Współautorstwo referatów wygłoszonych na konferencjach
The Six International Conference On Fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Aplications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2002, referat: On a class of uninorms (współautor Józef Drewniak) |
The Seventh International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2004, referat: Relation of domination (współautorzy Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak). |
Fourth Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 25.10.2004, referat: Domination between multiplace operations (współautorzy: Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak). |
International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 07.-08.04. 2006, referat: Distributivity between uninorms (współautor: Ewa Rak). |
13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Mathematical School, 8-10. 06. 2006, referat: Some remarks on the domination between conjunctions and disjunctions (współautor: Anna Król) |
51st International Symposium on Functional Equations (ISFE 51), Rzeszów, Poland, June 16–23, 2013-referat: Monotonic solutions of associativity equation in interval [0,1] (współautor: Józef Drewniak). |
The Twelfth Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2014, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic, 26 - 31 January, 2014, referat: Distributivity equation in the class of 2-uninorms (współautor Ewa Rak). |
International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT 2014), Trabzon, Turkey, Jun 16 - Jun 20, 2014, referat: Domination of Operations on Lattices and Bounded Lattices (współautorzy: Urszula Bentkowska, Józef Drewniak). |
International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT 2014), Trabzon, Turkey, Jun 16 - Jun 20, 2014, referat: Distributivity equation between Aggregation Operators on Bounded Lattice (współautor Ewa Rak). |
The 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators AGOP 2015, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, July 7-10, 2015, referat: Distributivity of aggregation operators with 2-neutral elements (współautorzy Ewa Rak, Lemnaouar Zedam) |
The 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets (ISFS 2015)“Golden Jubilee of Fuzzy Sets”, Rzeszów, 3-4.12.2015, referat: Various approaches to generalizations of uninorms (współautor Gül Deniz Çaylı) |
The Thirteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory And Applications FSTA 2016, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic 24 – 29 January 2016, referat: Construction of uninorms on bounded lattice and their properties (współautor Gül Deniz Çaylı) |
Fifteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets IWIFSGN'2016, 14.10.2016, Warszawa, Poland, referaty: Dominance of binary operations on posets (współautorzy: U. Bentkowska, J. Drewniak, A. Król, E. Rak) |
The 3rd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets -Uncertainty Modelling, Rzeszów, Poland, 19-20 May 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Structure of increasing binary operations. A survey (współautorzy Józef Drewniak, Ewa Rak) |
AGOP 2017, 9th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, University of Skövde, Sweden, June 19 - 22, 2017 referat: Monotonicity in the Construction of Ordinal Sums of Fuzzy Implications (współautorzy Michał Baczyński, Radko Mesiar) |
IFSA-SCIS 2017, Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems), Otsu (suburb of Kyoto), Japan, June 27-30, 2017. referat: On some constructions of ordinal sums of fuzzy implications (współautor Anna Król) |
FUZZ-IEEE'2017, The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Naples, Italy, July 9-12, 2017, referat: New Types of Ordinal Sum of Fuzzy Implications (współautorzy Michał Baczyński, Anna Król, Radko Mesiar) |
Nasi partnerzy
The sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and Distributed Processing, Rzeszów, WSIiZ, 24-25.06.2002, referat: A characterization of idempotent nullnorms. |
Second Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 03.11.2003, referat: Isotonic operations with zero element in bounded lattices. |
The Seventh International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2004, referat: Discusion of the structure of uninorms. |
X Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna, Rzeszów-Lublin-Korytnica, 30.04-03.05.2004, referat: Różne podejścia do równania łączności. |
Fourth Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 25.10.2004, referat: Ordered semigroups in constructions of uninorms and nullnorms (współautor J. Drewniak). |
The Eighth International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 30.01.-03.02.2006, referat: Remark on the structure of continuous uninorms. |
International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 07.-08.04. 2006, referat: Remarks about idempotent uninorms. |
XII Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno – Informatyczna, Rzeszów – Lublin – Chełm – Łuck, 2-5. 07.2006, referat: Różne aspekty ciągłości działań łącznych na przedziale. |
IX Międzynarodowe Warsztaty dla Młodych Matematyków, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 17-23.09.2006, referat: Some aspects of fuzzy topological spaces (współautorzy: U. Dudziak, A. Król). |
International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 20-21. 04. 2007, referat: Some aspects of the continuity of associative operations in the unit interval |
XIII-th International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science, 1-4. 07. 2007 Chełm, referat: Diverse approaches to the intuitionistic fuzzy sets. |
