Department of Financial Markets and Public Finance
- The Department of Financial Markets and Public Finance was founded on October 1, 2018 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Rzeszów. Professor Ryszard Kata serves as the Head of the Department. Currently there are 6 academics employed in the Department: 2 professors, 3 assistant professors and 1 assistant.
- The Department focuses on didactical activity in the field of Economics, a well-known study course on educational service market in Podkarpackie Province and the field of Finance and Accounting, the latest offer of the Faculty of Economics.
- The Department’s academics perform their scientific research activities within broadly comprehended finance.
Academic Staff
- Professor Ryszard Kata, PhD, DSc, Head of Department of Financial Markets and Public Finance
- Professor Antoni Magdoń , PhD, DSc
- Krzysztof Nowak, PhD
- Tomasz Potocki, PhD
- Bogusława Sebastianka, PhD
- Magdalena Suraj, MSc
Scientific research activities
Scientific research dealt with by the Department’s academics focuses mainly on the issues related to the links between financial markets, financial institutions and a real social and economic sphere, as well as the outcome assessment in terms of the financial bonds on micro, macroeconomic and sector levels.
Detailed research areas explored by the academics in the Department of Financial Markets:
- Institutional determinants of cooperative banking sector’s functioning and its significance for local and regional development.
- Significance of banking services and financial innovations for the development of SME’s and start-ups’ sectors in Poland.
- The issue of financial economy and financial constraints of low-income households
- Transmission channels of economic situation fluctuations between real-estate market and banking sector in Poland
- Social and economic aspects of consumer bankruptcy in Poland and from international perspective
- Corporate financial standing in the light of bankruptcy risk
- Stability of public finance sector and state financial stability
Courses taught
The Department of Financial Markets and Public Finance provides courses for the first and second cycle of studies within the areas of Finance and Accounting as well as Economics at the Faculty of Economics. Currently the offer encompasses the below courses according to proper study plans:-
in Polish
- Banking
- Central Banking
- Financial Consulting
- Finance
- Finance of public sector entities
- International Finance
- Non-Profit Organisation Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Public Finance
- Public Finance and Financial Markets
- Financing Social Health Insurance
- Methods of Economic Study – research project
- Fundamentals of Service Enterprise
- Bank Accounting and Finance
- Capital and Financial Market
- Securities Market
- Financial Risk and Investment Counselling
- Risk in Business Operations
- Risk in Public Sector
- Tax System
- Tax System and Insurance
- Social Insurance System
- Social and Business Insurance
- Financial Services
In English
- Financial Markets and Investment Strategy
- Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility