- On May 7-11, 2018, Dr. Jesus Serrano Guerero of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (Spain) hosted the Faculty of Computer Science, giving lectures titled "Meta-search Engines: Concepts and phases" and "Sentiment Analysis: Concepts and trends ". The Doctor was in the Department as part of the ERASMUS + program. During the meeting with the employees of the Chair, plans for future scientific cooperation and exchange of employees and students between the centers were discussed.
- On February 1, 2018, Dr. Maksymilian Knap was employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science, and as an assistant to M.Sc. Jarosław Szkoła.
From 3rd to 5th April, 2017 prof. Luis Baptista from the Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre (Portugal) stayed at the Department of Computer Science in Rzeszow. During his stay within the range of Erasmus+ Programme he gave a lecture entitled “Using Restarts on Constraint Programming over Finite Domains”” and also shared information concerning research problems related to computer science, course plans and, the curriculum in the field of Computer Science in his higher school.
In the November-December issue of the University Gazette no 5/2016(95) on page 40 there was published an article:
• International scientific conferences organized by the Department of Computer Science written by dr. engineer Krzysztof Pancerz, an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science.
More about the article:
Article: see
Gazette issue:
On 23 November 2016 Professor Petro Venherskyi from the Department of Information Systems of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science of the Lviv National University named after Ivan Franko (Ukraine) visited the Department of Computer Science. During his stay, in the frame of the bilateral agreement on scientific and research cooperation between the two Universities, he presented a scientific paper entitled "Water Movement in Hydro Network: the Case Study of Using GIS-Services in Information Systems", as well as shared the information concerning the research problems in the field of Computer Science and the studies curricula of the Computer Science course carried out at his Faculty. Poster: download
In the September/October 2016 issue of the University newspaper “Gazeta Uniwersytecka” on pages 26-27, 38, and 54-56 appeared the articles about the current people activities from the Department of Computer Science.
More: - Lecture by prof. Mikhail Moshkov from Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia on “Experimental and Theoretical Study of Totally Optimal Decision Trees and Rules” took place in the Department of Computer Science on 23rd May 2016. Poster: download
- From 1st October, 2015, Krzysztof Pancerz, PhD joined the academic staff of the Department of Computer Science holding an assistant position.
In the November/December 2015 issue of the University newspaper “Gazeta Uniwersytecka” on pages 44-45 appeared an article about the International Workshop on “Concurrency, Specification & Programming” concerning the conclusion of the scientific meeting organized by the Department of Computer Science in co-operation with the Institute of Informatics of the University of Warsaw and the Institute of Informatics of the University of Humboldt in Berlin on 28 – 30 September, 2015. Almost 60 people from nine countries took part in this workshop.
From 30th November to 4th December, 2015 Petro Venherskyi, PhD from the Department of Information Systems of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv (Ukraine) stayed at the Department of Computer Science in Rzeszow. During his stay within the bilateral scientific and research cooperation agreement he gave a lecture on the “Application of Interval Computation in Computer Graphics: Generation and Visualization Implicit Curves and Surfaces” and also shared information concerning research problems related to computer science, course plans and, the curriculum in the field of Computer Science.
Leszek Pyziak, MSc received his Doctor of Physics diploma on 18th December 2014 from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów. His dissertation was entitled Wpływ szumu kwantyzacji i szumu plamkowego na dokładność wyznaczania kontrastu pola interferencyjnego.
The defense of PhD dissertation of Wojciech Kozioł, MSc, Eng. took place at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków on 19th December 2014. His dissertation dealt with processing of sign language gestures and translation of mimic subcode in communication with deaf people.
Lecture by prof. Mikhail Moshkov from the Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia on Extensions of Dynamic Programming for Study of Decision Trees took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 15th December 2014. During this lecture, prof. Moshkov presented also the attractive scholarship offer 'KAUST Discovery Scholarship' for the graduate and doctoral studies' candidates.
Poster: download -
On 1st May 2014, prof. Zbigniew Suraj, DSc, PhD became the new head of the Department of Computer Science.
From 1st October, 2014, Wiesław Paja, PhD joined the academic staff of the Department of Computer Science holding an assistant position.
