Prof. Pavol Štekauer Ph.D.
Curriculum Vitae
Pavol Štekauer: Záborské 421, 082 53 Petrovany, Slovakia
Place and Date of Brith: Prešov, Czechslovakia, 10 January, 1955
Faculty of Arts, UPJŠ, Prešov
1974-1979 English - German
PhDr. – 1981, Faculty of Arts, Prešov
CSc. – 1990, Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava
Habilitation– 1995, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Inauguration – 2002, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
Doctoral Dissertation – 2006, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava
Current position:
Professor in English Linguistics, Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts, P. J. Šafárik University, Kosice, Slovakia
Professor in English Linguistics, English Philology, Rzeszow, Poland
Professor at KRE University, Budapest, Hungary
Courses taught:
Introduction to English Linguistics
Lexical Semantics
Linguistic Typology and Universals
Bibliography, research and education activities
1. Monographs
a) Monographs published abroad
Štekauer, P., Valera, S., Körtvélyessy, L. 2012. Word-Formation in the World’s Languages. A Typological Survey. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Štekauer, P. 2005. Meaning Predictability in Word-Formation. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Štekauer, P. 2000. English Word-Formation. A History of Research (1960-1995). Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag.
Štekauer, P. 1998. An Onomasiological Theory of English Word-Formation. Amsterdam-Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Štekauer, P. 1996. A Theory of Conversion in English. Frankfurt-Paris-New York-Wien: Peter Lang Verlag.
b) Monographs published in Slovakia
Štekauer, P. a kol. 1997. Getting Beyond the Rules of Language. Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešovensis. Prešov.
c) Encyclopaedia
Štekauer, P. 1995. An Encyclopaedia of English Linguistics. Prešov: Slovacontact.
d) Lexicographic works
Štekauer, P. and Szymanek, B. 2002. A Bibliography of English Word-Formaton. 1960-2000. Prešov: Acta Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Prešovensis. Prešov. (50% podiel)
Štekauer, P. - Štekauerová, Ľ. 1997. Anglicko-slovenský a slovensko-anglický filozofický slovník. Prešov: Manacon. (50% podiel)
Štekauer, P. - Prčíková, M. 1987. Robotika - Robototechnika - Robototechnológia. Slovensko-anglicko-nemecko-ruský slovník. VUKOV Prešov. (Autor slovenskej, anglickej a nemeckej časti)
Štekauer, P. - Prčíková, M. 1983. Slovník PRaM. Slovensko-anglicko-nemecko-ruský slovník. Dom Techniky Košice. VUKOV Prešov. (Autor slovenskej, anglickej a nemeckej časti)
- Edited volumes
Bauer, L., Körtvélyessy, L., Štekauer, P. (eds.) 2015. Semantics of Complex Words. Dordrecht: Springer.
Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) 2014. The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Körtvélyessy, Lívia and Pavol Stekauer (eds.) 2011. Diminutives and Augmentatives in the Languages of the World. Lexis. E-Journal in English Lexicology.
Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) 2009. Oxford Handbook of Compounding. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Štekauer, P. – Tomaščíková, S. (eds.) 2006. Word-Formation Theories Workshop. Electronic Collection of Presentation Materials. Prešov: University of Prešov.
Štekauer, P. – Lieber, R. (eds.) 2005. Handbook of Word-Formation. Dordrecht: Springer.
3. Textbooks
Štekauer, P. – Kavka, S. 2006. Compounds and Compounding. Ostrava: Repronis.
Štekauer, P. – Kavka, S. (eds.) 2003. Rudiments of English Linguistics 2. Acta Facultatis Prešoviensis.
Štekauer, P. (ed.) 2000. Rudiments of English Linguistics. Prešov: Slovacontact.
Štekauer, P. 1993. Essentials of English Linguistics. Prešov: Slovacontact.
Štekauer, P. 1992. A Course in English Word-Formation. Košice: UPJŠ.
Articles published abroad
Štekauer,P. 2015. Word-formation in evaluative morphology.‘ In N. Grandi and L. Kortvelyessy (eds.) The Edinburgh Handbook of Evaluative Morphology. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 43-60.
Štekauer,P. 2015. ‘The delimitation of derivation and inflection.’ In: P.O., Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen, F. Rainer (eds.), Word-Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, 218-234.
Štekauer,P. 2015. ‘Backformation.’ In: P.O., Müller, I. Ohnheiser, S. Olsen, F. Rainer (eds.), Word-Formation. An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe, Mouton: Berlin, 340-351.
Bauer, L., Körtvélyessy, L., Štekauer, P. 2015. ‚Introduction.‘ In: Bauer, L., Körtvélyessy, L., Štekauer, P. (eds.), Semantics of Complex Words. Dordrecht: Springer, 1-8
Körtvélyessy, L., Štekauer, P. and Zimmermann, J. 2015. ‘Word-formation strategies: semantic transparency vs. formal economy.’ In L. Bauer, L. Körtvélyessy, and P. Štekauer, (eds.) 2015. Semantics of Complex Words. Dordrecht: Springer, 85-114.
Štekauer, P. 2015. ‘Making new words: Morphological derivation in English by R. M. W. Dixon (review)’. Language 91/2, 491-494.
Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. ‘Introduction’. In R. Lieber and P. Stekauer (eds.) 2014. The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-9.
Štekauer, P. 2014. ’Derivational paradigms.’ In: Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 354-369.
Körtvélyessy, L. and Štekauer, P. 2014. ’Derivation in a social context.’ In: Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 407-423.
Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. ‘Universals in Derivation’. In: R. Lieber and P. Stekauer (eds.) 2014. The Oxford Handbook of Derivational Morphology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 777-786.
Štekauer, P. 2012. Morphological types vs. word-formation: any correlations? In: E. Cyran, H. Kardela & B. Szymanek (eds), Sound structure and Sense. Studies in memory of Edmund Gusssmann. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL.
Štekauer, P., Ana Díaz-Negrillo, Salvador Valera. 2011. “Meaning predictability and conversion.” Folia Linguistica 45, 1, 165–197.
Štekauer, P. 2011. “On some issues of diminutives from a cross-linguistic perspective.” S. D. Schmid, P. Gévaudan, W. Mihatsch and W. Waltereit (eds.), Rahmen des Sprechens. Narr: Tubingen, 425-435.
Štekauer, P. 2010. “A Typology of Word-Formation Base Modifications in Prefixation and Suffixation.” In: M. Malá and P. Šaldová (eds.) A Festschrift for Libuše Dušková. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, 245-269.
Štekauer, P. 2009. “The supercategory of quantity: inflection vs. derivation: a crosslinguistic perspective.” In: G. Kleparski (ed.) Galicia -English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas, 105-114.
Štekauer, P. 2009. “Meaning predictability of novel, context-free compounds.” In: Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) Handbook of Compounding. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 272-297.
Lieber, R. and Štekauer, P. 2009. “Introduction.” In: Lieber, R. – Štekauer, P. (eds.) Handbook of Compounding. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-18.
Štekauer, P., Gregová, R., Kolaříková, Z., Körtvélyessy, L., Panócová, R. 2009. “On Phonetic Iconicity in Evaluative Morphology. Languages of Europe.” In: P. Štekauer, S. Tomaščíková, W. Witalisz (eds.), Culture, Language and Literature Across Border Regions. Krosno 2009, 123-133.
Štekauer, P. & Valera, S. 2008. “Noun Incorporation - A Cross-linguistic Research.” In: G. Kleparski (ed.) Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszow, 155-163.
Fernández,-Domínguez, J., Díaz-Negrillo, A., Štekauer, P. 2007. “How is Low Morphological Productivity Measured?” In: Atlantis – Revista de la Asociacion Espanola de Estudios Anglo-Norteamericanos, 29-54.
Štekauer P., Zimmermann J., Gregová R. 2007. “Stress in Compounds: An Experimental Research.” Acta Linguistica Hungarica, 193-215.
Štekauer, P. 2006. “On The Meaning Predictability of Novel Context-Free Converted Naming Units.” Linguistics 44/3, 489-539.
Štekauer, P. 2006. “Onomasiological Theory of Word-formation.” In: Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier, Vol. 9, 34-7.
Štekauer, P. 2006. “Ján Horecký.” In: Encyclopaedia of Language and Linguistics. Oxford: Elsevier, Vol. 5, 395-6.
Štekauer, P. 2005. “Onomasiological Approach to Word-formation.” In: P. Štekauer and R. Lieber (eds.), Handbook of Word-formation. Dordrecht: Springer.
Štekauer, P. 2005. “Compounding and Affixation: Any Difference?” In: W. Dressler, D. Kastovsky and F. Rainer (eds.), Proceedings of the Morphological Meeting. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 151-159.
Štekauer, P. 2005. “On the relation between productivity and meaning predictability.” In: A. Witalisz (ed.), Papers in Culture, Language and Literature 2. Prace Naukowe Panstwowej Wyzszej Szkoly Zawodowej w Krosnie. Zeszyt 12. Krosno.
Štekauer, P., Chapman, D., Tomaščíková, S., Franko, Š. 2005 “Word-formation As Creativity within Productivity Constraints. Sociolinguistic Evidence.” Onomasiology Online, 1-55.
Štekauer, P. 2004. “Review of Lipka 2002.” Linguistica Pragensia 1, 49-52.
Štekauer, P. 2003. “Morphological Productivity. Laurie Bauer; Cambridge University Press: Cambridge 2001.” Lingua 113/7, 697-701.
Štekauer, P. 2003. “On some issues of an onomasiological approach to productivity.” In: Ranam 36: ESSE 6 – Strasbourg 2002. 2 – Linguistics, 93-99.
Štekauer, P. 2002. “On the Theory of Neologisms and Nonce-formations.” Journal of Australian Linguistics, 22/1, 97-112.
Štekauer, P. 2001. “Beheading the Word? Please, Stop the Execution.” Folia Linguistica XXXIV/3-4, 333-355.
Štekauer, P. 2001. “V. Adams’ Complex Words in English.” Linguistics 39/6, 1171-1179.
Štekauer, P. 2001. “Dieter Kastovsky‘s Theory of Word-Formation.” Linguistica Pragensia 1, 1-15.
Štekauer, P. 2001. “Fundamental Principles of an Onomasiological Theory of English Word-Formation.” Onomasiology Online 2, 1-42.
Štekauer, P. 2001. “On Headedness in English Word-Formation (On some issues of head identification in word-formation structures)“. In: The 6th Conference of British, American, and Canadian Studies (Proceedings), Opava Part. Opava, 66-73.
Štekauer, P. Franko, Š., Slančová D., Liptáková Ľ., Sutherland-Smith, J. 2001. “A Comparative Research into the Transfer of Animal Names to Human Beings.” Views, 69-75.
Štekauer, P. 2000. „Edda Weigand (ed.) (1998). Contrastive Lexical Semantics. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.“ In: Logos and Language 2, 57-61.
Štekauer, P. 1999. “An Outline of an Onomasiological Theory of English Word-Formation.“ Brno Studies in English. Vol. 25, 75-98.
Štekauer, P. 1999. „K vymedzeniu rámca slovotvorby v anglickom jazyku.“ Časopis pro moderní filologii 81, č. 1, 1-10.
Štekauer, P. 1999. “Bracketing Paradoxes: Are There Any?” Linguistica Pragensia 1, 16-33.
Štekauer, P. 1999. “K teórii produktivity v anglickej slovotvorbe.“ Časopis pro moderní filologii 81, č. 2, 68-82
Štekauer, P. 1997. “On the semiotics of proper names and their conversion.“ AAA - Arbeiten aus Anglistik und Amerikanistik. Band 22, Heft 1, 27-36.
Štekauer, P. 1997. “On Some Issues of Blending in English Word-Formation.“ Linguistica Pragensia, No. 1, 26-35.
Štekauer, P. 1995. “On Some Issues of Back-Formation in English.“ Linguistica Pragensia No. 2, 81-88.
Štekauer, P. 1994. “On Productivity in Word-Formation.“ Linguistica Pragensia, No. 2, 67-82
Štekauer, P. 1994. “K problematike konverzie v anglickom jazyku.“ Časopis pro moderní filologii, 76, 1994, No. 2, 71-79.
Štekauer, P. 1992. “On Some Issues of Zero Morpheme in English.“ Linguistica Pragensia. No. 2, 73-87.
Abstract in proceedings
Körtvélyessy, L. and P. Štekauer. 2011. “Evaluative morphology.” Societas Linguistica Europea, 2011 – 44th Annual Meeting, Book of Abstracts, p. 371-372
Štekauer, P. 2008. “Conversion – a cross-linguistic research.” 13th Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 92.
Jesus Fernandes & Pavol Štekauer. 2008. “Productivity measurement of English root compounding.” 13th Morphology Meeting. Vienna, 32.
Štekauer, P. 2004. „Compounding and Affixation. Any difference?” 11th Iternational Morphology Meeting. Vienna,143.
Štekauer, P. 2000. “On Headedness in English Word-Formation.” Abstracts. Societas Linguistica Europaea 33rd Annual Meeting. Poznan, s. 78.
