Principles for preparing texts
Please prepare texts in A4 format following these guidelines:
I. Times New Roman font – 12 point,1.5 line spacing; margins – 2.5.
II. Amount of text – up to 20,000 characters
III. Text layout:
- Name and Surname of the Author (upper left corner)
- Title of article in Polish
- Title of article in English
- Summary of article in Polish and keywords, 800-1000 characters
- Summary of article in English and keywords, 800-1000 characters
- Introduction
- Text with separate subheadings
- Conclusion
- Bibliography
- Correspondence details of author (see model):
Title, name, surname,
IV. Principles for citations - footnotes, 10 point font.
- Bibliographical footnotes regarding publications should contain in this order: initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surnames (comma), Title in italics (comma), place and year of publication (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. J. Czerny, Filozofia wychowania, Katowice 1997, p. 28.
- Bibliographical footnotes regarding group publications should contain in this order: initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surnames (ed.) (comma), Title in italics, place and year of publication, page number (full stop).
E.g. A. J. Omelaniuk, W. Pilarczyk, A. Kościszewski, (ed.), Rodzina, Młodzież, Regionalizm, Ciechanów 2000.
- Bibliographical footnotes regarding articles published in group publications should contain in this order: initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surname (comma) of the author of the article, title of article in italics (comma), [in:] initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surname (ed.) (comma), title of work in italics, place and year of publication (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. J. Izdebska, Współczesne dziecko i obraz jego dzieciństwa, [in:] Dobro dziecka w rodzinie, ed. L. Adamowska, J. Uszyńska, - Jarmoc, Białystok 2012, p. 19.
- When the same work is cited repeatedly, please provide a full footnote at the first instance. In further citations, please provide: initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surname (comma), partial title in italics (ellipsis)… (comma), op. cit./ art. cit. (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. J. Czerny, Filozofia…, op. cit., p. 45.
P. Ochwadowski, M. Sęk, Możliwości wykorzystania muzykoterapii…, art. cit., p. 196.
- When the same work is cited in two (or more) subsequent citations, please provide a full footnote at the first instance. In the subsequent footnote(s), please use: Ibid. (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. Ibid, p. 16.
- Bibliographical footnotes regarding articles published in periodicals should contain in this order: initials of first and middle names (full stop) and surname of the author of the article (comma), title of the article in italics (comma), title of the periodical in quotation marks and year of publication (comma), issue number (comma), page number (full stop).
E.g. H. Cudak, Makrospołeczne uwarunkowania modelu życia współczesnej rodziny, “Pedagogika Rodziny” 2013, issue 3, p. 12.
V. At the end of the text, a bibliography should be provided in alphabetical order following this model: surname of author, initial(s) of first and middle names (comma), title of work in italics (comma), publication (comma), place and year of publication (full stop).
E.g. Szmyd K., Twórcy nauk o wychowaniu w środowisku akademickim Lwowa (1860-1939), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Rzeszów 2003.
In the case of group works:
Omelaniuk A. J., Pilarczyk W., Kościszewski A. (ed.), Rodzina, Młodzież, Regionalizm, Krajowy Ośrodek Dokumentacji Regionalnych Towarzystw Kultury, Ciechanów 2000.
In the case of bibliographical descriptions of works published in periodicals:
Świderska M., Formy wspierania dzieci i dorosłych upośledzonych intelektualnie, “Pedagogika Rodziny” 2013, issue 3.
In the case of articles published in group works:
Nikitorowicz J., Tolerancja jako wartość edukacyjna społeczeństwa wielokulturowego, [in:] U podstaw dialogu o edukacji, ed. A. Karpińska, Trans Humana, Białystok 2003.
In the case of materials drawn from Internet pages, please provide a precise web address and in brackets indicate the date when the material was accessed.
VI. Charts and tables:
When illustrations, diagrams, tables, etc are included in the text, please indicate below the illustration/table its source (10 point). For example:
Table no. 4
Distribution of liberal style of child-rearing
Distribution of liberal style |
Source: own research
VI. Additional information:
A crucial factor determining acceptance for publication of any text is whether this text matches the profile of the “Culture – Transformations – Education” annual and the principles of text preparation presented here. Articles which do not meet these criteria will not be considered for publication.
By submitting articles for publication, Authors give their permission of the Editors of “Culture – Transformations – Education” to shorten or edit the text submitted and also to alter its title. Authors are required to implement alterations to the text suggested by reviewers.
We request that authors submitting texts of articles attach completed Declarations on copyright and respect of principles of ethics in scientific publications (forms available in the tab - Downloads).
Please send texts and scans of the completed declarations on copyright and respect of principles of ethics in scientific publications by e-mail to:
or in printed (paper) and electronic (disc) forms to: Zofia Frączek, Uniwersytet Rzeszowski; Wydział Pedagogiczny; ul. Ks. Jałowego 24; 35-010 Rzeszów.