Robert Kiełtyka Ph.D.
Academic achievements
Robert Kiełtyka
Present position and title: Associate professor, dr hab.
Dates |
University |
Degree |
Field of specialization |
November 2014 |
Pavol J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia Philosophical Faculty |
Post-doctoral degree – dr hab. |
English linguistics (Habilitationsschrift: On Various Faces and Facets of Animal Metaphor in English and Polish defended in September 2014) |
June 2007 |
University of Rzeszów, Poland Philological Faculty |
Doctor’s degree with distinction |
English linguistics (Doctoral dissertation: Towards a Historical Account of English Zoosemy: The Case of Middle English and Early Modern English DOMESTICATED ANIMALS defended in June 2007) |
June 2001 |
Catholic University of Lublin, Poland English Department |
Master’s degree |
English linguistics (Master’s thesis: Vocalic Length in Selected Languages defended in June 2001) |
June 1998 |
Higher Pedagogical University in Rzeszów, Poland |
BA degree |
English Lingusitics (BA thesis: Aitken’s Law: The Scottish Vowel Length Rule defended in June 1998) |
Areas of research: historical linguistics; cognitive linguistics; morphology-semantics borderline
1) Kiełtyka, R. (2008) On Zoosemy: The Study of Middle English and Early Modern English DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
2) Kiełtyka, R., G.A. Kleparski (2013) The Rudiments of the History of English. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
3) Kiełtyka, R. (2016) On Various Faces and Facets of Animal Metaphor in English and Polish. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Edited volumes:
1) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka and M. Pikor-Niedziałek (eds) (2007) Aspects of Semantic Transposition of Words. Chełm: TAWA.
2) Kiełtyka, R., D. Osuchowska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (eds) (2008) Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
3) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka, P. Cymbalista, K. Pytel (eds) (2009) In Medias Res: Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Letteris. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar International.
4) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka, E. Więcławska-Szymańska (eds) (2009) Galicia Teachings in Linguistics. Mielec: NKJO w Mielcu, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.
5) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka (eds) (2010) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Kierunki Badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Jarosławiu.
6) Kleparski, G.A., R. Kiełtyka (eds) (2011) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Peryferia literatury, języka i kultury. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSTE w Jarosławiu.
Editor of a publishing series:
Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (
1) Kiełtyka, R. and G.A. Kleparski (2003) ‘The role of teaching phonology at the college/university level’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University level. Chełm: NKJO-Chełm Publishers, pp. 38-44.
2) Kiełtyka, R. (2003) ‘Aitken’s Law: Some aspects of Scottish vowel lengthening’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 2, pp. 42-54.
3) Kiełtyka, R. and G. A. Kleparski (2005) ‘The scope of English zoosemy: The case of DOMESTICATED ANIMALS’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 3, pp. 76-87.
4) Kiełtyka, R. (2005) ‘The axiological-cognitive analysis of the evaluative developments in the domain of EQUIDAE: A pilot study’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 3, pp. 59-75.
5) Kiełtyka, R. (2005) ‘Zoosemic terms denoting FEMALE HUMAN BEINGS: Semantic derogation of women revisited’ [in:] Studia Anglica Posnaniensia 41, pp. 167-186.
6) Kiełtyka, R. and G.A. Kleparski (2005) ‘The ups and downs of the Great Chain of Being: The case of canine zoosemy in the history of English’ [in:] SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics 2, pp. 22-41.
7) Kiełtyka, R. and G.A. Kleparski (2007) ‘On cognitively motivated semantic change:
The case of Middle English and Early Modern English canine zoosemy” [in:] P. Stalmaszczyk, I. Witczak-Plisiecka (eds) PASE Studies in Linguistics. Łódź: Łódź University Press, pp. 107-120.
8) Kiełtyka, R. (2007) ‘Metafora kiedyś i dzisiaj’ [in:] E. Komorowska, A. Krzanowska (eds) Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze VIII. Językoznawstwo: leksykologia, frazeologia. Szczecin: Print Group, pp. 141-148.
9) Kiełtyka, R. and G.A. Kleparski (2007) ‘On Indo-European nature of Non-Indo-European metaphor: The case of Chinese zoosemy’. Studia Anglica Resoviensia 4, pp. 88-99.
