Piotr Lasek
Assistant Professor
- Coordinator of the Erasmus Programme
The Department of Computer Science
1 Prof. S. Pigonia Str.
35 - 310 Rzeszów
Room 353
Tel. (17) 851 86 01
E-mail: lasek@ur.edu.pl
- MSc, Eng. in Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology
- PhD in Computer Science, Warsaw University of Technology
Research Interests:
Data Mining
Research and teaching internships:
- A postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at York University, Toronto Canada (October 2014 - August, 2016).
- A research and teaching internship at the Institute of Computer Science at the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland (February - June, 2014).
- Databases for Mobile Systems
- Diploma Seminar
- Distributed and Concurrent Programming
- Intelligent Methods of Data Mining
- Software Engineering