Marta Bołtuć Ph.D.
CV and list of publications, courses taught, academic career:
Marta Bołtuć, Ph D, Department of the Theory of Translation: e-mail:
(until June 2015 publications signed: Pikor-Niedziałek)
BA (English Philology) - 1995 – Catholic Univeristy in Lublin (Poland)
MA (pragmatics) – A Pragmatic Approach to Doctor-Patient Communication: An Analysis of Conversational Principles - 1997 – Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland) - Prof. Roman Kopytko supervisor
Ph D (pragmatics) –Polite and Impolite Discourse in Newsweek Press Interviews - 2005 – Rzeszów University (Poland) – Prof. Roman Kopytko UAM (Poznań) supervisor
from 1997 to 2005 – assistant at Rzeszów University (Institute of English Studies)
from 1996 – 2005 – Business English courses and English as second language courses on different levels of teaching in Resovia School of English, Promar International, Wyżeszea Szkoła Informatyki i Zarządzania (College of Management and Information Technology) and Rzeszów Technical University
from 2005 up to now – assistant prof. at Rzeszów University (Institute of English Studies), Department of Linguistics
from 2009 – 2012 - assistant prof. in Technical and Economic State University in Jarosław
from 2009 – 2012 – post graduate courses on written, popular-science and economic translation at UR
from 2008 to 2014 – supervising the program of courses in the English Teacher’s Training College in Mielec
from September 2012 to June 2014 – vice-head of the Department of English Studies
from September 2012 to September 2014 – coordinator of the students’ translation practice
Visits and lectures at foreign Universities
1-7 May 2011 – lectures at Kortrijk University, Belgium - Erasmus
September 2011 – a visit at the University of Minnesota (USA), Department of Linguistics and Slavic Languages – Kapitał Ludzki NiPR (Nowoczesność i Przyszłość Regionu)
22 April – 02 May 2012 – a visit at Trinity College, Dublin, Irland (Centre for Language and Communication Studies) – grant Kapitał Ludzki, Narodowa Strategia Spójnośći – Potencjał Dydaktyczny UR
11-17 November 2012 – lectures at Yeni Yuzyil Universitesi, Itambul, Turkey – Erasmus
5-13 October 2013 - a visit and lectures at University of Lviv
22 August – 16 September 2014 – National University of Canberra, Australia (fellowship and a lecture on the degree of equivalence in the translation of National Geographic headings)
academic year 2014/2015 – research stay at the University of Warsaw, Department of Applied Linguistics, supervisor of the research activity – Prof. Krzysztof Hejwowski
01.03.2016 – 30.06.2016 – fellowship and lectures at the Department of Communication and at the Department of English and Modern Languages at the University of Illinois, Springfield
1. June 2011 training: Narzędzia i techniki informatyczne w procesie dydaktycznym (Information technology in the process teaching), training organized by UR - ,Kapitał Ludzki’.
2. October – December 2011 training (80 hours): Comercialization of research and copyright law, training organized by UR - EU funds.
3. February – April 2013: „Ekspert ds. projektów badawczo-rozwojowych”, the project „Kreatorzy innowacji” financed by EU.
4. training ‘Warunki prowadzenia studiów w świetle nowej oceny programowej i instytucjonalnej Polskiej Komisji Akredytacyjnej. Nowe wzory raportów samoocen’ 13.12.2013 UR.
5. MemoQ training – written translation, September 2015.
Main academic interests: pragmatics, discourse analysis, theory of communication, linguistic politeness, para-linguistics (non-verbal communication), translation studies, specialist languages in use and translation, the language of journalism, cognitive linguistics and cognitive theory of metaphor, contextual, visual and multimodal metaphors, language of business and economy, communication in business.
Courses taught: English as a foreign language, Business English, translation (theory and practice), practical and descriptive grammar of English, semantics, pragmatics and paralinguistics (non-verbal communication) morphology, syntax, translation of specialist language and oral translation, translation-related text analysis, translation of economic and press articles, pragmatics, introduction to linguistics, BA and MA seminars.
Reviewing about 209 BA dissertations and about 166 MA dissertations on linguistics, supervising 30 BA and 15 MA dissertations on linguistics, Ph D dissertation – additional supervisor mgr Mateusz Szal - translating technical texts: Translating technical texts as information transfer: A text linguistic approach. Tłumaczenie tekstów technicznych jako transfer informacji z perspektywy lingwistyki tekstu.
- Linguistic Politeness versus Impoliteness: The Case Study of Press Interviews. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów. 2007. pp. 173 (prefaced by Prof. G. A. Kleparski). ISBN 978-83-7338-269-5
- Lost in translation: Linguistic creativity in popular science texts as illustrated by National Geographic heads (Zagubiony w tłumaczeniu: kreatywność językowa w tekstach popularno-naukowych na przykładzie nagłówków National Geographic) (2016) – ( in print) 212 p.
- Academic English Grammar for Polish Students, (co-authors: Marta Pikor-Niedziałek, Alena Kačmárová, Edyta Więcławska) (2013) Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów. pp.281.
Articles published in 2001:
1) ‘‘A pragmatic approach to doctor-patient communication: A contrastive view”. Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 2. Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna: Rzeszów. 2001, pp. 85-96.
Article published in 2004:
1) ‘‘Translating for press: The case study of Newsweek Polska’’. Estudios de Filologia Moderna. Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha: Spain (co-author - Prof. dr hab. I. Burkhanov). 2004. pp. 17-30.
Articles published in 2005:
1) ‘‘An overview of politeness theories in discourse analysis. Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 3.Uniwersytet Rzeszowski: Rzeszów. 2005. pp. 97-105.
2) ‘‘(Im)polite discourse in Newsweek press interviews’’ Piotr, Cap (ed.).‘‘Pragmatics Today’’. Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. Series: Łódź Studies in Language (ed. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk Vol. 12), 2005, pp. 358-371.
Articles published in 2006:
1) „Adaptacja kulturowa w tłumaczeniu artykułów prasowych: na przykładzie tygodnika „Newsweek Polska””. Badania Naukowe WSU w Kielcach. vol. 18. numer 2. 2006. pp. 107- 123. Wyższa Szkoła Umiejętności w Kielcach. (co-author Prof. dr hab. I. Burkhanov).
Articles published in 2007:
1) “A note on pragmatically and stylistically conditioned semantic changes: The case study of Newsweek Polska” w Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 4. 2007. pp. 182-187. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów (co-author - Prof. G. A. Kleparski) – electronic version.
2) “Pragmatically and stylistically conditioned semantic changes: Selected case studies from Newsweek Polska articles ”. in Aspects of Semantic Transference of Words. 2007. pp. 121-126. Chełm: TAWA Publishers
Articles published in 2008:
1) ‘‘A Note on the Use of Metaphors in the Process of Translating National Geographic Articles”. in Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture. 2008. pp. 59-63. Chełm: TAWA Publishers
2) “Metaphorization and selected translation techniques: The case study of National Geographic”. w Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 5. Zeszyt 51/2008. pp. 116-125. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów – electronic version
3) ‘‘Translating National Geographic articles: Strategies and techniques”. Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszów: Rzeszów University Press. 2008. pp. 212-216
Articles published in 2009:
1) ‘‘Some critical remarks on translating articles related to economic issues: The case study of FORBS’’. Galicia Studies in Language. 2009. pp. 129-136. Chełm: TAWA Publishers.
2) “Cultural and stylistic adaptation in translation: The case study of FORBES articles’’. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego (volume GALICIA ENGLISH TEACHINGS: OLD PITFALLS, CHANGING ATTITUDES AND NEW VISTAS). pp. 125-132. 2009.