5th Confeerence of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology, 11-14 IX 2007, Ostrava, Czech Republic, referat: On monotonic operations which are locally internal on some subset of their domain |
The Sixth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets - IWIFSGN 2007, October 5, 2007, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Monotonic operations on L*. |
Ninth International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 04-08.02.2008, referat: On some properties of uninorms. |
12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Torremolinos (Malaga), 22-27.06.2008, referat: On the structure of uninorms on L*. |
12th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Torremolinos (Malaga), 22-27.06.2008, referat: The problem of distributivity between binary operations in bifuzzy set theory. |
XIVth International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields, 7-11.11.2008, Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland, referat: Operations on the interval valued fuzzy set theory. |
Seventh International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, Warsaw, October 17, 2008, referat: Properties of decomposeble operations on some extensions of fuzzy set theory (współautor: B. Pękala). |
Fifth International Summer School on Aggregation Operators AGOP 2009, 6-10.07.2009, Palma, Spain, referat: Construction of some types of uninorms. |
Eighth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 16, 2009, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Connection between Balanced Fuzzy Set and Atanassov Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set. |
Tenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 31.01-05.02.2010, referat: Connection between n-uninorms and balanced operators. |
Ninth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 8 th, 2010, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Problem of monotonicity for decomposable operations |
7th conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT-2011) and LFA-2011, 18-22 July 2011, Aix-Les-Bains, France, referat: Preservation of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations. |
Tenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, 30.09.2011, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Decision making problem on intuitionistic fuzzy relations. |
Eleventh International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications, 30.01-03.02.2012, Liptovský Ján, Słowacja, referat: Some problems for uninorms. |
14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, IPMU 2012, Catania, Italy, July 9 - July 13, 2012, referat: New types of compositions of intuitionistic fuzzy relations in decision making problems. |
XLIX Szkoła Matematyki Poglądowej, Wyjątki, Nadarzyn, 24–28 sierpnia 2012 |
XI Internat. Workshop Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets & Gen. Nets, 12.X. 2012, Warszawa, referat: On a class of operations on interval-valued fuzzy sets. |
Konferencja Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Edukacji Matematycznej „Co jest najtrudniejsze?”, Ameliówka, 26–28 października 2012. |
L Szkoła Matematyki Poglądowej, (Nie)zależność, Nadarzyn, 25–29 stycznia 2013 |
7th Internat. Summer School on Aggregation Operators, Pamplona, Spain, July 16-20 , 2013 –referat: Distributivity equation in the class of noncommutative t-operators. |
XII Internat. Workshop Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets & Gen. Nets, Warszawa , October 11, 2013 - referat: Infinite distributivity in fuzzy mathematics (współautor J. Drewniak). |
Olimpijskie seminarium dla nauczycieli matematyki, Stalowa Wola 18.01.2014. |
The Twelfth Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2014, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic, 26 - 31 January, 2014, referat: Distributivity equation in the class of semi t-operators (współautor Ewa Rak). |
International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT 2014), Trabzon, Turkey, Jun 16 - Jun 20, 2014, referat: Nullnorms on Bounded Lattices |
Thirteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets (IWIFSGN 2014), Warszawa, Poland, 24-26.09.2014, referat: Some class of uninorms in interval valued fuzzy set theory. |
Symposium "On the Eve of Golden Jubilee of Fuzzy Sets", Rzeszów 25.11.2014, referat: Distributivity of aggregation operators (współautor Ewa Rak). |
International Conference on Applied Algebra ICAA’2015 Msila, April 28-30, 2015, wykład plenarny: Algebraic aspects of the construction of uninorms |
Seminar Uncertainty Modelling, Slovak University of Technology, Bratysława, June 4-5, 2015, referat: Some remarks about the ordinal sum of implications (współautor Anna Król). |
The 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators AGOP 2015, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, July 7-10, 2015, referat: The distributivity between semi-t-operators and uninorms (współautorzy Feng Qin, Ewa Rak) |
Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna Congressio Mathematica, 23-25.09.2015, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów, poster: On some problems connected with the uninorms on bounded lattices (współautor Gül Deniz Çaylı) |
Fourteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets (IWIFSGN 2015), Kraków, 26-28.10.2015, referat: Various Kinds of Ordinal Sums of Fuzzy Implications (współautor Anna Król) |
The 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets (ISFS 2015)“Golden Jubilee of Fuzzy Sets”, Rzeszów, 3-4.12.2015, referat: From associativity equation to uninorms and nullnorms (współautor Józef Drewniak) |
The Thirteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory And Applications FSTA 2016, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic 24 – 29 January 2016, referat: Preservation of properties of fuzzy implications by ordinal sums (współautor Anna Król) |
Seminar Uncertainty Modelling, Slovak University of Technology, Bratysława, 2- 3.06.2016, referat: Distributivity in some class of aggregation |
An International Symposium on Aggregation and Structures ISAS 2016 Luxemburg, 5-8 July 2016, referat: Properties of uninorms and their generalization |
Fifteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets IWIFSGN'2016, 14.10.2016, Warszawa, Poland, referat: Two constructions of ordinal sums of fuzzy implications (współautor: Anna Król) |
The 3rd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets -Uncertainty Modelling, Rzeszów, Poland, 19-20 May 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Summing fuzzy implications (współautor Anna Król) |
Śladami Kobiet w Matematyce – w stulecie urodzin Professor Heleny Rasiowej, 22-24.06.2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Logical connectives in generalization of fuzzy sets. |
III Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna „Congressio-Mathematica”, Rzeszów, Polska, 27-29 września 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Uninormy na kracie. |
III Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna „Congressio-Mathematica”, Rzeszów, Polska, 27-29 września 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Uninormy na kracie. |
The 10th Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology EUSFLAT-2017, September 11-15, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Ordinal sum of fuzzy implications fulfilling left ordering property implications (współautor Anna Król) |
The Sixteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets IWIFSGN-2017, September 13-15, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Some remarks about idempotent uninorms on complete lattice. |
The Six International Conference On Fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Aplications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2002, referat: On a class of uninorms (współautor Józef Drewniak) |
The Seventh International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2004, referat: Relation of domination (współautorzy Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak). |
Fourth Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 25.10.2004, referat: Domination between multiplace operations (współautorzy: Józef Drewniak, Urszula Dudziak). |
International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 07.-08.04. 2006, referat: Distributivity between uninorms (współautor: Ewa Rak). |
13th Polish-Czech-Slovak Mathematical School, 8-10. 06. 2006, referat: Some remarks on the domination between conjunctions and disjunctions (współautor: Anna Król) |
51st International Symposium on Functional Equations (ISFE 51), Rzeszów, Poland, June 16–23, 2013-referat: Monotonic solutions of associativity equation in interval [0,1] (współautor: Józef Drewniak). |
The Twelfth Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications FSTA 2014, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic, 26 - 31 January, 2014, referat: Distributivity equation in the class of 2-uninorms (współautor Ewa Rak). |
International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT 2014), Trabzon, Turkey, Jun 16 - Jun 20, 2014, referat: Domination of Operations on Lattices and Bounded Lattices (współautorzy: Urszula Bentkowska, Józef Drewniak). |
International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT 2014), Trabzon, Turkey, Jun 16 - Jun 20, 2014, referat: Distributivity equation between Aggregation Operators on Bounded Lattice (współautor Ewa Rak). |
The 8th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators AGOP 2015, University of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, July 7-10, 2015, referat: Distributivity of aggregation operators with 2-neutral elements (współautorzy Ewa Rak, Lemnaouar Zedam) |
The 2nd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets (ISFS 2015)“Golden Jubilee of Fuzzy Sets”, Rzeszów, 3-4.12.2015, referat: Various approaches to generalizations of uninorms (współautor Gül Deniz Çaylı) |
The Thirteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory And Applications FSTA 2016, Liptovský Ján, Slovak Republic 24 – 29 January 2016, referat: Construction of uninorms on bounded lattice and their properties (współautor Gül Deniz Çaylı) |
Fifteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets IWIFSGN'2016, 14.10.2016, Warszawa, Poland, referaty: Dominance of binary operations on posets (współautorzy: U. Bentkowska, J. Drewniak, A. Król, E. Rak) |
The 3rd International Symposium on Fuzzy Sets -Uncertainty Modelling, Rzeszów, Poland, 19-20 May 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Structure of increasing binary operations. A survey (współautorzy Józef Drewniak, Ewa Rak) |
AGOP 2017, 9th International Summer School on Aggregation Operators, University of Skövde, Sweden, June 19 - 22, 2017 referat: Monotonicity in the Construction of Ordinal Sums of Fuzzy Implications (współautorzy Michał Baczyński, Radko Mesiar) |
IFSA-SCIS 2017, Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems), Otsu (suburb of Kyoto), Japan, June 27-30, 2017. referat: On some constructions of ordinal sums of fuzzy implications (współautor Anna Król) |
FUZZ-IEEE'2017, The 2017 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, Naples, Italy, July 9-12, 2017, referat: New Types of Ordinal Sum of Fuzzy Implications (współautorzy Michał Baczyński, Anna Król, Radko Mesiar) |