International Conferences
- The Third International Workshop on Rough Sets and Soft Computing (RSSC 1994), San Jose, California, USA, 10-12 listopada, 1994 (były zreferowane dwie prace, których współautorem jest JB: Discovery of Decision Rules from Experimental Data, Application of Rough Sets, Neural Networks and Maximum Likelihood for Texture Classification Based on Singular Value Decomposition).
- The Eighth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 1994), Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 16-19 października, 1994 (referat pt: Dynamic reducts as a tool for extracting laws from decision tables).
- The Second World Conference on the Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (WOCFAI 1995), Paris, France, 3-7 lipca,1995 (referat pt: Application of Modal Logics and Rough Sets for Classifying Objects).
- The International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 1996) Granada, Spain, 1-5 lipca, 1996 (referat pt: Dynamic Reducts and Statistical Inference).
- The Second International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2000), Banff, Kanada, 16-19 października, 2000 (referat pt: A Collection of Tools for Rough Set Computations).
- The Third International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, (RSCTC 2002), 14-16 października, Malvern, PA, USA (były zreferowane dwie prace, których współautorem jest JB: A New Version of Rough Set Exploration System oraz Rough Set Approach to the Survival Analysis)
- The International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2003), Chongqing, China, 26–29 maja, 2003 (referat pt: A View on Rough Set Concept Approximations).
- The International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2003), Maebashi City, Japan, 28-31 października, 2003 (referat pt: Searching for the Complex Decision Reducts: The Case Study of the Survival Analysis).
- The Fourth International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2004), Uppsala, Szwecja, 1-5 czerwca 2004 (były zreferowane trzy prace, których współautorem jest JB: Classifiers Based on Two-Layered Learning , On the Evolution of Rough Set Exploration System oraz Rough Set Methods in Approximation of Hierarchical Concepts).
- The Tenth International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular Computing (RSFDGrC 2005), Regina, Kanada, 31 sierpnia – 3 września 2005 (były zreferowane trzy prace, których współautorem jest JB: Behavioral pattern identification through rough set modeling , DIXER – Distributed Executor for Rough Set Exploration System oraz A Hierarchical Approach to Multimodal Classification).
- First International Conference on Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence (PReMI 2005), Kolkata, India, 18-22 grudnia, 2005 (referat pt: On-line Elimination of Non-Relevant Parts of Complex Objects in Behavioral Pattern Identification).
- The Eleventh Conference of Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2006), Paryż, Francja, 2-7 lipca, 2006 (referat pt: Risk pattern identification in the treatment of infants with respiratory failure through rough set modelling).
- International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification, and Programming (CS&P 2006), Wandlitz, Niemcy, 27‑29 września , 2006 (referat pt: Automatic planning based on rough set tools: Towards supporting treatment of infants with respiratory failure).
- The Fifth International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2006), Kobe, Japan, 6-8 listopada, 2006 (były zreferowane dwie prace, których współautorem jest JB: Automatic planning of treatment of infants with respiratory failure through rough set modeling oraz Missing Template Decomposition Method and Its Implementation in Rough Set Exploration System).
- Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, Third International Conference (PReMI 2009), New Delhi, India, December 16-20, 2009 (referat pt: Interactive Rough-Granular Computing in Pattern Recognition).
- The First International Workshop on Modelling, Analyzing, Discovering Complex Biological Structures (ISoLA-Bio 2009), June 4-5, 2009, Poczdam, Niemcy (referat pt: An approach and tools for interactive classification of complex objects).
- Information Quality in e-Health - 7th Conference of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society (USAB 2011), Graz, Austria, November 25-26, 2011 (tytuł referatu: Semantic Analytics of PubMed Content).
- 14th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU 2012), Catania, Italy, July 9-13, 2012. (tytuł referatu: Rough Derivatives as Dynamic Granules in Rough Granular Calculus).
- 23th international Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P 2014), Chemnitz, Niemcy, 29 września - 1 października , 2014 (referaty: Classifiers for Behavioral Patterns Identification Induced from Huge Temporal Data oraz A classifier based on a decision tree with verifying cuts).
International Conferences in Poland
- The First International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing, Warsaw, czerwiec 22-26, 1998 (referat pt: Discovery of Decision Rules by Matching New Objects Against Data Tables).
- International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Robotics, Control and Decision Making, Polish-Japanese Institute of Information Technology, Warsaw, 22-23 luty, 1999 (referat pt: Approximate reasoning in decision rule synthesis).
- The Sixth International Conference in Soft Computing and Distributed Processing (SCDP 2002), Rzeszów, 24-25 czerwca, 2002 (referat pt: Rough Set Approach to the Survival Analysis).
- The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2003), Warsaw, 5-13 kwietnia, 2003 (referat pt: Rough set approach to pattern extraction from classifiers).
- International Workshop on Monitoring, Security and Rescue Techniques in Multiagent Systems (MSRAS 2004), Płock, 7-9 czerwca, 2004 (referat pt: Classifiers Based on Approximate Reasoning Schemes).
- International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification & Programming (CS&P 2005), Ruciane-Nida, 28-30 września, 2005 (referat pt: Perception Based Rough Set Tools in Behavioural Pattern Identification).
- International Workshop on Rough Sets in Knowledge Discovery (RSKD 2007), Warsaw , 21 września, 2007, towarzyszący połączonym konferencjom: The 18th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) oraz the 11th European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (PKDD), Warsaw, Poland, 17-21 września, 2007 (tytuł zaproszonej prezentacji: RSES – Graphical Tool for Rough Set Computations).
- International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification & Programming (CS&P 2007), Łagów, 27-29 września, 2007 (referat pt: Case-based planning of treatment of infants with respiratory failure).
- The Fourteenth International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields, Ustrzyki Dolne, 8-11 listopada, 2008 (referat pt: Automated Planning Based on Data Sets and Domain Knowledge).
- The Fifteenth International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields, Nałęczów, 6-10 listopada 2009 (referaty pt: Case-based Planning of Treatment Based on Data Sets and Domain Knowledge oraz Behavioral Pattern Identification in Analyzing of Time Series Gene Expression Data).
- The Seventh International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing (RSCTC 2010), Warsaw, Poland, 28-30 czerwca, 2010 (referat pt: “RSCTC'2010 Discovery Challenge: Mining DNA Microarray Data for Medical Diagnosis and Treatment”).
- SYNAT Workshop – Post-Conference Event by The International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2011), July 1, 2011, Warsaw, Poland ( tytuł referatu: “Semantic Search and Analytics over Large Repository of Scientific Articles”).
- Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS'2012), Wroclaw, Poland, September 9-12, 2012 (tytuł referatu: Predicting the presence of serious coronary artery disease based on 24 hour Holter ECG monitoring).
- The 24th International Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming - CS&P, 28-30 September 2015, Rzeszow, Poland, referat pt: The Method for Describing Changes in the Perception of Stenosis in Blood Vessels Caused by an Additional Drug (Buregwa-Czuma, S., Bazan, J., G., Zareba, L., Bazan-Socha, S., Pardel, P., W., Sokolowska, B., Dydo, L.) oraz An approach for resolving conflicts in automatic medical objects classification (Przemyslaw Wiktor Pardel, Jan G. Bazan, Jacek Zarychta, Stanislawa Bazan-Socha).
- Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems - FedCSIS 2015, Lodz, Poland, 13 - 16 September, 2015, referat pt: A two-level classifier for automatic medical objects classification (Przemyslaw Wiktor Pardel, Jan G. Bazan, Jacek Zarychta, Stanislawa Bazan-Socha).
- The 11th International Conference Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures, BDAS 2015, Ustroń, Poland26 - 29 May, 2015, referat pt: Automatic medical objects classification based on data sets and a domain knowledge (Przemyslaw Wiktor Pardel, Jan G. Bazan, Jacek Zarychta, Stanislawa Bazan-Socha).
- The 2nd IEEE international conference on cybernetics : Gdynia, Poland, 24–26 June 2015, Referat: Extracting of temporal patterns from data for hierarchical classifiers construction (Szpyrka, M., Szczur, A., Bazan, J., G.).
- Internatiolan Workshop on Concurrency, Specification and Programming (CS&P 2017), Warszawa, Poland, 25-27.09.2017, (referat pt: Classifier Based on a Decision Tree with Temporal Cuts).
- Rough Sets International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017,Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017.
Conferences in Poland
- Dziewiąta konferencja: Informatyka w szkole, Toruń, 15-18 września, 1993 (referat pt: Schematy blokowe: przeznaczenie, możliwości i warunki eksploatacji).
- Czwarta Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczna, Czudec, 8-11 listopada, 1997 (referat pt: Wybrana metoda wnioskowań aproksymacyjnych dla syntezy algorytmów decyzyjnych).
- Siódma Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczna, Iwonicz Zdrój, 8-11 listopada, 2000 (referat pt: Dekompozycja tablic danych jako narzędzie do konstrukcji algorytmów decyzyjnych).
- XIII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Matematyczna, Informatyczna i Pokrewnych Dziedzin, Chełm, 1-4 lipca, 2007 (referat pt: Metody konstruowania klasyfikatorów dla identyfikowania wzorców zachowania robotów Khepera).