- The Sixst International Conference on Soft Computing and Distributed Processing, Rzeszów, WSIiZ, 24-25.06.2002, referat: Aggregations preserving classes of fuzzy relations (współautor Józef Drewniak).
- Second Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 03.11.2003, referat: Aggregations preserving alpha properties of fuzzy relations.
- The Seventh International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 26-30.01.2004, referat: Relation of domination (współautorzy: Józef Drewniak, Paweł Drygaś).
- X Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna, Rzeszów-Lublin-Korytnica, 30.04-03.05.2004, referat: Własności średnich.
- VII International Workshop for Young Mathematicians-Applied Mathematics, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 20-26.09.2004, referat: Properties of means,
- Workshop on Data and Knowledge Engineering, Warszawa, 22-25.09.2004, referat: Safe transformations of fuzzy relations (współautor Józef Drewniak).
- Fourth Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 25.10.2004, referat: Equivalence classes of fuzzy relations.
- Fourth Warsaw International Seminar on Soft Computing, Warszawa, Instytut Badań Systemowych PAN, 25.10.2004, referat: Domination between multiplace operations (współautorzy: Józef Drewniak, Paweł Drygaś).
- International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 15-16, 04. 2005, referat: Graded properties of fuzzy relations in aggregation process.
- The Eighth International Conference On fuzzy Sets Theory And Its Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Słowacja, 30.01.-03.02.2006, referat: Invariance of fuzzy relations properties.
- International Conference in Applied Mathematics for Undergraduate and Graduate Students, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, 07.-08.04. 2006, referat: Transitivity properties of fuzzy relations and their preservation by operations.
- XII Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Rzeszów - Lublin - Chełm - Łuck, 2-5. 07.2006, referat: Zachowywanie - własności relacji rozmytych w procesie uśredniania.
- IX Międzynarodowe Warsztaty dla Młodych Matematyków, Kraków, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 17-23.09.2006, referat: Some aspects of fuzzy topological spaces (współautorzy: Paweł Drygaś, Anna Król).
- XIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Chełm - Rzeszów - Lublin, 1-4. 07.2007, referat: Graded properties of fuzzy relations in aggregation process.
- The Fifth EUSFLAT Conference, Ostrava, Czechy, 11-14.09. 2007, referat: Preservation of graded properties of fuzzy relations by aggregation functions.
- Sixth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 5 th, 2007, Warsaw, Poland.
- Ninth International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 04-08.02.2008, referaty: Weak properties of fuzzy relations in the context of aggregation process, Equivalent bifuzzy relations (współautor Barbara Pękala).
- The Seventh International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized
- Nets, October 17 th, 2008, Warsaw, Poland.
- XIVth International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields, 7-11.11.2008, Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland, referat: Aggregations of Atanassov intuitionistic fuzzy relations.
- The Eighth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October16 th, 2009, Warsaw, Poland.
- Convexity and Applications, September 5-10, 2010, Iwonicz Zdrój, Poland, referat: Convexity with respect to means (współautor Józef Drewniak).
- Ninth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 8 th, 2010, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Properties of intuitionistic fuzzy preference relations (współautor Barbara Pękala).
- Tenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, September 30 th, 2011, Warsaw, Poland, referat: On aggregation of fuzzy relations..
- Eleventh International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 30.01-03.02.2012, referat: On aggregation of graded properties of fuzzy relations.
- Eleventh International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 12 th, 2012, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Aggregation of fuzzy equivalences (wspólnie z Anną Król).
- Eight Conference of the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2013), September 11-13, 2013, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy, referat: Preservation of t-norm and t-conorm based properties of fuzzy relations during aggregation process.
- Twelfth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, October 11th, 2013, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Alpha-properties of fuzzy relations and aggregation procedure.
- Twelfth International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, 27.01-31.01.2014, referat: Aggregation procedure and fuzzy relation properties based on binary operations (wspólnie z Anną Król).
- International Symposium on Aggregation on Bounded Lattices (ABLAT) 2014, Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, June 16-20, 2014, referat: Domination of Operations on Lattices and Bounded Lattices (wspólnie z Józefem Drewniakiem i Pawłem Drygasiem).
- The Thirteenth International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, 24-26 September 2014, Warsaw, Poland, referat: Interval-valued fuzzy preference relations and their properties.
