Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations
Head of the Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations
Prof. PhD Boguslaw Ślusarczyk
Number of employees: 7 people
University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Economics Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations ul. Ćwiklińskiej 2 35-601 Rzeszow Poland e-mail:
MSc Natalia Kłos Phone +48 17 872 17 17 Fax. +48 17 872 17 18 e-mail: of Department
Department of Theory of Economics was established in 2002. In 2007, its research program had been continued had been continued by Department of Theory of Economics and International Relations. The fledgling Department has also gained new workers previously employed in the Department of Regional Economics. In 2014, the Council of the Faculty of Economics has decided to split the Department of Economic Theory and International Relations into two units: Department of Microeconomics and Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations.Research and Scientific Activity
Scientists in Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations – apart from individual scientific research- are undertaking one of main research trends at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Rzeszow, which is focused on the problems of competitiveness and innovativeness of the globalizing economy and its impact on sustainability, sustainable socio-economic development. The significance of those matters is related to the fact that current civilization has reached a level of prosperity, which is only possible with providing effective level of management. In this last aspect, the issues of “economic efficiency versus mismanagement", quality, competitiveness and innovation, became meaningful. Therefore the concept of a long-term, sustainable socio-economic development, which assume the conscious creation of relationships between economic growth, environmental care and quality of human life, is now extensively used. Aktywność naukowo-badawcza Pracownicy Katedry Makroekonomii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych – poza indywidualną pracą naukową – realizują jeden z wiodących nurtów badań na Wydziale Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego koncentrujący się wokół problematyki konkurencyjności i innowacyjności globalizującej się gospodarki oraz jej wpływu na zrównoważony, trwały rozwój społeczno-gospodarczy. Istotność tej tematyki jest związana z faktem, że współczesna cywilizacja osiągnęła poziom dobrobytu, który jest możliwy do utrzymania, tylko pod warunkiem efektywnego poziomu gospodarowania. W tym ostatnim aspekcie znaczenia nabiera zwłaszcza problematyka „gospodarności versus niegospodarności”, jakości oraz konkurencyjności i innowacyjności. Stąd też szerokie zastosowanie ma obecnie koncepcja zrównoważonego, trwałego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego, zakładająca świadome kształtowanie relacji pomiędzy wzrostem gospodarczym, dbałością o środowisko oraz jakością życia człowieka.The general area of research activity in our Department gives a chance to realize the individual and team research work, in particular including topics such as:
- the micro- and macroeconomic competitiveness after Polish accession to the EU and in the light of the ongoing changes in the global economy;
- sustainable development of rural areas;
- monetary policy and financial stability;
- institutional support of the long-term, sustainable socio-economic development processes ;
- socio-economic determinants of the household functioning, in the context of achieving long-term, sustainable development;
- graduates career capital in the context of professional start and migration processes;
- significance of foreign direct investment in regions and countries economic development.
Cooperation with the environment
Cooperation with the external environment is focused on the research support in the field of innovation and competitiveness and also developing forecasts of foreign trade and foreign direct investment in regional terms, analyzing the implementation of innovations and improving the competitiveness of the business entities in the micro, meso and macro levels.Cooperation with institutions
Provincial Labor Office in Rzeszow:
- co-organization of the First International Scientific Conference "The imperfections of contemporary labor market" - May 13, 2016;
- preparation of a cooperation agreement with the Faculty of Economics of University of Rzeszow and Provincial Labor Office in Rzeszow;
- department employees participation in the organization and coordination of the course of extracurricular student practices (practices are implemented on the basis of Ordinance No. 142/2013 Rector of the University of Rzeszow);
- research coordination, involving the preparation of thematic analyzes, based on databases provided by the Provincial Labor Office in Rzeszow in Rzeszow.
- Subcarpathian Renewable Energy Cluster „Stowarzyszenie Podkarpacka Ekoenergetyka”;
- Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy
- Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development
International Cooperation
Department of Macroeconomics and International Relations cooperates with the following research centers:
- Ukrainian State University of Finance and International Trade in Kiev, Ukraine;
- National Mining University, Faculty of Economics in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine;
- Fachhochschule, Bielefeld, Germany;
- Institute for Work and Technology (Institut Arbeit und Technik), Gelsenkirchen, Germany;
- Alfred Nobel University Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine;
- University of Security Management in Kosice, Slovakia;
- State Scientific Research Institute for Information and Economic Modeling, Kiev, Ukraine.