A list of selected research publications (2010-2014)
Article in journal from ISI Master Journal List
- Rytsar B., Romanowski P., and Shvay A., Set-theoretical Constructions of Boolean Functions and theirs Applications in Logic Synthesis, Fundamenta Informaticae, Vol. 99, No. 3, 2010, 339-354.
- Rytsar, B.: New minimization method of logical functions in polynomial set-theoretical format. 1. Generalized rules of conjuncterms simplification // Control Systems and Computers № 2, 2015, pp. 39-57
- Rytsar, B.: New minimization method of logical functions in polynomial set-theoretical format. 2. Minimization of complete and incomplete functions // Control Systems and Computers N 4, 2015, pp. 9-21.
- Rytsar, B.: New minimization method of logical functions in polynomial set-theoretical format. 3. Minimization of a system of complete and incomplete functions // Control Systems and Computers N 5, 2015, pp. 12-21.
- Rytsar, B.: A numeric set-theoretical interpretation of Reed-Muller expressions with fixed and mixed polarity, Control Systems and Computers, 2014, №3, с. 30-44.
Articles in international journals
- Rytsar B., Simple method of obtaining of logic functions polynomials with given polarity of variables, Journal of National University "Lviv Polytechnic" "Computer Systems. Theory and Practice", 2013, Issue 777, 21-31.
- Rytsar B., A Numeric Set-Theoretical Interpretation of Polynomial Zhegalkin, Control Systems and Computers, 2013, No. 1, 11-27.
- Rytsar B., Simple visual method for determination of logic derivatives of arbitrary orders, Information Extraction and Progressing, 2013, Issue 38(114), 125-132.
- Rytsar B., A Numeric Set-Theoretical Interpretation of Reed-Muller Expressions with Fixed and Mixed Polarity, Control Systems and Computers, 2013, No. 3, 30-45.
- Rytsar B., Minimization of logic functions system by parallel splitting conjuncterms method, Journal of National University "Lviv Polytechnic" "Electronics and Telecommunications", 2013, Issue 766, 13-26.
Articles in proceedings of international conference
- Rytsar, B.: The Minimization Method of Boolean Functionns in Polynomial Set-theoretical Format // Proc. 24th Int. Workshop, CS&P’2015, vol.2, Rzeszow, Poland, Sept. 28-30, 2015, pp. 130-146.
- Rytsar B.Y., Snitsaruk L., Mysak R. The structure of the Ukrainian-English dictionary of electronics // Proc. 13th Intr. Sci. Сonf. WordWorld’2014, L’viv, 25-27 Sept., 2014, pp. 26-31.
- Rytsar B.Y., Rozhankivski R., Mykulchyk R. Ukrainian transliteration of text from Cyrillic to Latin // Proc. 12th Intr. Sci. Сonf. WordWorld’2012, L’viv, 27-29 Sept., 2012, pp. 64-70.
- Rytsar B.Y., Snitsaruk L., Mysak R. Principles conclusion Ukrainian-English dictionary of electronics // Proc. 11th Intr. Sci. Сonf. WordWorld’2010, L’viv, 1-2 Oct., 2010, pp. 45-48.