Agnieszka Uberman, Associate Professor
Agnieszka Uberman
Associate Professor
Graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Received PhD with distinction in Applied Linguistics at the University of Rzeszów
Received Post-PhD in General Linguistics at the University of Prešov, Slovakia
Research area: applied-linguistic modelling of the lexicon of the English language, methods and strategies of language learning and teaching, metaphors in language; lexical semantics; chromatosemy (colour vocabulary) contrastive studies; cognitive models within lexicon study.
Current Courses: methodology of foreign language teaching; translation practice, BA and MA seminar, doctoral seminar
The number of promoted Masters of Arts: over 100
The number of promoted Bachelors of Arts: over 150
The number of reviewed MA projects: over 70
The number of reviewed BA projects: over 150
The number of finalised PhD theses (supervisor): 2
The number of supervised PhD theses: 9
The number of reviewed PhD theses: 7
The number of reviewed habilitation procedures: 1
- Teodor Hrehovčik, Agnieszka Uberman: English Language Teaching Methodology: An Undergraduate Course for ELT Trainees. Rzeszów: UR, 2003.
- Modelling the English Lexicon in Applied Linguistics. Rzeszów: UR, 2006.
- Metodyka realizacji programu Kształtowanie Kompetencji Kluczowych. Języki obce. pp. 106 – 169. W: Katarzyna Szempruch, Agnieszka Uberman: Założenia programowe, zasady opracowania i modyfikacji programu kształtowania kompetencji kluczowych w zakresie języków obcych. Lublin: Wyższa Szkoła Ekonomii i Innowacji w Lublinie, 2009.
- Applied-linguistic Modelling of the English Lexis: Cognitive Models in Diverse Applications. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller e.K., 2011.
- Teodor Hrehovčík, Agnieszka Uberman: English-Polish and Polish-English Linguodidactic Dictionary. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014.
- Kleparski, G.A. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2008.
- Kleparski, G.A., Rokosz-Piejko, E. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2009.
- Spólnik, G. and Uberman, A. (eds). R. Maksymowicz Język angielski dla elektroników i informatyków. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Oświatowe FOSZE, 2010.
- B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek and Uberman, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2012.
- Pikor-Niedziałek, M. and Uberman, A. (eds). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 10. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2013.
- Konieczna, E. and Uberman, A. (eds). Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014.
- Uberman, A., Puchała-Ladzińska, K. and Niedziela, B. (eds). Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture: The Students’ Voices 4. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2016. ISBN 978-83-7996-248-8.
- Uberman, A., Hrehovcik, T. (eds) Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics II. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2016. ISBN 978-83-7996-313-3.
- Kiełtyka, R. and Uberman, A. (eds). Evolving Nature of the English Language: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017. ISBN 978-3-631-67625-7.
- Uberman, A.and Dick-Bursztyn, M. (eds). Language in the New Millennium: Applied-linguistic and Cognitive-linguistic Considerations. Berlin; New York: Peter Lang, 2018. ISBN 978-3-631-74300-3.
Co-editor of Peter Lang publishing series:
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2016) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 1. Kudła, M. A Study of Attributive Ethnonyms in the History of English with Special Reference to Foodsemy. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-66563-3.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2016) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 2. Grząśko, A. On Invectives in Natural Language: A Panchronic Study of English Synonyms of ‘Skinny’/’Fatty’. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-66644-9.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 3. M. Martynuska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (red), Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in Anglophone Literature and Culture. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-67624-0.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 4. R. Kiełtyka, A. Uberman (red), Evolving Nature of the English Language: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-67625-7.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 5. R. Kiełtyka and E. Konieczna (eds), English versus Slavic: Lexicon in a semantic and morphological perspective. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN 978-3-631-67067-5.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 6. M. Martynuska, E. Rokosz-Piejko (red), New Developments in Postcolonial Studies. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-71124-8.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 7. Kiersnowska, B. Ideologies and Forms of Leisure and Recreation in Victorian Manchester. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-72561-0.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 8. M. Grabowska, G. Grzegorczyk, P. Kallas (red), Narrativity in Action: Language, Culture and Text. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-73080-5.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 9. M. Trinder The Influence of Level of Extroversion, Locus of Control and Gender on Listening and Reading Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-73456-8.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2017) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 10. J. Wiliński, J. Stolarek (red), Norm and Anomaly in Language, Literature and Culture. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-631-71182-8.
