Dr Tomasz Hermaniuk
Contact details
telefon: +48 17 872 1625
e-mail: [email protected]
address: University of Rzeszow, Faculty of Economics, Ćwiklińskiej 2, 35-601 Rzeszów, Room D1-315
Basics of marketing
Business plan
Quality management in the food economy
Total Quality Management
Scientific interests:
Marketing aspects of development of quality
Quality management
Implementation and use of quality management systems
Food Markets
Cooperation with external entities:
Providing training for companies, local government units and institutions in the field of marketing, sales, customer service, trade negotiations, etc.,
Acting as an expert in projects implemented by companies and institutions (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Regional Development Agency),
Guardian of Students’ Forum of Business Centre Club,
Manager of Marketing Center Food Products,
President of the Association of Friends of the Faculty of Economics - Mercatus,
Regional Director in the Business Arena ltd.