3) “Stylistic and pragmatic aspects of translating Newsweek and National Geographic articles: A Relevance-theoretic perspective”. Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Litteris in Medias Res. vol 1 English/2009. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar-International. ISBN 978-83-90551-0-9. pp.115-129.
4) (A comment on selected English Language Teaching coursebooks) ,,Wybrane podręczniki akademickie w procesie kształcenia studentów kierunków nauczycielskich’’. Kwartalnik Edukacyjny (Nowa Podstawa Programowa z Komentarzami) 3/58/Fall 2009. Rzeszów: Podkarpackie Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Rzeszowie. pp. 120 -123.
5) ‘‘Culural and pragmatic aspects of translating National Geographic articles”. in Jakość i ocena tłumaczenia. (eds.) A. Kopczyński and M. Kizeweter. pp. 122-132. 2009. Warsaw: University of Social Psychology Press Academica. (Wyższa Szkoła Psychologii Społecznej).
6) “The role of linguistic politeness in the English language classroom”. Galicia Teachings in Linguistics. 2009 Mielec Anglistentag. Prefaced by Sandor Martsa. Edited by G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, E. Więcławska-Szymańska. NKJO Mielec(UR współwydawca): Mielec. Str. 91-103. ISBN 978-83-7338-508-5.
Articles published in 2010
1) „Jak efektywnie przekazywać swoje myśli: przykład negacji i implikacji” (‘’How to convey your thoughts effectively: Negation and implication”) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne Rocznik 2010, Seria: Językoznawstwo, Wydawnictwo PWSZ Jarosław: Jarosław, s. 193-203.
2) ,,Dyskurs we współczesnym językoznawstwie anglojęzycznym”. (“Discourse in contemporary English language linguistics”). Słowo: Studia Językoznawcze. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów. NR 1/2010. str. 50-56. ISSN 2082-6931
Articles published in 2011
1) ‘’Discourse analysis and pragmatics: Their relation with functional linguistics”. Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. (eds.) L. Kortvelyessy, D. Osuchowska , A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska. 2011. Tawa Publishing: Chełm. pp. 126-136.
2)‘’Some notes on translating Reader’s Digest articles: Discourse and register analysis perspective”. Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne Rocznik 2011, Seria: Językoznawstwo, Wydawnictwo PWSTE Jarosław: Jarosław. pp. 335-350.
Book chapters and articles published in 2012:
1) ‘‘A cognitive semantics interpretation of metaphorics of National Geographic headlines 1888 – 2008: One hundred years of the evolving style’’, chapter in the volume Galicia Studies in Language: a chapter in the book Galicia Studies in English: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore, (eds) B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, A. Uberman, Wydawnictwo TAWA: Chełm, 2012, pp. 99-119, ISBN 978-83-6238-09-3.
2) ‘Metaphors in the description of ‘bears’ and ‘eagles’ in National Geographic headlines: A historical perspective’. Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II. Presov: Presov University. str. 163-185. ISBN 978-80-555-0705-7.
3) ‘Visual and context-induced verbal metaphors in National Geographic headings and subheadings’. Topics in Linguistics. Vol. 10. December 2012. Nitra University, pp. 37-42.
Book chapters and articles published in 2013:
1) ‘A cross-linguistic and cross-cultural account of face related phrases: The case study of Polish and Turkish’. (co-author Edyta Więcławska) In In the Field of Applied and Contrastive Linguistics/Im Wirkungsfeld der angewandten und kontrastiven Linguistik. (ed.) L. Falkiewicz-Wille and M. Wierzbicka. UR Publishing House. vol. 1. pp. 155-164. ISBN 978 83 7338 931 1.
2) ‘Some aspects of paralinguistic communication in the cross-linguistic perspective: The case study of Polish, Anglo-Saxon and Turkish culture’. (co-author Edyta Więcławska) In In the Field of Applied and Contrastive Linguistics/Im Wirkungsfeld der angewandten und kontrastiven Linguistik. (ed.) L. Falkiewicz-Wille and M. Wierzbicka. UR Publishing House. vol.2. pp. 171-183. INBN 978 83 7338 932 8.
3) ‘Metaphorical creativity in National Geographic headings and subheadings’. Galicia Studies in Languages: With Historical Semantics Foregrounded. 6. P. Cymbalista, B. Duda, G. Kleparski (ed.). Tawa: Chełm. pp. 72-84. ISBN 9 788362 638857.
Book chapters and articles published in 2014:
1) ‘Economy-related English idiomatic expressions in Polish translation: The case study of the Economist’ In Specialist Languages in Use and Translation. 2014. L. Wille, M. Pikor-Niedziałek (ed.) Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów. pp. 44-58. ISBN 978-83-7996-028-6.
2) ‘The language of the economy in translation: Some aspects of equivalence’. In Specialist Languages in Use and Translation. 2014. Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów. pp. 34 -43. ISBN 9-788362-638468.
3)‘English idioms in the translation of the press articles: The case study of The Economist headings and subheadings’. (post conference article) Riga. Multidisciplinary Translation: From Science to Arts, Kristine Užule (ed.). conference jointly organized by the Written Translation and Interpretation Program of the Baltic International Academy, Latvia, and the Institute of East Slavonic Philology of the University of Silesia, Poland in April 2013. pp. 153-163. ISBN 978-9984-47-090-0.
4) ‘English idiomatic expressions in the Polish translation of National Geographic headlines’. Galicia Studies in Language. vol. 7. Tawa: Chełm.eds G. A. Kleparski, M. Górecka-Smolińska, J. Wesół. pp. 89-97. ISBN 9-788362-638468.
5) ‘Head types and the linguistic analysis of National Geographic headlines (January 2013 – December 2013)’. In In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. vol.3. M. Wierzbicka, L. Wille (ed.). Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów. pp. 108-117. ISBN 978-83-7996-030-9.
6) ‘Degree of equivalence of National Geographic headlines in Polish translation’. In In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. vol. 4. M. Wierzbicka, L. Wille (ed.). Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów. pp. 23-32. ISBN 9-788379-960316.
7) ‘English idiomatic expressions in the translation of Newsweek articles’. The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture. Volume 1. Linguistics and Methoology (ed. G. Kleparski, E. Konieczna, B. Kopecka). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR. (post conference article). pp.290-297. ISBN 978-83-7996-062-0.
8) ‘The Semantic Analysis of National Geographic Headlines: The Case Study of English and Polish’ in the 11th issue (November, 2014) of US-China Foreign Language, ISSN1539-8080. pp. 886-894.
Book chapters and articles published in 2015:
1) ‘Newspaper heads and the semantic analysis of English and Polish popular science headlines (as illustrated by National Geographic articles from January 2013 to November 2014)’. Lingaya’s International Refereed Journal of English Language & Literature (LIRJELL) Issue 3: General Theme
January-February 2015, ISSN: 2348-1617, pp.1-25.
2) ‘The concept of text type: An overview of the approaches’. In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. vol. 6. Wierzbicka M. and L. Wille (ed.). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. pp. 79-88. ISBN 978-83-7996-149-8.
3) ‘Metaphor and metonymy: Theoretical considerations’. Indirectness in Language. D. Osuchowska, L. Wille (ed). 2015. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. pp. 15-25
4) ‘Lost in translation: popular science genre as a mediation between American and Polish culture – the case study of National Geographic’, Silesian University of Technology Scientific Papers No. 1942, ‘‘Organization and Management’’ scientific paper series No. 84. (ed.) Kuzior P. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Śląskiej: Gliwice. pp. 9-26. ISSN 1641-3466.
Book chapters and articles published in 2016:
1) ‘Specialist Communication and Student Training in the USA’. Specialist Communication: Student Training
and Market Demands. M. Grygiel, A. Uberman (eds.). Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego: Rzeszów. (in preparation)
2) ‘Stylistic devices and metaphorical creativity in popular science headlines in English and in Polish: A cognitive perspective’. A Cognitive Linguistics View of Terminology and Specialized Language. M. Grygiel (ed.). Cambridge Scholars: Cambridge. (in preparation)
1) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek (eds) (2007) Aspects of Semantic Transference of Words. Chełm: TAWA Publishers.
2) M. Pikor-Niedziałek, B. Kopecka i A.Uberman (eds) (2012) Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore, eds B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, A. Uberman, Wydawnictwo TAWA: Chełm, 2012, ISBN 978-83-6238-09-3.
3) Studia Anglica Resoviensia (2013) A. Ubernan and M. Pikor-Niedziałek (eds.) vol.10 (2013) ISSN 1641-7666.
4) L. Wille, M. Pikor-Niedziałek (eds) (2014) Languages for Special Purposes in Translation. (Języki Specjalistyczne w Tłumaczeniu) – monography, Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów. pp. 177.
5) G. Kleparski, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, A. Kallaus, A. Grząśko (eds) (2015) Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: The Students’ Voices 3. Wydawnictwo UR: Rzeszów.
Reviews published in 2005, 2007, 2011 and 2014:
1) Review ‘‘Words without Meaning” in American Journal of Semiotics. 21. 1-4. pp. 149-151. (co-author Prof. G. A. Kleparski). 2005
2) Review ‘‘ Gender and Language: Towards a Feminist Pragmatics” in Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 4. pp. 247-249. (co-author Prof. G. A. Kleparski). 2007 – electronic version
3) Review ‘‘Gender and Politeness” in Studia Anglica Resoviensia. 4. pp. 255-257. 2007 – electronic version
4) Review ‘‘Words without Meaning” in Łódź Papers in Pragmatics 3. (recenzja napisana we współautorstwie z Prof. G. A. Kleparskim ). pp. 208-210. 2007
5) Review ‘‘Gender and Politeness” in American Journal of Semiotics. 27. 1-4. pp. 271-273. 2011. ISSN 0277-7126. Joseph Brent (ed.). Philosophy Documentation Center, P. O. Box 7147, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-7147
6) Review ‘‘ Gender and Language: Towards a Feminist Pragmatics” in American Journal of Semiotics. 27. 1-4. pp. 268-270. (co-author Prof. G. A. Kleparski). 2011. ISSN 0277-7126. Joseph Brent (ed.). Philosophy Documentation Center, P. O. Box 7147, Charlottesville, Virginia 22906-7147
8) Review of the collection of poems:
Door-Somewhere?(Poems) by Jaydeep Sarangi,,Allahabad, India 2014 Pp 68,Rs INR 200/=/$15,ISBN 978-81-8253-490-2 in Episteme: an online interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary & multi-cultural journal Bharat College of Commerce, Badlapur, MMR, India, September 2014, Vol. 3, Issue 2. pp. 164-166. BCC-ISSN-2278-8794.
9) Review of the collection of poems:
Door-Somewhere?(Poems) by Jaydeep Sarangi,,Allahabad, India 2014 Pp 68,Rs INR 200/=/$15,ISBN 978-81-8253-490-2 in The Challenge: An International Journal of Art, Culture and Literature. Jamshedpur India. Vol. 23 No. 2, July-Dec. 2014. ed. Manoj Kumar Pathak. pp. 87-89. ISSN: 2278-9499.
Publishing reviews:
1) Review of the book: Steve and Eve Can Read Tea-Leaves, Peter autorstwa PiotraCymbalisty & Grzegorza A. Kleparskiego. Lviv University Press, Rzeszów – Lviv 2007.
2) Review of the book: Fire-Fight it with Us: A Lexico-Conversational Primer. editors. Adam Wiśniewski and G. A. Kleparski. Wydawnictwo Promar International: Rzeszów. 2011.
