Contact Details
phone: +48 17 872 1617
address: M. Ćwiklińskiej St. 2, 35-601 Rzeszów, Poland, room D1-17.
JEL Codes
O44 Environment and Growth
O57 Comparative Studies of Countries
C1 Econometric and Statistical Methods and Methodology
C02 Mathematical Methods
Fura B., Fura M., 2016. Zielone miejsca pracy w krajach Unii Europejskiej – studium empiryczne, „Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Oeconomica”, vol. 2 (319), p. 39–53. 10.18778/0208-6018.319.0
Szubart A., Fura B., 2016. Efekty systemu zarządzania środowiskowego ISO 14001 w organizacjach w świetle wyników badań, “Humanities and Social Science”, vol. XXI, 23 (1/2016), 167–177.
Moroz M., Fura B., 2016. Prognozowanie poziomu nasycenia e-biznesu w Polsce pod względem liczby przedsiębiorstw w sektorze, „e-mentor”,3(65), p. 72–77.
Fura B., Wang Q., 2015. The level of socioeconomic development of EU countries and the state of ISO 14001 certification, “Quality & Quantity”, doi: 10.1007/s11135-015-0297-7.
Fura B., 2015. ISO 22000 Standard popularity based on google trends data, [w:] Food product quality and packaging: current state and challenges, A. Cholewa-Wójcik, A. Kawecka (eds.), University of Maribor, Faculty of Logistics, Celje, Slovenia, pp. 27–34.
Fura B., Fura M., 2015., Optimization of consumer preferences – an example, “Didactics of Mathematics”, 12(16), p. 61–68.
Fura B., Surmacz T., 2014. Zarządzanie środowiskowe w przedsiębiorstwach jako narzędzie służące budowie zielonych łańcuchów dostaw, „Logistyka”, no 6, p. 13265–1327
Fura B., 2013. Improving ISO 14001 environmental management systems, “Polish Journal of Environmental Studies”, vol. 22, no 6, p. 1711–1721.
Fura B., Hales C.F., 2013. Investigating opinions on ICT use in higher education, “Business Informatics”, no 2 (28), p. 37–55.
Fura B., 2012. Principles of Quality and ISO 14001 System Implementation in the Knowledge-Based Economy, ”Nierówności Społeczne a Wzrost Gospodarczy” z. 29, Rzeszów 2012, p. 69–76.
Fura B., 2012. Integration of quality and environmental management system in the enterprises of the Podkarpackie province [w:] Integration in management, Elżbieta Skrzypek (ed.) Department of Quality and Knowledge Management, Faculty of Economics, UMCS, Lublin 2012, s. 145–158.
Fura B., 2012. Equilibrium in the analysis of the Keynesian model of national income using active teaching methods [w:] Didactics at higher education institutions – efficiency of new methods of education, “Mitel”, Rzeszów 2012, p. 117–135.
Fura B., 2011. Influence of ISO 14001 system adoption on the competitiveness of the Podkarpackie province enterprises [w:] Improving organizations in knowledge society, pod Elżbieta Skrzypek (ed.), Department of Quality and Knowledge Management, Faculty of Economics, Lublin, s. 11–25
Presentations at International Conferences
6th ASECU Youth International Conference and Summer School „Southern and Eastern Europe at Crossroads of Socio-Economic Challenges”, 2016, Rostov-on-Don
Rostov State University of Economics, Russia.
Lecture: Corporate social responsibility of enterprises in the EU countries
Presentation: Differentiation of conditions for doing business in Polish provinces – empirical analysis, co-authors: Jagoda Głowacka, Ewelina Grzesik
„Economy an Society“ Conference, 2014, University of Lodz, Poland. Presentation: Green jobs in the European Union countries – an empirical study with the use of a regression analysis.
4th International Conference of ASECU Youth and Summer School, 2014, University of Rzeszow, Poland. Lecture: Consumer preferences optimization.
FedCSiS, 2013, University of Science and Technology (AGH), Cracow, Poland. Presentation: An examination of students’ attitudes and preparedness for the introduction of ICT-enabled learning at university, co-author: dr Colin F. Hales
EIBA Conference, University of Sussex, 2012, UK. Presentation: Framework for green supply chain integration with the usage of ISO 14001 environmental management system, co-author: dr Tomasz Surmacz.
8 th Internetional Conference of ASECU, Determinants of regional development in the context of the globalization process, 2012, University of Rzeszow, Poland. Presentation: Principles of Quality and ISO 14001 System Implementation in the Knowledge-Based Economy.
Research projects
Title: Assessing the impact of ISO 14001 environmental management system on performance of the Podkarpackie province enterprises ID: 13/PMKI/U/11.09/2010 of 27.10.2010. Source: MNiSW
Research Stays
USA, University of North Carolina in Charlotte, placement, 20.10–31.10.2014.
United Kingdom, University of Huddersfield, study visit, 22.04– 28.04.2012.
Finland, University of Applied Science in Kouvola, placement, 31.01–11.02.2011.
Netherlands, University of Amsterdam, Science Park Amsterdam, study visit, 06.12–10.12.2011.
Didactic Stays (Erasmus)
Spain, Polytechnic University of Valencia, placement, 16.05–20.05.2016.
Turkey, Düzce University, placement, 29.04–03.05.2013.
Norway, Oslo University College, placement, 26.09–30.09.2012.
United Kingdom, Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE), training: Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), 31.07 03.08.2010; 13.08–27.08.2011.
United Kingdom, New College of Nottingham, training: English for Specific Purposes (ESP), 03.09–14.09.2012.