7.5 Lab of Modelling and Discovery of Concurrent Process Models in Data
prof. Zbigniew SURAJ, PhD, DSc.
Bulding A0, part B1, room 239
tel. +48 17 851 86 03
email: zbigniew.surajur.edu.pl
The Lab staff comprises five professors, five adjuncts, two assistants and one lecturer. They conduct research in the field of theoretical and applied computer science. Current research is mainly focused on concurrency, modern artificial intelligence, and data mining. In particular, the following research areas are considered to be in the scope of the Lab staff:
- Oriented to concurrency: the modelling and analysis of concurrent systems, discovery of concurrent process models in data.
- Oriented to artificial intelligence: natural language processing, image and signal processing and analysis, approximate reasoning, expert systems.
- Oriented to data analysis: clustering, classification, prediction, pattern recognition, data reduction.
- Oriented to control design: control design for the robots.
In particular, researchers deal with Petri nets, rough sets, fuzzy logic, soft computing, intelligent decision making systems, signal and image processing, and databases. The research results are published in renowned journals or presented during international and domestic scientific conferences.
Some achievements of the Lab staff in the last years are:
- 5 PhD degrees,
- over 100 scientific publications (including over 20 in journals from Institute for Scientific Information Master Journal List),
- 3 realized team or PhD research projects financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland or the Marshal of the Podkarpacie province,
- over 70 active participations in scientific conferences (including over 40 foreign conferences or international conferences in Poland).
Harware and Software Equipment
The Lab equipment includes:
- personal computers with specialized software (e.g., MatLab, Adobe Design & Web Premium PL, SAS, Orange Data Mining, Rapid Miner, SciKit-learn, WEKA, Rosetta)
- own specialized software (e.g., ROSECON, PNES, SNetworks, PN-tools, RSDS),
- auxiliary hardware.
This equipment is available for the Lab staff and the computer science students cooperating with the Lab staff. Moreover, the didactics related to the computer science studies is supported by the hardware and software available in the Lab.
Remark: For more information about our own research software we refer to:
Lab Staff Offer
Our offer comprises both the services concerning, among others, modelling and analysis of real-life systems as well as data analysis of various areas of applied computer science. In particular, it includes:
- the modelling of production/control/biomedical processes,
- analysis of economic/biological/medical/bibliographic data.
The Lab staff is also able to:
- educate computer specialists needed for administrating of computer systems, designing and implementing of internet/database applications;
- cooperate with schools and the other educational and cultural institutions within the scope of teaching and popularizing computer science.
Scientific-Research Cooperation
The staff of the Lab cooperate with researchers coming from different universities and scientific or research institutes (in alphabetical order):
(in Poland)
- Jagiellonian University in Cracow,
- Poznań University of Technology,
- Rzeszów University of Technology,
- Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice,
- the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow,
- the Institute of Computer Science of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw,
- the University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów,
- the University of Silesia,
- the University of Warsaw,
- Warsaw University of Technology,
- Wrocław University of Technology,
- Cairo University (Egypt),
- Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany),
- Kiev National University (Ukraine),
- King Abdulah University of Science and Technology in Thuwal (Saudi Arabia),
- Lviv Polytechnic National University (Ukraine),
- Saint Mary’s University in Halifax (Canada),
- the University of Manitoba (Canada),
- the University of Regina (Canada),
- the University of Winnipeg (Canada).
The scientific cooperation involves joint research, common publications, education of young researchers as well as the organization of international and domestic scientific conferences.
For cooperation and/or research matters, please contact: