Institute of English Studies
Al. mjr. W. Kopisto 2 B
35-315 Rzeszów
tel. +48 17 872 12 14
tel/fax +48 17 872 12 88
About the Institute
The Chair of English Philology was founded in 1995. In the 2000/2001 academic year the Chair was transformed into the Institute of English Studies.
The Institute is divided into five distinct Sections, which broadly reflect the areas of academic research of the staff
- the Section of Applied Linguistics
- the Section of Theoretical Linguistics and history of the language
- the Section of Literary and Culture Studies
- the Section of Translation Studies
- the Section of Specialized Languages
The Institute offers undergraduate and postgraduate studies:
- a three-year BA course for regular and extramural students offering two specializations: The Theories and Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language or Translation Studies
- a two-year MA course for regular and extramural students offering two specializations: The Theories and Methods of Teaching English as a Foreign Language or Translation Studies
- postgraduated studies
Since 2000 the Institute has been publishing a journal Studia Anglica Resoviensia, since 2005 available only in an electronic version.
Partners of Academic Co-operation:
- national: Uniwersity of Wrocław, University of Łódź; Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, UMCS in Lublin;
within Erasmus:
- Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk (Belgium)
- Universita Degli Studi di Lecce (Italy)
- University of Oradea (Romania)
- West University of Timisoara ( Romania)
- Universidad de Castilla La-Mancha (Spain)
- University in Vigo (Spain)
- Prešov University (Slovakia)
- University of Ostrava (Czech Republic)
- Comenius University, Bratislava (Slovakia)
- J.P. Šafárik University, Košice (Slovakia)
- Goce Delcev University (Macedonia)
- Ventspills University College, Windawa (Łotwa)
- University of Zadar (Croatia)
- cooperation within individual research projects with representatives of individual universities: Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, University of Leuven (Belgium), University of Wurzburg (Germany), Australian National University (Canberra), University of Comenius (Bratislava), University of Prešov (Slovakia), J.P. Šafárik University in Košice (Slovakia), University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia), Universidade de Brasilia (Brazil), University of Latvia in Riga (Latvia).
within Erasmus:
Head of the Institute
Prof. Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko
Director of the Institute of English Studies
Beata Kopecka Ph.D.
Deputy Head responsible for administrative work
Bożena Duda Ph.D.
Deputy Head responsible for didactics
Agnieszka Szczepańska-Pączek MA
Academic Staff
Prof. Grzegorz A. Kleparski Ph.D.
Prof. Oksana Weretiuk Ph.D.
Prof. Lucyna Falkiewicz-Wille Ph.D.
Prof. Marcin Grygiel Ph.D.
dr hab. Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko
The Institute employs 22 persons with doctoral degrees, 1 assistant and 2 lecturers from Great Britain.
Fields of Academic Research:
- Theoretical and applied linguistics: lexicology, lexical and historical semantics, pragmatics, lexicography, grammaticography, derivational and lexical morphology, methodology of English language teaching;
- Literary studies: theory of literature, history of English and American literature, audiovisual adaptations of literary texts
- Culture and history of the English-speaking countries;
- Theory of literary and specialised translation, and text analysis from the perspective of translation
- Specialist languages: business language, law language, aviation language, use of cognitive linguistic methodology in specialist language studies and professional discourses
Trips abroad under the Erasmus Programme:
Account number of the Institute of English Studies
Wydział Filologiczny Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
Podkarpacki Bank Spółdzielczy
64 8642 1126 2012 1119 9353 0004