The Rector of the University of Rzeszów on 1st November 2013 transformed the Institute of Computer Science into the Department of Computer Science.
The defense of PhD dissertation of Piotr Grochowalski, MSc, Eng. took place at the Silesian University in Sosnowiec on the 12th November 2013. His PhD dissertation dealt with the application of ontological knowledge in searching bibliographical data.
The inauguration of the graduate studies of the academic year 2013/2014 in the field of Computer Science took place on 30th September 2013. Marcin Szpyrka, DSc, PhD had an inauguration lecture.
Dr. Georgios Stylianou from European University Cyprus arrived at the Institute of Computer Science within the Erasmus Programme. On 14th and 15th May 2013 he had a lecture on 'Mobile and pervasive computing' and workshops from mobile devices programming in iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod) system. Dr. Georgios Stylianou is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the European University Cyprus, since 2009. He received his Bachelor and PhD degrees in Computer Science from the University of Cyprus in 1998 and Arizona State University in 2003, respectively. His current primary research interest is on mobile context aware computing with focus on the visually impaired and his broad research interests lies in the areas of 3D feature extraction, geometric modeling, image processing, and computer vision. In addition, he holds a patent entitled 'Vision Assistance Using Mobile Telephone'. photos
Katarzyna Garwol, MSc received her Doctor of Philosophy diploma in sociology on 14th February 2013. Her dissertation was entitled 'Technologia teleinformatyczna źródłem patologii w społeczeństwie informacyjnym. Studium na przykładzie środowiska rzeszowskich informatyków'.
On 16th October 2013 Dominik Ślęzak, DSc, PhD from the Institute of Mathematics, the University of Warsaw, was the guest of the Institute of Computer Science. He is the co-founder of Infobright where he holds the position of Chief Scientist responsible for the development and implementation of new database technologies. During his visit he had a scientific lecture on ' How to join innovative algorithms with the computational standards? Lead by example of the Infobright database technologies development'. poster
On 1st September prof. Zbigniew Suraj PhD, DSc stopped performing the function of the Director of the Institute of Computer Science and Jan G. Bazan, DSc, PhD became the new Director of the Institute of Computer Science.
Ranking universities in Poland. In ranking of Higher Education Institutions in 2012 of 'Outlook' (month periodical) and 'Rzeczypospolita' (journal) as the first in groups of fields of study in the category 'Fields of study IT' - among universities from the sixth provinces of lubelskie, opolskie, podkarpackie, świętokrzyskie, zachodniopomorskie and warmińsko-mazurskie appeared the University of Rzeszów. This category includes the following fields of study: computer science, applied science, technical use of the Internet, information and communication technology and information technology industries. The main criteria of evaluating of fields of study were: the opinions of the academic staff, the preferences of the employers, parametric evaluation of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, publications, citations and H-index (these three last set based on the Scopus base for periods from 2007 to 2010). In this list the University of Rzeszów was among the top 30 academic institutions in Poland in the category 'Fields of study IT'. In the factsheet it took 21st place. 'Fields of study IT' is one of the fifteen groups of fields of study included in the ranking. At the University of Rzeszów this category received the highest mark in the group of all fields of study receiving the indicator 37,35.
The scholarship of Ministry of Science and Higher Education for the academic year 2011/2012. Prof. Barbara Kudrycka, Minister of Science and Higher Education awarded some excellent students with scholarships for achievements in sports and learning. The laureate of exhibitioner received only every three persons among reported by the rectors of all Polish universities. Mr. Bartłomiej Marek Mucha was among those students who received the scholarship for the achievements in learning. Mr. Bartłomiej Mucha was the third year student of full-time studies. From 2009 to 2011 he was the chairman of the Computer Science Student Research Group working at the Institute of Computer Science.
On 31st May 2012, prof. Iouri Nikolski DSc, PhD was the guest of the Institute of Computer Science. During his visit here he had a scientific lecture on 'Modelling of Ukrainian sign language'. poster
On 18th May 2012 'The Open Door Day RRDA' took place in Rzeszów Regional Development Agency, where not only the scientific-research offers of high schools from our region were presented but also research-and-development institutions and enterprises entitled 'Science for Business'. The Institute of Computer Science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences was also among exhibitors.