Introduction to dictionaries:
1) Introduction to Firefighting Dictionary Słownictwo i Procedury Dotyczące Przyjmowania Zgłoszeń Alarmowych: Pożarnictwo (on the basis of Polish, English and Ukrainian languages). Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Anatol Szewel, Adam Wiśniewski (reds). Nakład: Fundacji PRO ECO, Rzeszów 2007. pp. 42 .
Other papers:
1) Pikor-Niedziałek, M., Kleparski G. and A. Śmiały (2002) ‘Kilka uwag na temat analizy wypowiedzi’ (‘Some remarks on discourse analysis’ translation of M. Pikor-Niedziałek). Gazeta Uniwersytecka Pracowników i Studentów UR 1 (5), pp. 12.
2) Pikor-Niedziałek, M., Kleparski G. and S. Kozioł (2003) ‘Dandysi z młotkami: Początki męskiej mody pop w Wielkiej Brytanii’ (‘Dandies with hammers: The beginnings of male pop fashion in Great Britain’ translation of G. Kleparski and M. Pikor-Niedziałek). Gazeta Uniwersytecka Pracowników i Studentów UR 8 (22), pp. 14-15.
3) Pikor-Niedziałek, M. (2003) ‘Inny kraj’ (‘A different country’) [in:] M. Buchholtz (ed.) Obraz Kanady w Polsce (The Vision of Canada in Poland). Toruń: Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, pp. 22-23, ISBN 83-7322-579-X, pp.420.
Active participation in conferences/presentations:
1) International Conference 2nd Łódź Symposium: New Developments in Linguistic Pragmatics. University of Łódź, Department of English Language 7-9 May 2004. report on : ‘‘(Im)polite Discourse in Newsweek Press Interviews’’.
2) Conference - Discourse Analysis. report on ’’Discourse in Contemporary English Language Linguistics”. Rzeszów University. 12 April 2007. article published in Słowo: Studia Językoznawcze. 2009. Rzeszów: Rzeszów University Press.
3) Conference: Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond: The First Rzeszów Anglistentag. 22-23 October, 2007, Rzeszów. Report on : ‘‘Translating National Geographic articles: Strategies and techniques”. Article published in post-conference volume. pp. 212-216. 2008. Rzeszów: Rzeszów University Press.
4) Conference – Translation Studies (Jakość i Ocena Tłumaczenia). Report on ‘‘Culural and pragmatic aspects of translating National Geographic articles”. Institute of English Language. University of Social-Psychology (Wyższa Szkoła Psychologii Społecznej). 26-27 October 2007, Warsaw. Article published in w post-conference volume. 2009. pp. 122-132. Warsaw: Academica.
5) Conference: Interpreting for Relevance: 16-18 June 2008. Kazimierz Dolny nad Wisłą. Institute of English Studies: Warsaw University. Discourse and Translation. Report on: ‘‘Stylistic and pragmatic aspects of translating press articles: The case study of Newsweek and National Geographic’’.
6) Conference GALICIA ENGLISH TEACHINGS: OLD PITFALLS, CHANGING ATTITUDES AND NEW VISTAS conference organized by Rzeszów University and Teacher Training Colleges in Nisko and Ropczyce. Report on: “Cultural and stylistic adaptation in translation: The case study of FORBES articles”. March 2009.
7) Conference organized by Teacher Training College in Mielec October 2009. Report on: “The role of linguistic politeness in the English language classroom” (the article is to be published in a post-conference volume).
8) Conference Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne – directions in scientific research: Language, Culture and Literature April 14-15 2010 Jarosław PWSZ, presentation entitled: ‘‘How to communicate your thoughts effectively: The case of negation and implication” (the article published in the post-conference volume).
9) Conference March 5-6 2011 Jarosław PWSZ, presentation entitled “Some notes on translating Reader’s Digest articles: Discourse and register analysis perspective” (the article published in the post-conference volume).