10) Kiełtyka, R. (2007) ‘Dark horses, fat cats and lucky dogs: A synthetic view of English zoosemy’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek (ed.) Aspects of Semantic Transposition of Words, Chełm: TAWA, pp. 43-55.
11) Kiełtyka, R. (2008) ‘Cognitive theory of metaphor: Past achievements, modern terminology?’ [in:] R. Kiełtyka, D. Osuchowska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (eds) English Studies in the 3rd Millenium and Beyond. Festschrift for Grzegorz A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday, Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 92-97.
12) Kiełtyka, R. (2008) ‘Axiological bias in semantics’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 5, pp. 36-44.
13) Kiełtyka, R. (2008) ‘Towards cognitive and morphological conditioning of zoosemic developments’ [in:] M. Charzyńska-Wójcik, A. Malicka-Kleparska, J. Wójcik (eds) Language Encounters. Lublin: Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL, pp. 155-166.
14) Kiełtyka, R. (2008) ‘O morfologicznie motywowanej zmianie semantycznej’ [in:] D. Dziadosz, E. Komorowska (eds) Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze. Szczecin: Print Group, pp. 100-105.
15) Kiełtyka, R. (2009) ‘A panchronic account of canine verbal zoosemy’ [in:] M. Górecka-Smolińska, G. A. Kleparski, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska (eds) Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA, pp. 25-36.
16) Kiełtyka, R. (2009) ‘On morphology-semantics interface’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski, E. Rokosz-Piejko, A. Uberman (eds) Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, pp. 51-59.
17) Kiełtyka, R. (2009) ‘Zoosemy as a ubiquitous cognitive mechanism’, [in:] G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, P. Cymbalista, K. Pytel (eds In Medias Res. Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Litteris. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar International, pp. 41-56.
18) Kiełtyka, R. (2009) ‘Panchroniczny aspekt zmian znaczeniowych’ [in:] E. Komorowska, Ż. Kozicka-Borysowska (eds) Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze. Szczecin:, pp. 72-80.
19) Kiełtyka, R. (2009) ‘A linguistic picture of HORSE in English, Polish and German’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka, E. Więcławska-Szymańska (eds) 2009 Mielec Anglistentag: Linguistics in Focus, Mielec: NKJO w Mielcu, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 38-58.
20) Kiełtyka, R. (2010) ‘Zoosemy at work: The conceptual dimension PROFESSION/SOCIAL FUNCTION in focus’ [in:] E. Komorowska, D. Stanulewicz (eds) Język, kultura i świat roślin. Szczecin:, pp. 141-150.
21) Kiełtyka, R. (2010) ‘Na pograniczu morfologii i semantyki’ [in:] G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka (eds) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Kierunki badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSZ w Jarosławiu, pp. 117-125.
22) Kiełtyka, R., G.A. Kleparski (2010) ‘In search for the conceptual territoriality of zoosemy in a natural language’ [in:] E. Komorowska (ed.) W kręgu koloru, przestrzeni i czasu. Szczecin:, pp. 153-169.
23) Kiełtyka, R. (2010) ‘Selected aspects of zoosemy: The conceptual dimension ORIGIN/SOCIAL STATUS at work’. Philologia Hispalensis 24,, pp. 167-189.
24) Kiełtyka, R. (2010) ‘A panchronic account of equine verbal zoosemy’ [in:] SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [online], vol. 7, no. 3., pp. 53-63.
25) Kiełtyka, R. (2011) ‘Lucky pigs and (un)wise owls: on the polarisation of the conceptual dimension BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER [in:] G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka (eds) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Peryferia literatury, języka i kultury. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo PWSTE w Jarosławiu, pp. 145-158.
26) Kiełtyka, R. (2011) ‘O kategoryzacji zoosemii czasownikowej’, [in:] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Glottodydaktyka 3, pp. 82-89.
27) Kiełtyka, R. (2011) Review of Szymanek, B. (2010) A Panorama of Polish Word-Formation. Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, [in:] SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics [online], 2011, vol. 8, no. 1,, pp.70-73.
28) Kiełtyka, R. (2013) ‘Sniff danger and wietrzyć podstęp: On the categorization of verbal zoosemy’, [in:] Jacek Fisiak & Magdalena Bator (eds). Historical English Word-Formation and Semantics. Frankfurt a/M., New York: Peter Lang, pp. 323-338.