The first inauguration of the graduate studies of the academic year 2011/2012 in the field of Computer Science took place on 20th March 2012. Bogdan Kwolek, DSc, PhD, Eng. had an inauguration lecture.
The defense of PhD dissertation of Przemysław Pardel, MSc, Eng. took place at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice on 31st January 2012. His dissertation dealt with virtual object lightning in augmented reality environment with using high dynamic range images.
From 28th November to 2nd December 2011 at the Heroes of Porytowe Hills Secondary School in Janów Lubelski and at the Stefan Kardynał Wyszyński Lower Secondary School in Godziszów Pierwszy took place the Ten Days of Mathematics. They are organized annually by the local maths teachers. The main aim of this event is to popularize Mathematics among lower secondary school and secondary school teenagers. This year the representatives of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów were invited. Among them were Renata Jurasińska, PhD - from the Institute of Mathematics, Dariusz Bober, PhD, Eng. and Wojciech Rząsa, PhD - from the Institute of Computer Science. They presented three papers showing mathematical relationships with nature and the perspectives of Maths and Computer Science graduates on the labor market and study condition and they also presented the educational offer of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów.
On 3rd November, 2011 there was a meeting with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) academic employees concerning the attractive scholarship offer 'KAUST Discovery Scholarship' for the graduate and doctoral studies' candidates.
On 3rd October, 2011 a glamorous inauguration of the academic year 2011/2012 took place in the field of Computer Science. Marek Matczak, DSc, PhD had an inauguration lecture.
From 1st September, 2011, Łukasz Maciura, PhD joined the academic staff of the Institute of Computer Science holding an assistant position.
The Rector of the University of Rzeszów on 1st September 2011 transformed the Department of Computer Science into the Institute of Computer Science.
Lecture by Shahid Hussain, PhD a student from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia on "Relationships for Cost and Uncertainty of Decision Trees" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 7th July 2011. CV: download Abstract:download
Lecture by Wojciecha Froelich, PhD from the Institute of Computer Science, the University of Silesia, Katowice on "Predykcja wielowymiarowych szeregów czasowych z zastosowaniem rozmytych sieci kognitywnych"took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 25th February 2010. Poster: download Abstract: download
The Department of Computer Science was one of the organizers of „The XV-th International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields” held on 6th-10th November 2009 in Nałęczów, Poland.
Lecture by prof. Jerzy W. Grzymała-Busse from the University of Kansas, Lawrence and the Institute of Computer Science, the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw on "Poprawianie jakości zbiorów reguł przez zwiększanie niekompletności zbiorów danych" took place in the Department of Computer Science.
Lecture by Grzegorz Drałus, PhD, Eng. from Rzeszów University of Technology on "Global modeling of dynamical complex objects" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 24th April 2008.
Lecture by prof. Franciszek Grabowski from Rzeszów University of Technology and State Higher Vocational School in Jarosław on "Computer Science in complex systems context" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 13th March 2008.
Lecture by Bogdan Kwolek, PhD, Eng. from Rzeszów University of Technology on "Picture processing and recognizing in cognition systems" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 28th February 2008.
Lecture by prof. Jan Komorowski from the Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics Uppsala, Sweden on " A rough set model of the HIV-1 protease interactome" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 19th December 2007.
Lecture by prof. Sergiy Kryvyy from Rzeszów University of Technology on "Algorithms for solving on systems of linear Diophantine equations in integer domains" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 11th May 2007. Download presentation
Lecture by prof. Mikhail Moshkov from the University of Silesia on "On maximal consistent extensions of information systems" took place in the Department of Computer Science of the University of Rzeszów on 9th March 2007.
The Senate of the University of Rzeszów on January 25th, 2007 made the decision to introduce Computer Science studies with the specialization in Intelligent Decision-Making Systems at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów from the academic year 2007/2008.
The first working meeting of the RS&PN group in the academic year 2006/2007 was held at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences on 1st September 2006.
The Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów initiated the formation of the Department of Computer Science, which was finally established on 9th June 2006.