- International Symposium On the Eve of Golden Jubilee of Fuzzy Sets (ISFS) 2014, 25.11.2014, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów, referat: Fuzzy Sets in Figures (wspólnie z Anną Król I Barbarą Pękalą).
- Seminar Uncertainty Modelling, Slovak University of Technology, Bratysława, June 4-52015, referaty: Aggregations of fuzzy orders in decision making (wspólnie z B. De Baets i A. Król) oraz Properties of transitivity for interval-valued fuzzy relations (wspólnie z B. De Baets i B. Pękala).
- Summer School on Aggregation operators AGOP 2015, 7-10 July, Katowice, Poland, referaty: Aggregations of MN-convex functions on complete lattices (wspólnie z J.Drewniak) oraz Convexity with respect to aggregations (wspólnie z J. Drewniak).
- IEEE international Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ IEEE 2015, Istanbul, Turkey, 2-5 August 2015, referat: Operators on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations (wspólnie z B. Pękala, H. Bustince, J. Fernandez, M. Galar).
- Konferencja Matematyczno-Informatyczna Congressio Mathematica, 23-25.09.2015, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów, referat: O pewnych własnościach relacji podwójnie rozmytych (poster).
- IWIFSGN 2015, Kraków, 26-28.10.2015, referat: Semi-properties of Atanassov Intuitionistic Fuzzy Relations, (wspólnie z B. Pękala, H. Bustince, J. Fernandez, E. Barrenechea).
- ISFS 2015, Rzeszów, 3-4.12.2015, referat: Upon golden jubilee of fuzzy sets (wspólnie z A. Król, B. Pękala).
- CITCEP 2015, Kraków, 18-20.12.2015, referat: Extremal families of MN-convexity (wspólnie z S. Díaz, J. Drewniak, V. Janiš, S. Montes).
- International Conference on Applied Algebra ICAA’2015 Msila, April 28-30, 2015, referat: 50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Sets - Developing Branch of Science (wspólnie z A. Król i B. Pękala).
- International Joint Conference IFSA-EUSFLAT 2015, Gijon, Asturias (Spain), 30.06.- 03.07.2015, referat: Aggregation of fuzzy α-C-equivalences (wspólnie z A. Król).
The Thirteenth International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic FSTA 2016, 24-29.01.2016, (referaty pt: 1.Properties of interval-valued fuzzy relations and aggregation process 2.Aggregation of fuzzy orders (wspólnie z Anna Król)
SeminarUncertainty Modelling, Slovak University of Technology, Bratysława, 2- 3.06.2016, (referat pt: New types of aggregation functions for interval-valued fuzzy setting).
15 th International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets IWIFSGN 2016, Warszawa, IBS PAN, 14.10.2016, referaty: Generalized reciprocity property for interval-valued fuzzy setting in some aspect of social network (wspólnie z B. Pękalą) oraz Dominance of binary operations on posets (U. Bentkowska, J. Drewniak, P. Drygaś, A. Król, E. Rak).
ISFS 2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, 19-20.05.2017, referat: Interval-Valued Fuzzy Preference Structure with Aggregation and Negation Functions (B. Pękala, U. Bentkowska)
FUZZ IEEE 2017, 9-12.07.2017, Naples, Italy, referat: B-properties of fuzzy relations in aggregation process - the "converse problem" (U. Bentkowska).
Śladami Kobiet w Matematyce – w stulecie urodzin Professor Heleny Rasiowej, 22-24.06.2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Application of aggregation functions in decision making (U. Bentkowska).
EUSFLAT 2017, 11-15.09.2017, Warszawa, referat: An Equivalence Relation and Admissible Linear Orders in Decision Making (U. Bentkowska, B. Pękala).
Congressio Mathematica, 27-29.09.2017, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, referat: Przechodniość rozmytych relacji przedziałowych zdefiniowana dla relacji porządku liniowego (U. Bentkowska).
U. Bentkowska, B. Pękala, 14th International Conference on Fuzzy Sets Theory and Applications, 28.01.-2.02.2018, Liptovsky Jan, Slovak Republic, FSTA 2018, referat: Local Properties of Fuzzy Relations in Aggregation Process.