The 25th Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2016), September 28-30, 2015, Rostock, Germany.
6th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA'2016) - in conjunction with FedCSIS 2016, September 11-14, 2016, Gdansk, Poland.
The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT'2016), July 5-7, 2016, Rzeszów, Poland.
9th EAI International Conference on Bio-inspired Information and Communications Technologies (BICT’2015), December 3-5, 2015, New York City, New York, USA.
The 2015 International Joint Conference on Rough Sets (IJCRS’2015): the 10th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT’2015) and the 16th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC’2015), November 20–23, 2015, Tianjin, China.
The 24th Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2015), September 28-30, 2015, Rzeszów, Poland.
5th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA’2015) and 1st International Workshop on Biological, Chemical and Physical Computations (BCPC'2015) - in conjunction with FedCSIS 2015, September 13-16, 2015, Lodz, Poland.
Physarum Machines: Slime Mould Computing and Novel Computing Substrates, Satellite Workshop of the 13th European Conference on Artificial Life (ECAL’2015), July 20, 2015, York, United Kingdom.
The International Conference on Information and Digital Technologies (IDT'2015), July 7-9, 2015, Zilina, Slovakia.
Rough Set Theory Workshop (RST'2015), June 29, 2015, Warsaw, Poland.
Cybernetic Modeling of Biological Systems (MCSB'2015), May 14-15, 2015, Kraków, Poland.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2014), September 29 - October 1, 2014, Chemnitz, Germany.
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA'2014) - in conjunction with FedCSIS 2014, September 7-10, 2014, Warsaw, Poland.
The 10th International Conference on Digital Technologies (DT'2014), July 9-11, 2014, Zilina, Slovakia.
Challenges of Biotechnology in 21st Century, May 13-14, 2014, Kraków, Poland.
7th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC'2014), March 3-6, 2014, Angers, France.
International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions (ICMMI'2013), October 22-25, 2013, 2013, Brenna, Poland.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2013), September 25-27, 2013, Warsaw, Poland.
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA’2013) - in conjunction with FedCSIS 2013, September 8-11, 2013, Krakow, Poland.
6th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2013), June 6-8, 2013, Sopot, Poland.
The Ninth International Conference on Digital Technologies (DT'2013), May 29-31, 2013, Zilina, Slovakia.
The 8th International Conference on Computer Recognition Systems (CORES'2013), May 27-29, 2013, Milkow, Poland.
The 4th International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence Technologies and Applications (ICCCI'2012), November 28-30, 2012, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2012), September 26-28, 2012, Berlin, Germany.
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA’2012) and International Workshop on Rough Sets Applications (RSA'2012) - in conjunction with FedCSIS 2012, September 9-12, 2012, Wroclaw, Poland.
The 2012 Joint Rough Set Symposium (JRS'2012): the 8th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'2012) and the 7th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT'2012), August 17–20, 2012, Chengdu, China.
International Workshop on Next Generation Intelligent Medical Decision Support Systems (MedDecSup'2012), July, 10-11, 2012, Sofia, Bulgaria.
5th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC'2012), February 1-4, 2012, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal.
International Workshop on Biomedical Informatics and Biometric Technologies (BT'2011) - The Eighth International Conference on Digital Technologies 2011, November 10-11, 2011, Zilina, Slovakia.
The 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT'2011), October 9-12, 2011, Banff, Canada.
International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications (AIMA’2011) – in conjunction with FedCSIS 2011, September 18-21, 2011, Szczecin, Poland.
11th European Conference on Psychological Assessment (ECPA'2011), August 31 - September 3, 2011, Riga, Latvia.
4th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2011), May 19-21, 2011, Yokohama, Japan.
IV Conference of Technology and Health, April 29, 2011, Guarda, Portugal.
4th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC'2011), January 26-29, 2011, Rome, Italy.
The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'2010), November 29 - December 1, 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
The 5th International Conference on Rough Set and Knowledge Technology (RSKT'2010), October 15-17, 2010, Beijing, China.
XVII International Conference on Systems Science (ICSS'2010), September 14-16, 2010, Wrocław, Poland.
3rd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2010), May 13-15, 2010, Rzeszów, Poland.
Third International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC'2010), January 20-23, 2010, Valencia, Spain.
3rd International Forum on Innovative Technologies for Medicine (ITMED'2009), December 1-3, 2010, Białystok, Poland.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2009), September 28-30, 2009, Krakow - Przegorzały, Poland.
International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions (ICMMI'2009), September 25 - 27, 2009, Kocierz, Poland.
2nd International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2009), May 21-23, 2009, Catania, Italy.
4th Baltic Sea Region Conference in Medical Sciences (BSRC'2009), April 23-26, Warsaw, Poland.
The International Workshop on Soft Computing for Knowledge Technology (SCKT'2008), December 16, 2008, Hanoi, Vietnam.
The 6th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'2008), October 23-25, 2008, Akron, OH, USA.
The 12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU'2008), June 22-27, 2008, Malaga, Spain.
2008 Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI'2008), May 25-27, 2008, Krakow, Poland.
The Workshop on Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery Foundations and Applications (RSKD'2007), September 21, 2007, Warsaw, Poland.
The 2nd International Conference on Rough Sets and Knowledge Technology (RSKT'2007), May 14-16, 2007, Toronto, Canada.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2006), September 27-29, 2006, Wandlitz, Germany.
The Eleventh International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-based Systems (IPMU'2006), July 2-7, 2006, Paris, France.
The International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control and Automation (CIMCA'2005), November 28-30, 2005, Vienna, Austria.
The 5th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA'2005), September 8-10, 2005, Wroclaw, Poland.
The 10th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC'2005), August 31-September 3, 2005, Regina, Canada.
The 2005 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'2005), June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
The 3rd ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA'2005), January 3-6, 2005, Cairo, Egypt.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2004), September 24-26, 2004, Caputh, Germany.
The 4th International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC'2004), June 1-5, 2004, Uppsala, Sweden.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2003), September 25-27, 2003, Czarna, Poland.
International Workshop on Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery and Soft Computing (RSKD'2003), April 12-13, 2003, Warsaw, Poland.
The Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P'2002), October 7-9, 2002, Berlin, Germany.
Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and Distributed Processing (SCDP'2002), June 24-25, 2002, Rzeszow, Poland.