Conference - Specialist Languages
Center for Foreign Languages, University of Rzeszów
Department of the Theory of Translation, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów
are pleased to invite you to a two-day conference:
16-17 September 2016
Rzeszow, Poland
The aim of the conference is to create a forum for discussion and exchange of experiences for practitioners, teachers, translators, representatives of business and administration, theoreticians, researchers who specialize in specialist languages, business communication, international cooperation. The conference will be divided into three sections: didactics of specialist languages, translation of specialist texts, linguistic studies in the area of specialist languages and discourse.
Prof. zw. dr hab. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (University of Łódź)
Prof. zw. dr hab. Sambor Grucza (University of Warsaw)
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Piotr Mamet (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa)
Dr Jolanta Łącka-Badura (University of Economics in Katowice)
The first theme covers the didactics of specialist languages. Here we welcome presentations in:
- the specificity of teaching specialist languages,
- the application of new methods and technologies in teaching specialist languages,
- new methodologies and modern solutions in didactics,
- the development of specialist language teaching programmes, taking account of the individual needs of learners and the requirements of both the labour market and employers,
- teacher training in the field of specialist languages.
The second theme concerns specialist translatology and it covers the following:
- problems related the translation of specialist texts,
- tools used in the translation of specialist texts,
- methods enhancing the process of translation,
- the development of databases and comparison of specialist terminology,
- the extra-linguistic knowledge of the translator and the development of his competences.
The third theme refers to linguistic studies in:
- types of specialist languages and attempts to define them,
- comparative studies in the field of specialist languages, including the comparative analyses of the specialist languages and general language,
- corpus studies, discourse analysis and issues related to the syntax, semantics and stylistics of specialist languages,
- genre-specific features of specialist languages,
- specialist languages and the theory of general communication.
You are invited to send proposals of:
- individual papers (20 minutes),
- workshops (40 minutes)
- discussion panels (60 minutes)
If you are interested in presenting a paper, submit an abstract (200-250 words) as well as the full text of your article (up to 21 000 characters) in English or in Polish. Please follow the guidelines included in the section ‘Publication.’
If you would like to organize a workshop or a panel discussion, send its short description (200-250 words) indicating your requirements for the equipment and the maximum number of participants.
Please register at:
- 31st May 2016 - deadline for submission of abtracts and workshop proposals
- 15th June 2016 - notification of abtract and workshop proposal acceptance
- 30th June 2016 - deadline for payment for non-presenting participants
- 30th June 2016 - deadline for payment for presenting participants
- 31st October 2016 - deadline for submission of full texts of articles for publication
We are planning to publish a monograph. The deadline for sending your articles is the end of April 2016. We can only accept articles from those participants who have paid the conference fee. All articles will be blindly reviewed.
Scientific Committee:
Prof. zw. dr hab. Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (University of Łódź)
Prof. zw. dr hab. Sambor Grucza (University of Warsaw)
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Lucyna Falkiewicz-Wille (University of Rzeszów)
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Teodor Hrehovčik (Prešovská univerzita)
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Piotr Mamet (Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa)
Prof. José Mateo Martínez (Universidad de Alicante)
Prof. David Singleton (Trinity College Dublin)
Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Agnieszka Uberman (University of Rzeszów)
Dr Jolanta Łącka-Badura (University of Economics in Katowice)
Dr Dorota Osuchowska (University of Rzeszów)
Dr Sławomir Schultis (University of Rzeszów)
Dr Barbara Skoczyńska-Prokopowicz (School of Law and Public Administration)
The conference fee is 300 PLN for participants with a presentation. The fee includes conference materials, certificate of attendance, coffee breaks, as well as the publication of articles (after a positive review) in a monograph. The conference fee for participants without a presentation is 50 PLN.
If you have any questions, please contact us at: