The decision to create the academic pedagogical periodical “Culture – Transformations - Education” was motivated by a significant scientific and educational rationale. The most important aspect of this is the need for the creation of an interregional platform for discourse on pedagogy as understood in interdisciplinary terms. Essentially, this regards participation in discourse in order to overcome the “postmodernist” “chaos” so prevalent in the educational sciences of today.
We are committed to a bold, yet by definition realistic attempt to reconcile the (at least) two dominant tendencies in academic pedagogy, that is on the one hand the creation of excessively abstract pedagogical “metatheories”, and on the other hand a far-reaching differentiation in the educational sciences. This differentiation entails the excessive specialisation of subjects in pedagogy which blurs the holistic nature of education, a unified whole in terms of culture and the personality of the individual. We are also committed to an empirical and discursive verification of many pedagogical and educational concepts which are not easily applicable in life, especially those which diverge excessively from the reality of (effective) educational practice, fragmenting the human being and the process of his education. Some of these lead to a neoliberal alienation of the persons of the pupil and teacher-educator, atomising these personalities, creating separate worlds, incapable of mutual dialogue in upbringing and education.
We also wish to discover the sources of the “escape” of the student and pupil from the teacher and educator., as well as the causes of the increasingly restricted areas in which pedagogic thought and practice can have an effective impact, and the growing distance between educational and pedagogical entities. We wish to search for a difficult answer to the question of why the our “accelerated social and cultural reality” is not being accompanied by an equally accelerated dynamic of the development of pedagogical theory and practice. In this regard, the category of “rapid variability” becomes for the social sciences, the humanities, and especially pedagogical disciplines a central category. We also intend to come to grips with the need to develop effective methods to recognise and understand transformations in the human world in civilisation which “degrade” the human condition. This concerns especially transformations in the world of values and the spirituality of the modern man, and styles and models of cognition and mentality of individuals and groups of people.
A significant issue is the “weakening” of meaning, a kind of erosion of one of the classic paradigms of pedagogy, which in large part becomes powerless in cognition and application, while a new pedagogical essence and significance is being searched for. It is this vision of discourse which we intend to realise on the pages of this regular publication of the University of Rzeszów.
As a result, we will also be engaged in the search for a real “educational optimisation” for the application of knowledge and of pedagogical experience which combines educational practice and theory. A search for phenomena understood in anthropological, phylogenetic and ontogenetic terms, but also as highly individualised, generalised, and specific at the same time. This annual will be a forum for the exchange of thought and experience, a space of discourse for younger and more mature researchers from Poland and abroad, and also for practitioners including teachers and educators, and direct participants in the educational process. The periodical Culture – Transformations – Education is addressed to scientist and researchers, but also to students and practitioners interested in issues of theory and practice in education and pedagogy.
To fulfil the above programme postulates, the periodical assumes both a regional and international character, covering an area of institutions dealing with the educational sciences in the south-eastern Euroregion (Poland, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Slovakia, Hungary), that is countries with similar cultural and civilizational conditions and facing similar contemporary educational challenges. Numerous forms of academic exchange such as conferences, academic symposia, working visits of educational professionals and students have convinced us of the need for a deepening of the collaboration which has been undertaken up until now in the forum of an interdisciplinary periodical. We are certain that despite differences in regional pedagogical and educational traditions, we are joined by a similar state of educational sciences, similar opportunities and limitations in this area, and similar educational and civilizational challenges. This is because our contemporary reality forces the need to expand the function of pedagogy, education and child-rearing, going beyond traditional educational systems towards universal models which create culture and form human perspective.
For these reasons, we choose to treat the educational sciences in our periodical in a holistic and interdisciplinary, national and supranational, and culture-forming manner. We feel that such an inter-regional, inter-cultural and international anthropological and cultural approach to understanding (and practicing) the educational sciences will provide an opportunity and prospect for the universal growth of the species in the face of a clear crisis of values and a dehumanisation which threatens the culture of co-existence of people on the regional and global scale in the unpredictable path of the future development of civilisation. These are ambitious aims, but at the same time realistic and most necessary.
In this context, the structure of the periodical will cover the following areas of thought on education and areas of educational practice:
- Historical continuity and change in educational thought
- Axiological and social aspects of child-rearing and human development
- Dialogue and coexistence of cultures in contemporary education
- The family and the school – common areas of education, child-rearing, and care
- Psychology as regards contemporary educational and child-rearing issues
- Universities and higher education in terms of civilizational challenges
We invite those in the profession and those outside the profession who are interested in the issues of child-rearing and education to help create a certain type of “movement of ideas” on pedagogy, to create a forum for pedagogues, psychologists, sociologists, and representatives of other academic, cultural, theoretical, and applied disciplines. We are committed to an interdisciplinary and multifaceted treatment of the issue of education as a universal area of knowledge, and to its noble social and educational application in today’s world in the creation of the modern human being, and human culture historical, contemporary, and future terms.
dr hab. prof. UR Ryszard Pęczkowski
- ISSN 2300-9888;
- ISSN online 2544-1205
- ISBN - 978-83-7996-253-2
- DOI:10.15584/kpe