29) Kiełtyka, R., G.A. Kleparski (2013) ‘The conceptual dimension SEXUALITY as a typical facet of zoosemy’, [in:] Ostrava Journal of English Philology vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 17-32.
30) Kiełtyka, R. (2013) ‘ON POLISH METONYMY-CONDITIONED ZOOSEMY AND ITS UKRAINIAN AND RUSSIAN COUNTERPARTS’, [in:] Naukovyj Visnyk 192/1, pp. 218-225.
31) Kiełtyka, R. (2014) ‘The problem of new types and areas of semantic change: Continued’, [in:] G.A. Kleparski, E. Konieczna, B. Kopecka (eds) The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture Volume 1 Linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, pp. 52-64.
32) Kiełtyka, R. (2014) ‘Zoosemic shifts in Polish’, [in:] Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Seria Filologiczna. Glottodydaktyka 6, pp. 39-50.
33) Kiełtyka, R. (2015) ‘The theory of the Great Chain of Being (GCB) revisited: The case of GCB-level-conditioned animal terms’, [in:] SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics. Electronic on-line journal., pp. 313-330.
34) Kiełtyka, R. (2015) ‘On the nominating function of zoosemy: The case of animal names used as human surnames’, [in:] G.A. Kleparski, J. Wesół, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska (eds) Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA, pp. 53-65.
35) Kiełtyka, R. (2015) ‘On metaphorical meanderings of animal vocabulary, [in:] E. Dźwierzyńska and D. Chudyk (eds), Z badań nad językami europejskimi w aspekcie synchronicznym i diachronicznym. Księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesor Zofii Czapidze, Szczecin: "Volumina", ISBN: 978-83-7867-319-4, pp. 140-149.
36) Kiełtyka, R. (in press) ‘Zoosemy as a type of metaphor: A historical sketch’. Newscastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars.
37) Kiełtyka, R. (in press) ‘Verbal zoosemy revisited’ [in:] R. Kiełtyka and A. Uberman (eds), Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
Conference participation:
1) The Do’s and Don’ts of Teaching English at the College/University level. Chełm, April 2003. Paper: ‘The role of teaching phonology at the college/university level’.
2) 14th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English. Łódź, 4-7 April 2005. Paper: ‘On cognitively motivated semantic change: The case of Middle English and Early Modern English canine zoosemy’.
3) 15th Annual Conference of the Polish Association for the Study of English. Puławy, April 2006. Paper: ‘Towards cognitive and morphological conditioning of zoosemic developments’.
4) Kongres Młodych Naukowców: Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze. Pobierowo, May 2007. Paper: ‘Metafora kiedyś i dzisiaj’.
5) First Rzeszów Anglistentag: English Studies in the 3rd Millenium and Beyond. Rzeszów, October 2007. Paper: ‘Cognitive theory of metaphor: Past achievements, modern terminology?’
6) Kongres Młodych Naukowców: Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze. Pobierowo, April 2008. Paper: ‘O morfologicznie motywowanej zmianie semantycznej’.
7) Second Anglistentag in Rzeszów: GALICIA ENGLISH TEACHINGS: OLD PITFALLS, CHANGING ATTITUDES AND NEW VISTAS. Rzeszów, March 2009. Paper: ‘On morphology-semantics interface’.
8) Kongres Młodych Naukowców: Świat Słowian w języku i kulturze. Pobierowo, April 2009. Paper: ‘Panchroniczny aspekt zmian znaczeniowych’.
9) 2009 Mielec Anglistentag. Mielec, October 2009. Paper: ‘A linguistic picture of HORSE in English, Polish and German’.
10) Ropczyce Anglistentag, Ropczyce, December 2009. Paper: ‘On cross-cultural zoosemy’
11) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Kierunki Badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław, April 2010. Paper: ‘Na pograniczu morfologii i semantyki’.
12) 16th International Conference on English Historical Linguistics. Pécs, Hungary, August 2010. Paper: ‘English verbal zoosemy from a panchronic perspective’.
13) Podkarpackie forum filologiczne: Peryferia literatury, kultury i języka. Jarosław, March 2011. Paper: ‘Lucky pigs and (un)wise owls: On the crosslinguistic polarization of the conceptual dimension BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER’.
14) Historical English Word-Formation and Semantics. Warszawa, 10-11 December 2011. Paper: ‘Sniff danger and wietrzyć podstęp: On the categorization of verbal zoosemy’.
15) Language and Representation: A Polish-Irish Seminar. Dublin, Ireland, April 2012. Paper: ‘The Polarization of the Conceptual Dimension BEHAVIOUR/CHARACTER’
16) Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar.
Dublin, Ireland, April 2012. Paper: ‘SOME ASPECTS OF ZOOSEMY: the CROSSLINGUISTIC polarisation of ANIMAL TERMS’
17) Universals and Typology in Word-Formation. Kosice, Slovakia, August 2012. Paper: ‘On universality and typology of zoosemy’
18) 3rd Rzeszów Anglistentag, 22-23 April, 2013. Paper: ‘The problem of new types and areas of semantic change: Continued’
19) Theory and Methodology of Professional Education: Realities and Prospects of 21st Century, 30-31 October, 2013, Kiev, Ukraine. Paper: ‘ON POLISH METONYMY-CONDITIONED ZOOSEMY AND ITS UKRAINIAN COUNTERPART’
20) Biennial Conference on the Diachrony of English, Troyes, France, 6-8 July, 2015. Paper: ‘ZOOSEMY AS A TYPE OF METAPHOR: A HISTORICAL SKETCH’.
21) Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture, 12-13 November, 2015, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski. Referat: ‘Verbal zoosemy revisited’
Lectures delivered abroad:
P.J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, 17-21 October 2011
Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, 23-27 April 2012
Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 23-27 April 2012
P.J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, 14-18 October 2013
Citations in the works published by:
Peter Lang Verlag
Oxford University Press
SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics
Western Michigan University Press
Circulo de Linguistics Aplicada a la Comunicacion
Inozemna Philologia
Studies in Variation, Contacts and Change in English
Bibliography of Publications using HTE materials
Studia Anglica Posnaniensia
Project participation/Study visits:
1) Project participation: European Civil Protection Exercise EU Carpathex 2011 in response to CBRN incidents. Rzeszów, September 2011. (Grant nr: 070401/2010/580455/SUB/C4)
2) A study visit in Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, April 2012. (Grant: Budowa potencjału dydaktycznego Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego na poziomie europejskim)
3) Project participation: Successful, Friendly and Modern Education: The
Development of Managerial and Teaching Staff Competence in Educational Institutions of the Subcarpathia (Grant cofinanced from European Union Funds, CPV: 80580000-3), Rzeszów, 1st October 2011 – 26th March 2013
Conference organisation:
1st Rzeszów Anglistentag, Rzeszów, October 2007
Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne, Jarosław, April 2010
Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne, Jarosław, March 2011
Edukacja wielokulturowa. Wyzwania – Dylematy – Efekty, Jarosław, April 2013
1) University of Rzeszow Rector’s award for PhD with distinction, 2008
2) Teacher Training College Director’s award, 2009
3) Teacher Training College Director’s award, 2010
Membership in Organisations:
Member of Polish Association for the Study of English (PASE), 2005-
Member of International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA), 2012-
Member of Slovak Association for the Study of English (SKASE), 2014-
Membership in Advisory/Editorial Boards:
Member of Editorial Board of In Medias Res. Studia Resoviensia in Lingua et Litteris, 2009-
Member of Advisory Board of SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, 2010-
Member of Editorial Board of Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne, 2010-
Member of Advisory Board of Token: A Journal of English Linguistics, 2013-
Member of Editorial Board of Studia Anglica Resoviensia, 2014-
Organisational functions:
Assistant to the Editor of STUDIA ANGLICA RESOVIENSIA, 2008
Head of the English speciality in Teacher Training College in Nisko, 2007-2010
Academic supervisor in Teacher Training College in Dębica appointed by University of Rzeszow, 2008-
Co-editor of Podkarpacke Forum Filologiczne, 2010-
Member of the Institute of English Studies Academic Board (University of Rzeszow), 2009-
Member of the Philological Faculty Academic Board (University of Rzeszow), 2012-
Deputy Head, Institute of English Studies, (University of Rzeszow), 2012-2014
PhD reviews:
Mgr Jacek Rachfał, The Language of Architecture: in English and in Polish, supervisor Prof. Pius ten Hacken, P.J. Safarik University in Kosice, Slovakia, May 2013
Publishing reviews:
Review of Chruszczewski, P. (ed.) (2015) Antropologia komunikacji. Od Starożytności do współczesności. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.