Piotr Cymbalista Ph.D.
Piotr Cymbalista, PhD
e-mail: cymbalis@ur.edu.pl
MA in English Studies: Jagiellonian University
PhD in Linguistics, with distinction: University of Rzeszów
Fields of study: historical semantics and pragmatics; cognitive linguistics
- Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2007. Steve and Eve Can Read Tealeaves, Peter. A Practical Primer to English Pronunciation. Lviv: Eurosvit.
- Kleparski, G.A., Cymbalista, P., Kiełtyka, R. and Pytel, K. (eds). 2009. In Medias Res. Vol.1/2009. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar International.
- Nowacka, M., Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2011. Sally Meets Harry. Practical Primer to English Spelling and Pronunciation. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR.
- Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2013. From Michel Bréal to Dirk Geeraerts. Towards the Main Issues in Diachronic Lexical Semantics. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSTE Jarosław.
- Cymbalista, P., Duda, B. and Kleparski, G.A. (eds). 2013. Galicia Studies in Language. With Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA.
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). Semantic Development of Selected Items in the Macro-Category of HOMO FABER in the English Language.
Book chapters and papers:
- Cymbalista, P., Kallaus, A., Kleparski, G.A. and Ossuchowska, D. 2001. ‘Introducing Studia Anglica Resoviensia – Regional English Studies Initiative of Region Oriented Countrymen with Supraregional Ambitions.’ [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2001, pp.7-17.
- Cymbalista, P. 2001. ‘Women, Fire and other Dangers to Businesses’ [in:] Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2001. Conference Proceedings. Łódź: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, pp.19-20.
- Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2002. ‘Teaching Vocabulary Inevitably Implies Teaching Pronunciation and Hence Elements of Phonetic Transcription.’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A. (ed.) The Twists and Turns of Vocabulary Teaching and Testing. Papers from the Second British Council Sponsored Symposium Held in Chełm in April 2002. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, pp.7-16.
- Cymbalista, P., Kleparski, G.A. and Konieczna, E. 2003. ‘“Lepiej późno, niż wcale”, czy raczej: “Jeśli późno, to już wcale’'? Kilka uwag na temat hipotezy okresu krytycznego i jej wpływu na proces nauczania języka.’ [in:] Gazeta Uczelniana (May 2003). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, pp.12-13.
- Cymbalista, P. 2003. ‘‘Translation and its Role in Raising the Awareness of Culture-Embedded Vocablulary.’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A. (ed.) The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University Level. Papers from the Third Chełm Symposium Held in April 2003. Chełm: NKJO-Chełm Publishers, pp.13-21.
- Cymbalista, P. 2003. ‘Untranslatability as Culture-Specific Phenomenon.’ [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2003, pp.21-31.
- Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2007. ‘A Cognitive Approach to Extralinguistic Motivation of Diachronic Semantic Change.’ [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia 4, pp.61-87.
- Cymbalista, P. and Kleparski, G.A. 2007. ‘Cognitive Mechanisms of Semantic Change.’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A., Kiełtyka, R. and Pikor-Niedziałek, M. (eds) Aspects of Semantic Transposition of Words. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, pp.7-28.
- Cymbalista, P. 2009. ‘Cleopatra wore a bracelet gay – how words change their meanings?’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A., Kiełtyka, R. and Więcławska-Szymańska, E. (eds) 2009 Mielec Anglistentag. Mielec, Rzeszów: NKJO Mielec/Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, pp.20-37.
- Cymbalista, P. 2009. ‘Do you know what you eat? The phenomenon of foodsemy.’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A., Cymbalista, P., Kiełtyka, R. and Pytel, K. (eds) In Medias Res. Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Litteris. Vol.1/2009. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar International, pp.9-29.
- Cymbalista, P. 2010. ‘Od pastucha do programisty, czyli kognitywne spojrzenie na polisemiczne perypetie kowboja.’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A. and Kiełtyka, R. (eds) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Kierunki Badawcze Filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ Jarosław, pp.69-79.
- Leskiv, A. and Cymbalista, P. 2010. ‘Językowe środki obrazowania ironicznego i satyrycznego w Opowieściach Kanterberyjskich Geoffreya Chaucera.’ [in:] Falkiewicz-Wille, L. and Malinowska, M. (eds) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Kierunki Badawcze Filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ Jarosław, pp.111-119.
- Cymbalista, P. 2011. ‘Eponymy – A Case for Metonymic Semantic Development?’ [in:] Körtvélyessy, L., Osuchowska, D. and Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA pp.19-29.
- Cymbalista, P. 2011. ‘The Case of Driver – Metaphor or Metonymy Driven Semantic Development?’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A. and Kiełtyka, R. (eds) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Kierunki Badawcze Filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSTE Jarosław, pp.61-75.
- Cymbalista, P. 2012. ‘Metonymy and Semantic Modification. The Phenomenon of Names of Professions and Occupations.’ [in:] B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek and Uberman, A. (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Chełm: TAWA, pp.9-25.
- Cymbalista, P. 2013. ‘Semantic Change in Occupational Names. Cognitive Mechanisms at Work.’ [in:] Cymbalista, P., Duda, B. and Kleparski, G.A. (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA, pp.8-18.
- Cymbalista, P. 2014. ‘Eponymy and Metonymy – the Phenomenon of Eponymous Semantic Modification’ [in:] Duda, B. and Kleparski, G.A. (eds) RSDS Top 20. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp.141-153.
- Cymbalista, P. 2014. ‘Foodsemy: The Phenomenon of Food Metaphor.’ [in:] Duda, B. and Kleparski, G.A. (eds) RSDS Top 20. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp.109-125.
- Cymbalista, P. 2014. ‘Meaning and Cognitive Motivation: Polish and English EMOTIONS Terms in the Limelight’ [in:] Wierzbicka, M. and Falkiewicz-Wille, L. (eds) In the Field of Contrastive and Applied Linguistics. Im Wirkungsfeld der kontrastiven und angewandten Linguistik. 4. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp.55-65.
- Cymbalista, P. 2014. ‘Review of The Rudiments of the History of English, by R. Kiełtyka and G.A. Kleparski, Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2013, ISBN: 978-83-7338-945-8’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A., Wesół, J. and Górecka-Smolińska, M. (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, pp.128-131.
- Cymbalista. P. 2014. ‘Semantics of Male-specific vs. Female-specific Occupational Names: the Case of Governor and Governess’ [in:] Kleparski, G.A. and Oliwa, R. (eds) Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Kierunki Badawcze Filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSTE Jarosław, pp. 15-27.
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Falsely Analogous Names of Professions and Occupations: A Case for a Depreciatvie Direction of Female-Specific Sense Development.’ [in:] Wesół, M. and Kleparski, G.A. (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore.
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Euphemisms – A Case of Taboo-Sensitive Circumstances Inspiring Semantic Evolution of Lexical Items’ [in:] Wierzbicka, M. and Falkiewicz-Wille, L. (eds) Indirect Language. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Cognitively Motivated Semantic Modifications. The Case of Professions and Occupations’
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Police in Popular Parlance: Politically Incorrect Periphrasis in Polish. A Pilot Probe.’
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Acid Sounds and Sour Faces – Some Thoughts on Synaesthetic Semantic Shifts.’
- Cymbalista, P. (forthcoming). ‘Galernik i galerianka, czyli o metaforyczno-metonimicznych meandrach zmiany semantycznej.’
Books translated from/into English:
- Budziński, T. 2001. In the Bodreland of Cultures. Wooden Sacral Architecture of the Podkarpacie Region. (Original title: Pogranicze Kultur. Drewniane budownictwo sakralne na Podkarpaciu.). Rzeszów: Libra Rzeszów Sp. z o.o.
- Adamska, B. et al. 2005. 70 Treasures of the Regional Musem in Rzeszów. (original title: 70 skarbów muzealnych). Rzeszów: MITEL and the Regional Museum in Rzeszów.
- Draus, J. 2005. The Land of Kolbuszowa. (original title: Ziemia Kolbuszowska). Rzeszów: Kięgarnia Akademicka Libra.
- Banach, W. 2009. Zdzisław Beksiński. Anthology of Works. Part 3 – Paintings – Fantasy Period. (original title: Zdzisław Beksiński. Antologia Twórczości. Cz. 3 – malarstwo – okres fantastyczny. Transl. by Kosior-Szwan, E. and Cymbalista, P.). Rzeszów: Fundacja Beksiński and the Historical Museum in Sanok.
- Motyka, K. and Chmura, A. 2009. Rzeszów. (original title: Rzeszów). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo LIBRA.
- O’Brien, M.D. 2009. Pamięć przyszłości. (original title: Remembrance of Future. Reflections on Our Times). Rzeszów: Fides et Traditio.
- Jarosińska, M. 2010. The Rzeszów of Old in the Photographs by Edward Janusz – Rzeszów in Galicia. (Original title: Rzeszów galicyjski w obiektywie Edwarda Janusza). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo LIBRA and the Regional Museum in Rzeszów..
- Stańkowski, M.A. 2010. Steel Giants. (Original title: Stalowe kolosy). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo LIBRA.
- Jarosińska, M. 2011. The Rzeszów of Old in the Photographs by Edward Janusz. Rzeszów Between the World Wars. (tytuł oryginału: Rzeszów międzywojenny w obiektywie zakładu „E. Janusz”). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo LIBRA and the Regional Museum in Rzeszów.
- Motylewicz, J. and Pyszkowski, A. 2011. Towns in South East Poland (tytuł oryginału: Miasta Podkarpacia). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo LIBRA.
Conference participation:
- Methods of Teaching the Literature and Culture of English-Speaking Countries at Language Teacher Training Colleges. Post-Graduate Teacher Training Centre in Czudec, May 2000. (presentation delivered);
- International Conference “Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2001”. University of Łódź, April 2001. (presentation delivered and published);
- The Twists and Turns of Vocabulary Teaching and Testing – Second British Council Sponsored Symposium. Teacher Training College in Chełm, April 2002. (presentation delivered and published);
- The Dos and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University Level. Teacher Training College in Chełm, April 2003. (presentation delivered and published);
- Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond: The First Rzeszów Anglistentag. University of Rzeszów, October 2007. (presentation delivered);
- Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas: The Second Anglistentag. University of Rzeszów, March 2009. (chair of a linguistics session);
- 2009 Mielec Anglistentag. Teacher Training College in Chełm, October 2009. (presentation delivered and published);
- I Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Kierunki Badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. PWSZ Jarosław, April 2010. (two presentations delivered and published);
- II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia literatury, kultury i języka. PWSTE Jarosław, March 2011. (presentation delivered and published);
- III Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia literatury, kultury i języka. International conference – PWSTE Jarosław, April 2014. (presentation delivered and published);
Lectures at foreign universities:
- Lexical Semantic Change – a Cognitive Account of the Phenomenon. Lectures at the University of Vigo, Spain (19–23 May, 2014);
Courses taught:
Academic Writing; English Contrastive Grammar; English Descriptive Grammar; Interpreting (currently); Linguistic Theories in the 20th Century; Morphology; Practical English (currently); Practical English Grammar; Practical English Phonetics; Practical English Stylistics; Semantics, Lexicology and Lexicography; Translation
Fields of interests: cognitive studies; English – its past and present; translation; British literature.