International Conferences
- The Second IEEE International Conference on Human System Interaction, Catania, May, 2009 (referat pt: A Valued Tolerance Approach to Missing Attribute Values in Data Mining).
- The Fourth International Conference, RSCTC 2004, Uppsala, Sweden, 1-5 czerwaca 2004 (referat pt: Decision Rules in Multivalued Information Systems).
- The Third International Conference, RSCTC 2002, Malvern, USA, 14-16 października 2002 (referat pt: A New Method for Determining of Extensions and Restrictions of Informtion Systems, Measures of Inclusion and Closeness of Information Granules: A Rough Set Approach).
International Conferences in Poland
- Rough Sets International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017,Olsztyn, Poland, July 3-7, 2017,
- The Fourteenth International Conference on Mathematics, Informatics and Related Fields, Ustrzyki Dolne, 8-11 listopada, 2008
- Concurency, Specification and Programming CS&P'2007, Łagów,27-29 wrzesnia 2007 (referat pt: Approximation Space and LEM2-like Algorithms for Local Approximations)
- International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ICAISC'2006), Zakopane, June 2006 (referat pt: Decision System Analysis According to the Relaxed Consistency Principle).
- The Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and Distributed Processing (SCDP'2002), Rzeszów, 24-25 czerwca 2002 (referat pt: Volumetric Storm Cell Classification with the Use of Rough Set Methods i A Rough Set Approach to Constructing Information Granules)
- Concurency, Specification and Programming CS&P'2001, Warszawa, September 2001 (referat pt: A Comparison of Different Decision Algorithms Used in Volumetric Storm Cells Classification)
Conferences in Poland
- Trzynasta Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Chełm, lipiec 2007
- (referat pt: Induction of Decision Rules from Incomplete Data by Modified LEM2 Algorithms).
- Jedenasta Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Chełm, czerwiec 2005.
- Dziesiąta Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Korytnica, maj 2004 (referat pt: Reguły decyzyjne w wielowartościowych systemach decyzyjnych)
- Siódma Środowiskowa Konferencja Matematyczno - Informatyczna, Iwonicz-Zdrój, listopad 2000.