10) Conference organized by NKJO Mielec, 29 th March 2011 (New Trends in Linguistics), presentation: “English Neologisms in the Language of Mass Media’’
11) Cognition, Conduct and Communication 2011 (6-8 październik 2011) – international conference – Łódz University – Department of Pragmatics, title of presentation: ‘‘The Evolving Metaphorical Style in the Description of Wildlife in National Geographic headlines 1888-2008: A Cognitive Semantics View’’.
12) Conference organized by NKJO Mielec, 26 March 2012 (New Trends in Linguistics), presentation: “NLP – theory and practice’’.
13) International conference 'Language and Representation: A Polish-Irish Seminar' organized by the Centre for Language and Communication Studies, 26 April 2012; presentation on ‘‘The evolving metaphorical style of National Geographic articles (1888 – 2008): A cognitive semantics perspective’’.
14) The Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar, which is a series organised by a network of universities, consisting of Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, Dublin City University and Dublin Institute of Technology, 27 April 2012; a speech on ‘The evolving style of National Geographic articles’.
15) Institute of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Presov, Slovakia, 4-5 October 2012: Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II Conference. Presentation: ‘Metaphors in the description of ‘bears’ and ‘eagles’ in National Geographic headlines: A historical perspective’.
16) Rzeszów School of Diachronic Semantics sponsored, Academic Conference, English Department, University of Rzeszów, 22 October 2012: New Trends in Linguistics. Presentation: ‘The evolving metaphorical style of National Geographic headings’.
17) 7-8 November 2012, the University in Nitra, Slovakia, international conference: Linguistic and Literary Approaches to Speech, Text and Discourse, paper delivered Visual and context-induced verbal metaphors in the headings of National Geographic articles.
18) The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture, The 3rd Rzeszów Anglistentag, 22-23 April 2013, presentation: English idiomatic expressions in the translation of Newsweek articles.
19) PAN (Phraseological Section), 10th May 2013, presentation: Zagadnienia związane z przekładem anglojęzycznych związków frazeologiznych na przykładzie dyskursu prasowego.
20) Translation and Interpreting Program of Baltic International Academy, Latvia, Riga 19-20 April 2013, International Conference Multidimensional Translation: From Science to Arts, presentation: ‘English idioms in the translation of the press articles: The case study of The Economist headings and subheadings’.
21) 2015 25-27 September, INTERNATIONAL INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE, SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT TOWARDS VALUES – ETHICS – TECHNOLOGY – SOCIETY – GLOBALIZATION, Organizer: Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania, Politechnika Śląska, co-organizer: Technische Universität Dresden, Internationales Hochschulinstitut Zittau, Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften oraz Katedra Etyki and Etyki Stosowanej, Wydział Filozoficzny, Uniwersytet Mateja Bela w Bańskiej Bystrzycy. Presentation: ‘Lost in translation: Popular science genre as a mediation between American and Polish culture – the case study of National Geographic’.
Organizing events and conferences:
1) University of Rzeszów, Department of English Studies, 22 October 2012, conference: New Trends in Linguistics. Prof. David Singleton – plenary speaker, Trinity College, Dublin, organizing a music concert and an art exhibition for the students of Arts of the University of Rzeszów – 20.10.2012
2) University of Rzeszów, Department of English Studies, 20 October 2012, a music concert and art exhibition: Chris Singleton and the band and An Exhibition of Fine Arts of the Rzeszów University students. Venue: Music Hall of Rzeszów University.
3) organizing post-graduate studies (curriculum and effects of teaching) Specialist Languages in Use and Translation 2013
Membership – international associations:
since 2010 - member of International Association of Pragmatics, Antwerp (Belgium)
since 2012 - member of Phraseological Section of the Commettee of Linguistics PAN
since 2012 – member of CERGSLAM (Central European Research Group for Second Language Acquisition and Multilingualism), the base and hub of CERGSLAM is the University of Pannonia, Hungary.