: M. Wierzbicka, L. Wille, eds. Im Wirkungsfeld der kontrastiven und angewandten Lingustik/In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Vol. 3. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 201–211.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. A Polish College Students’ Use of Dictionaries in Text Production. Sino-US English Teaching 10: 726–732.
- Osuchowska, D. 2014. ‘Context-induced creativity and the figurative use of taste terms’. In: B. Duda, G. A. Kleparski, eds. RSDS Top Twenty. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 248–262.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘On the Teaching of Dictionary Use to Trainee Translators: Does what Dictionary Researchers Say Apply?’. In: P. Aullón de Haro and A. Silván Rodriguez, eds. Translatio y Cultura. Madrid: Dykinson, pp. 445-454.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘The Productivity of English and Polish Food Words in Creating Euphemisms’. In: Z. Czapiga and A. Stasienko, eds. Slavic and Other Languages in a Contrastive Perspective. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 41-54.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘How Naive? The Picture of Creativity in Contemporary Monolingual Dictionaries of English’. In: M. Wierzbicka, L. Wille, eds. Im Wirkungsfeld der kontrastiven und angewandten Lingustik/In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Vol. 5. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 99–112.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘Mom’s No Longer Home Cooking? Housemaking in Selected Foreign Learner’s Dictionaries’. In: M. Wierzbicka, L. Wille, eds. Im Wirkungsfeld der kontrastiven und angewandten Lingustik/In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Vol. 5. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 113-122.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘The Productivity of the Polish and English Domains of Buildings and Construction in the Process of Euphemism Creation’. In: L. Wille, D. Osuchowska, eds. Indirectness in Language. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 65-79.
- Osuchowska, D. 2015. ‘Indirectness Strikes Where You Expect it the Least: Perpetuating Gender Stereotypes Through Dictionary Examples’. In: L. Wille, D. Osuchowska, eds. Indirectness in Language. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 117-132.
- Osuchowska, D. ‘Sex-Role Sterotyping in the Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English (ALD 2)’. In: M. Wierzbicka and L. Wille, eds. Im Wirkungsdeld der kontrastiven and angewandten Linguistik. In the field of contrastive and applied linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Forthcoming.
Osuchowska, D. 2009. ‘Słownik Współczesny Angielsko-Polski Polsko-Angielski’. In: M. Górecka-Smolińska, G.A. Kleparski, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska, eds. Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, 173-178.
Osuchowska, D. 2010. ‘Janusz Arabski, Andrzej Łyda, Krystyna Warchał. Słownik angielskich frazemów akademickich’. The SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 7.2: 72–77. Volumes/JTL16/pdf-doc/05.pdf
Osuchowska, D. 2010. Słownik angielskich frazemów akademickich. Kwartalnik Neofilologiczny 3: 362-364.
Kleparski, G. A. and Osuchowska, D. 2000. ‘Instytut Filologii Angielskiej: Czy sześciolatek może się pokusić o studia magisterskie’. Gazeta Uczelniana 9. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo WSP.
Cymbalista, P., Kallaus, A., Kleparski, G. A. and Osuchowska, D. 2001. ‘The Department of English at WSP-Rzeszow – Chronicle’. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2: 7-17.
Cymbalista, P., Kallaus, A., Kleparski, G. A. and Osuchowska, D. 2001. ‘Introducing Studia Anglica Resoviensia – Regional English Studies Initiative of Region-Oriented Countrymen with Supraregional Ambitions’. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2.42: 7-17.
Kiełtyka, R., Osuchowska, D. and Rokosz-Piejko, E. 2008. ‘Editors Note’. R. Kiełtyka, D. Osuchowska and E. Rokosz-Piejko, eds. Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 9-10.
Języki specjalistyczne. Zagadnienia dydaktyki i przekładu. Sosnowiec 2002. Uniwersytet Śląski. ‘Specialised (Business English) Dictionaries: A Teacher’s Perspective’.
The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University Level. The Third Chełm Symposium. Chełm, April 2003. NKJO Chełm. ‘The Do’s and Dont’s of Teaching Dictionary Reference Skills at the College/University Level’.
Semantic Relations in Language and Culture. Białystok, 24-26.10. 2005. Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. ‘Semantic Relations in Monolingual Learners’ Dictionaries: Some Implications for English Language Teaching and Metalexicography’.
Studies in Language and Methodology of Teaching Foreign Languages. PASE 2007. Uniwersytet Sląski. ‘Maximising the Role of the Dictionary as an Aid to English Language Teaching: Some Implications for Applied Linguistics and Teacher Training’.
W dialogu języków i kultur. Warszawa, 15-16.01. 2007. Lingwistyczna Szkoła Wyższa w Warszawie. ‘The Dictionary as an Aid to English Language Teaching: Present State and Future Tasks’.
Wschód-Zachód. Dialog kultur 2. Słupsk, 31.05.-02.06. 2007. Akademia Pomorska w Słupsku. ‘Dictionary Typology: Towards a Practically-Oriented Classification Scheme of Dictionaries Used by Learners of English’.
Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszów, 22-23.10. 2008. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. ‘Lexicography in a Language Degree Programme: An Integrated Approach’.
Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. Prešov, 22-23.04. 2009. Prešov: Filozofocká fakulta Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove. ‘On Dictionary Use by Slovak and Polish Teacher Trainees’.
Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. The Second Anglistentag in Rzeszów. Rzeszów, 22-23.10. 2009. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. ‘Interim Report on Research into the College Students’ Use of Dictionaries in Text Production’.
Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: peryferia literatury, kultury i języka. Jarosław, o3-o5.o3.2011. PWSZ Jarosław i Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. ‘Gustasemy: The Panchronic Account of the Semantics of Bitter’.
The Word in Linguistic and Literary Studies. Chlewiska, 10-12.o4.2011. Politechnika Radomska i UMCS Lublin. ‘The Scope of English Gustasemy with Parallel Developments in Other Languages’.
Słowo w (kon)tekście. Język trzeciego tysiąclecia VII. Kraków 14-16.03.2012. Krakowskie Towarzystwo Tertium. ‘O wpływie kontekstu na dobór wyrażeń metaforycznych pojawiających się w dyskursie wiadomości telewizyjnych’.
Old Challenges and New Horizons. Kraków, 19-21.04.2012. Uniwersytet Jagielloński. ‘A Polish College Students’ Use of Dictionaries in Text Production’.
Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II. Presov 4-5.10.2012. The Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Presov. ‘Categories of Information Sought by University Students while Working on a Written Composition in English’.
The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture: The 3rd Rzeszów Anlistentag. Rzeszów, 22-23.04. 2013. IFA Rzeszów. ‘The Teaching of Reference Skills and the Amount of Dictionary Exposure as Two Factors Affecting Dictionary Use by Tertiary-Level Students while Writing’.