Štekauer, P. 1994. “On the predictability of new coinages.“ 4th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno, s. 29.
Štekauer, P., Sutherland-Smith, J., Franko, Š. 1994 “Research into Communicatiove Skills of University Students of English on the Basis of Conversion in English.“ 4th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies. Brno, s. 29-30.
Articles published in Slovakia
Štekauer, P. 2000. “K dvom medzníkom vo vývoji anglickej slovotvorby.“ Jazykovedný časopis 2, 114-124.
Štekauer, P. 2000. “Ako je to vlastne so ‘spätným tvorením slov v angličtine?” In Človek a jeho jazyk I. Jazyk ako fenomén kultúry. Ed. Klára Buzássyová. Bratislava: Veda, 367-374.
Štekauer, P., Franko, Š., Liptáková, Ľ., Slančová, D., Sutherland-Smith, J. 2000. “Komparatívny výskum prenosu zvieracích pomenovaní na ľudí.“ In: Človek a jeho jazyk I. Jazyk ako fenomén kultúry. Ed. Klára Buzássyová. Bratislava: Veda, 52-68.
Štekauer, P. 2000. Word-Formation. In: Štekauer, P. (ed.) Rudiments of English Linguistics. Prešov: Slovacontact, 101-139.
Štekauer, P. 1998. “Exocentric Compounds: Are There Any?“ In Studia Philologica. Annus VI. Acta Facultatis Studiorum Humanitatis et Naturae Universitatis Prešoviensis, 36-43
Štekauer, P. 1996. “On the word-formation status of naming units with particles.“ Studia Philologica. Annus III. Acta Facultatis Pedagogicae Universitatis Šafarikanae, 78-82.
Štekauer, P. 1994. “Hapax Legomena and Word-Formation.“ ASA Journal, No. 1, 6-9.
Štekauer, P. 1993. “Súbor kritérií pre vymedzenie kompozít v anglickom jazyku.“ Studia Pholologica. Acta Facultatis Paedagogicae Universitatis Šafarikanae. Volúmen 3, Annus I. Prešov, 79-92.
Štekauer, P., Sutherland-Smith, J., Franko, Š. 1993. “The research into communicative skills of university students of English on the basis of conversion in English.“ In: Jazykové a rečové kontakty z aspektu cudzojazyčnej jazykovej výučby. Jazykovedný zborník 10. Literárnovedný zborník 9. Acta facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Šafarikanae, 274-290.
Translations - books
Leško, V. Philosophy of the History of Philosophy II. 2011. From the original „Filozofia dejín filozofie“.
Leško, V. Philosophy of the History of Philosophy. 2003. From the original „Filozofia dejín filozofie“.
Skolimovsky, H. Živá filozofia – filozofia ako strom života. Prešov: Slovacontact (1999). From the original “Living Philosophy – Philosophy As a Tree of Life”.
Rawls, J. Politický liberalizmus. Prešov: Slovacontact (1997). From the original “Political Liberalism”.
Šmajs, J. Culture Against Nature. Dobromysl (1996). From the original “Kultura proti přírodě”.
- Revolution, evolution and endurance in the English language and anglophone literature and culture. Rzeszow, Poland, 2015
- Various Dimensions of Contrastive Studies. Szczyrk, Poland, 2015 – Invited plenary talk
- Consecutivity and simultaneity in linguistics, languages and speech , Strasbourgh, France, 2015
- MMM 10, Haifa Israel, 2015
- 26th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, Aalborg, Denmark: Semantic transparency vs., formal econom y in word-formation.
- Word-formation theories II/ Typology and universals III. Kosice 2015.
- Linguistics Beyond and Within, Lublin, Poland, November 2014. – Invited plenary talk
- ESSE conference, Kosice 2014.
- International Conference of Graduate Students in Linguistics. Patras, May 2014. Invited plenary talk.
- Word-formation conference. Bern, Switzerland, June 2014. Invited plenary talk.
- International Congress of Linguists. Workshop on the Semantics of Compounding. Geneva, Switzerland, July 2013. Invited speaker.
- Linguistics Beyond and Within, Lublin, November 2013.
- New Territories in Word-formation, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013. Invited plenary speech
- Particle Verbs and Beyond: A Minisymposium on Morphology. Groningen, the Netherlands, June 2013. Invited speaker.
- Interfaces in English Linguistics, Budapest, 2012
- Typology and Universals in Word-Formation, Košice 2012, main organizer
- SLE Conference, Logrono, Spain, 2011, workshop convenor, “Evaluative morphology
- 3rd Vienna Workshop on Affix Ordering. 2011. Plenary lecture
- IAUPE conference, Malta, 2010
- SLE conference, Lisbon, Portugal – 2009. Workshop convenor: “Recursiveness in Word-formation
- Universals and Typology in Word-formation, Košice, 2009, main organizer
- The Second Rzeszów Anglistentag, Rszeszow, Poland, 2009.
- Morphological Meeting Vienna 2008 2x (with Jesus Fernandes)
- IAUPE conference, Lund, Sweden. 2007
- Prague School and Theories of Structure. Prague, Czech Republic. 2007.
- The First Rzeszów Anglistentag, Rszeszow, Poland, 2007.
- Tarnow conference, Tarnow, Poland 2007.
- Konferencia ESSE 8, London, V. Británia 2006 – Workshop convenor “Interpretation of Novel Words”
- Morphology Meeting, Budapest 2006.
- Morphology Meeting, Vienna 2004.
- Konferencia SLI, L’Aquilla, Taliansko 2003.
- Konferencia ESSE V, Strasbourg, Francúzsko 2002 – Workshop convenor “Morphological Productivity”
- Seminár o konverzii, Budapešť 2002.
- Naturalness and Markedness in Synchrony and Diachrony, Societas Linguistica Europea, Poznaň, Poľsko, 2000.
- Česko-slovenská konferencia anglistov, Opava, Czech Republic, 2000.
- ESSE (European Society for the Study of English) III Debrecen, Hungary, 1997.
- 5th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, Czech Republic,1996.
- ESSE II Glasgow, UK, 1995.
- 4th Conference of English, American and Canadian Studies, Brno, Czech Republic, 1994.
- 3rd Conference of English and American Studies, September, Brno, Czech Republic, 1992.
b) In Slovakia
- Universals and Typology in Word Formation, Kosice, Slovakia, 2009
- Word-Formation Theories Conference. Prešov, 2005.
- Lexikálna sémantika a derivatológia, Prešov, 2000
- Jazyk a kultúra, Smolenice, 2000
- Forma a význam, Prešov, 1999
- ASA Conference, Bratislava, 1995
- ASA Conference Ružomberok, 1994
- ASA Conference Smolenice, 1993
7. Editorial work
Editor-in-chief of the SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. []
Word Structure (Edinburgh, UKs - Member of the editorial board
Journal of Advanced Linguistics Studies (JALS) (India) – member of the Advisory Board (since 2012)
EJES - Member of the editorial board
Prague Journal of English Studies – member of the Advisory Board (since 2012)
Explorations in English Language and Linguistics - Member of the advisory board (since 2013)
Archivio Glottologico Italiano - Member of the editorial board
Zeitschrift für Wortbildung/Journal of Word-formation - Member of the editorial board
Concordia Discors vs Discordia Concors: Researches into Comparative Literature, Contrastive Linguistics, Translation and Cross-Cultural Strategies – Member of the Advisory Board
Research and study stays abroad, lectures abroad
University of Valencia, Spain, 2015
Groningen University, the Netherlands, 2013
Nijmegen University, the Netherlands, 2012, invited lecture
Michele Montaigne University, Bordeaux 2012
Palma de Mallorca University, 2012,
Szeged, Hungary, 2012
Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 2011
Max-Planck-Institut, Leipzig, Germany, 2010 – invited lecture
Amsterdam University, the Netherlands, 2009
Regensburg, Germany – visiting professor , 2007
Jaen University, Spain, 2005
Tubingen University, Germany, 2004
Jaen University, Spain, 2003
Göteborg University, Sweden, 2003
Uppsala University, Sweden, 2003
Institute of Linguistics, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands - 2002
Rzeszow University, Poland – 2001
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Vienna, Austria, 2001
Ostrava University, Czech Republic - 2000
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, University of Vienna, Rakúsko – 2000
King‘s College, London, UK, 1995
King‘s College, Londýn, UK - 1991
Other activities:
- Founder of the Department of British and American Studies, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia. Its head in 2006 and 2007.
- Chairman of the habilitation and inauguration commission at P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia, in the field of British and American Studies.
- Chairman of the PhD Commission at P. J. Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia, in the field of British and American Studies.
- Supervisor of PhD students in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Spain.