Scientific research
R&D activity
The major theme of the research carried out in the Department - "Market conditionings for entrepreneurship development " encompasses a variety of units, among which the largest part is companies and consumers. The ongoing research is aimed at identification of universal regularities related to evolution of relationships between consumers and market players, and model solutions for effective and efficient use of marketing instruments and activities.
The specific research topics of the Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship are:
- Effectiveness and efficiency of marketing activities;
- Marketing aspects of shaping product and service quality;
- The impact of marketing relations and corporate social responsibility on development of enterprises;
- Purchasing behaviour of customers in different types of environments versus retailers’ strategies;
- Conditionings of enterprises competitiveness, including resource-based theories in building trans-border competitive advantage;
- The impact of integration and cooperation on supply chains functioning;
- Determinants food market development;
- The impact of the institutional environment for agribusiness development;
- The role of territorial marketing in regional and local development;
- The role of cooperatives in solving socio-economic problems.
The most important research projects carried out by employees of the Department in recent years include:
- 1. International project: "Support for regional cross-border e-cooperation", implemented with the Slovak partners - Prešovská Univerzita v Prešov, in which Dr. B. Wierzbiński was the project manager, and Dr. T. Surmacz – the professional coordinator. Project implementation period: 2010 -2013.
- 2. Postdoctoral grant: "Areas of marketing activities of a territorial unit and their impact on development of rural tourism (on the example of Podkarpackie province)" - a grant funded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education – the manager was Dr. W. Kuźniar. Implementation period 2010-2012.
Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship organizes the cyclical national conference “CONSUMER AND MARKET", which successive editions were held in the years 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2015. In 2012, the Department was the organizer of the XXIV National Congress of Marketing, Trade and Consumption Departments. „Perspectives of Marketing Development. Science and Didactics Versus Challenges of Practice”.