- Kiełtyka, R., A. Uberman (red.) (2018) Studies in Linguistics, Anglophone Literatures and Cultures. Tom 11. A. Uberman, M. Dick-Bursztyn (red), Language in the New Millennium: Applied-linguistic and Cognitive-linguistic Considerations. Berlin; New York: Peter Lang, ISBN 978-3-631-74300-3.
- ‘The Use of Games for Vocabulary Presentation and Revision’. In: English Teaching Forum. Vol.36 No.1 Jan. - Mar. 1998, pp.20 - 27.
- 'Foreign Language Lexical Subsystem: Evaluation of Advanced Learners' Abilities - a Scheme of the Diagnostic Study'. In: Arabski, J. (ed.). Research on Foreign Language Acquisition. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego, Katowice 2001, pp. 55 - 61.
- 'On Applied-Linguistic Modelling of the Lexicon'. In: Ożóg, K. (ed.). Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, Seria Filologiczna, Językoznawstwo 2. Vol. 31, Rzeszów, 2005, pp. 131- 148.
- Uberman, A. & Dimitrijev, L. 'Storytelling for Children'. In: Graur, E. & Diaconescu, A. (eds.). Messages, Sages, and Ages. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on British and American Studies. Editura Universitatii Suceava, 2006, pp. 823 - 841.
- Uberman, A. & Uberman, M. 'The system of teacher training in Poland and Bologna process: the present and conclusions'. In: Babić, N. (ed.). Competences and Teacher Competence, Proceedings. Osijek, Croatia, 2007, pp. 127 - 135.
- 'Metaphors as a method of conceptualization in language'. In: Kiełtyka, R., Osuchowska, D. & Rokosz-Piejko, E. (eds.). Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszów, Wydawnictwo UR, 2008, pp. 227 - 234.
- 'Employing drama techniques in maintaining motivation during social language work'. In: tom pokonferencyjny Sociálna pedagogika, sociálna práca a sociálna andragogika aktuálne otázky teórie a praxe. Spisska Nova Ves, Słowacja 1 - 2.10.2007.
- 'Cross-curricular teaching - integrating linguistic education with other subject areas for sustainable development'. In: Uzelac, V. & Vujičic, L. Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Rijeka, Chorwacja, 2008, pp. 267 - 272.
- 'Some Remarks on the Application of Metaphors in the EFL Classroom'. In: Kleparski, G.A. & Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2008, pp. 73 - 79.
- 'The application of cognitive models for adult learnenrs' vocabulary instruction'. In: Acta Humanica 2/2008, Aktuálne Problémy Výchovy K Euroobćianstvu V Dimenziách Spoločensko-Vedných Odborov. Žilina 2008; pp. 167 - 171.
- 'Metaphorical extensions of the sewing frame in the foreign language classroom'. In: Kleparski, G. A. (ed.). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 51/2008, Rzeszów: Wydawnictow UR., pp. 139 - 153.
- ‘On teaching idiomatic expressions: drawing on etymological information in search of (true?) meaning’. In: Górecka-Smolińska, M., Kleparski, G.A. and Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2009, pp. 137 - 142.
- ‘On metaphorics and symbolism of colour terms’. In: Kleparski, G.A., Rokosz-Piejko, E. and Uberman, A. (eds.). Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2009, pp. 141 – 146.
- ‘Rozwijanie kompetencji językowych dla cywilizacji przyszłości’. In: Chodkowska, M. and Uberman, M. (eds). Szkoła i jej wychowankowie. Między tradycją a wyzwaniami edukacji przyszłości. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2010. pp. 91-97.
- ‘Learners’ self-assessment of lexical knowledge’. In: Ferenčík, M. & Horváth, J. (eds). Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. Prešov: Filozofická fakulta Prešovská Univerzita. 2009. pp. 283-291.
- ‘The use of music for developing foreign language competence’. In: Langsteinová, E., Fridman, L., Janeková, J. and Sokolová, K. (eds). Kultúra - umenie - vzdelávanie. Zborník z medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie. Banská Bystrica: Pedagogická fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, 2009. pp. 37-38. ISBN: 978-80-8083-755-6 / EAN 9788080837556
- ‘Foreign language learning – a social and cultural necessity’. In: Acta Humanica 3/2009. Žilina: Žilinská Univerzita, 2009. pp. 309-313.
- ‘Teaching English in higher education institutions’. In: Foreign Languages in an Academic Environment. Technical University of Košice: Košice, 2009. pp. 315-323. ISBN: 978-80-553-0325-3
- ‘The representation of the frame of crying in Polish and English’. In: Kufelová, B. (ed.). Text, Context, Hypertext, Interpretation and Communication. Univerzita Sv. Cyrila a Metoda v Trnave, Trnava, 2010, pp. 283-295.
- ‘Wybrane aspekty profesjonalizmu nauczyciela języka obcego’ In: Szempruch, J., Blachnik-Gęsiarz, M. (eds). Profesjonalne funkcjonowanie nauczyciela. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Wyższej Szkoły Lingwistycznej, 2010. pp. 76-82.
- ‘Intercultural communication in foreign language teaching’. In: Pirohová, I., Lukáč, E. (eds). Vzdelávanie dospelých v poznatkovo orientovanej spoločnosti. Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej university, Prešov. 2010. pp. 417-423. ISBN 978-80-555-0152-9.
- ‘Vocabulary as a reflection of life wisdom’. In: Balogová, B. (ed.). Elan vital v priestore medzigeneračných vzťahov. Zborník príspevkov z konferencie s medzinárodnou účasťou 15.01.2010 v Prešove. Filozofická fakulta Prešovskej university, Prešov. 2010. pp. 182-188. ISBN 978-80-555-0198-7
- ‘Advanced English vocabulary and idiom in tertiary education: the frame of playing cards’. In: Actual Problems Of Philology: Linguistics, Literature, Teaching Methodology Of Philological Science. Collection of articles of the I International Scientific Conference. Mariupol State University of Humanities, Mariupol, Ukraine. 2010. pp. 236-241. ISBN 966-604-044-1.
- ‘Rama GRA W KARTY – zastosowanie modeli kognitywnych w opisie słownictwa.’ In: Kleparski, G.A., Kiełtyka, R. (eds). Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne. Jarosław: 2010. pp. 223-232.
- ‘Cultural aspects of the English lexicon’. In: Szmyd, K., Banaś-Baran, E., Dolata, E., Śniegulska, A. (eds). Myśl i praktyka edukacyjna w obliczu zmian cywilizacyjnych. Vol. 1. Człowiek i wychowanie w perspektywie wieloetnicznej I wielokulturowej. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2012. pp. 635-653.
- Uberman, A. and M. Uberman ‘Musical, artistic and linguistic education of children in Polish primary schools’. In: Liimets, A., Mäesalu, M. (eds). Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaft, Vol. 21. Music Inside and Outside the School. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, GmbH. 2011. pp. 69-84.
- ‘Application of language learning strategies in language training’. In: Körtvélyessy, L., Osuchowska, D., Włodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: Tawa, 2011. pp. 137-144.
- ‘Learning strategies in teaching culture-related language issues at advanced level’. In: Böhmerová, A. (ed.). Identity in Intercultural Communication. Slovak Studies in English III. Bratislava: ŠEVT, a.s., 2011. pp. 229-245. ISBN 978-80-8106-047-2.
- ‘Yellow in Polish and English – contrastive metaphorics’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Kiełtyka (eds). II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia Języka, Literatury i Kultury. Jarosław: Wydawnictwo Państwowej Wyższej Szkoły Techniczno-Ekonomicznej im. ks. B. Markiewicza w Jarosławiu, 2011. pp. 423-434. ISSN 2081-903X.
- ‘Seeing red’ – figurative meanings of colour terms: the case study of ‘red’’. In: B. Kopecka, M. Pikor-Niedziałek, A. Uberman (eds). Galicia Studies in Language. Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2012. pp. 119-136. ISBN 978-83-62638-09-3.
- ‘Less red reds: on idiomaticity of colour terms within the spectrum of red’. In: P. Cymbalista, B. Duda, G.A. Kleparski (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2013. pp. 93-108. ISBN 978-83-62638-85-7.
- ‘Contrastive metaphorics of colour – representations of red in English and Slovak’. In: M. Nováková, D. Uhríková, A. Böhmerová (eds). Links and Connections. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, 2013. pp. 98-110. ISBN 978-80-223-3462-4.
- ‘Contrastive semantic chromatosemy: the case study of blue’. In: G.A. Kleparski, J. Wesół, M. Górecka-Smolińska (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2014. pp. 105-115. ISBN 978-83-62638-46-8.
- ‘Black revisited – colour lexicon’. In: G.A. Kleparski, R. Oliwa (eds). Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne Jarosław, 2014. pp. 219-236. ISSN 2081-903X.
- ‘Framing COLOUR’. In: I. Lacko, L. Otrísalová (eds). Cross-Cultural Challenges in British and American Studies. Slovak Studies in English IV. Bratislava: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Komenského v Bratislave, STIMUL, 2014. pp. 203-218. ISBN 978-80-8127-117-5.
- ‘Figurative meanings in language. Linguistic representations and metaphorics of pain’. In: E. Konieczna, A. Uberman (eds). Text. Sentence. Word. Studies in English Linguistics. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014. pp. 77-87. ISBN 978-83-7996-088-0.
- ‘Semantics of brown: a contrastive English-Polish analysis’. In: G.A. Kleparski, J. Wesół, A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska (eds). Galicia Studies in Language with Historical Semantics Foregrounded. Chełm: TAWA Publishing House, 2015. pp. 90-106. ISBN 978-83-62638-67-3.
- ‘Analysing cognitive structures: The lexical frame of PAIN’ In: M. Dick-Bursztyn, K. Puchała-Ladzińska (eds). Studia Anglica Resoviensia 12. Rzeszów: UR, 2015. pp. 61-70.
- ‘Musical metaphors in English’. In: E. Dżwierzyńska, D. Chudyk (eds). Z badań nad językami europejskimi w aspekcie synchronicznym i diachronicznym. Księga jubileuszowa poświęcona Profesor Zofii Czapidze. Szczecin: Volumina, 2015. pp. 269-278. ISBN: 978-83-7867-319-4.
- ‘The contrasted frames: PAIN in English and Polish’. In: A. Uberman, T. Hrehovčík (eds). Text – Sentence – Word. Studies in English Linguistics II. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2016. pp. 96-107. ISBN 978-83-7996-313-3.
- ‘National linguistic references in figurative English’. In: A. Böhmerová, J. Lonek (eds). Lingvokultúrna determinácia lexiky v anglofónnom a slovenskom kontexte // Linguocultural Determination of the Lexis in the Anglophone and the Slovak Contexts. Bratislava: Comenius University, 2016. pp. 181-200. ISBN 978-80-223-4240-7.
- ‘Death in metaphorical language’ Lege Artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow 1 (2) De Gruyter Open, 2016. pp.171-211. ISSN 2453-8035. ID 2LA06, DOI: 10.1515/lart-2016-0013.
- ‘The colour of endurance: figurative semantics of green’. In: R. Kiełtyka, A. Uberman (eds). Evolving Nature of the English Language: Studies in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2017. pp. 133-144. ISBN 978-3-631-67625-7.
- ‘Figurative language: the analysis of nautical metaphors in English and Polish’. In: Kačmárová, A. & Shatro, B. (eds): Challenges of Anglophone Language(s), Literatures and Cultures. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2017. pp. 133-153. ISBN (10): 1-4438-1751-1, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-1751-6.
- ‘Learning strategies applied by students at university level’. In: Sino-US English Teaching. 2017, vol. 14 (4). pp. 216-227. ISSN: 1539-8072 . doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2017.04.003.
- ‘Avoiding to name the unavoidable: euphemisms for the elements of the frame of DEATH’. In: Uberman, A.& Dick-Bursztyn, M. (eds). Language in the New Millennium: Applied-linguistic and Cognitive-linguistic Considerations. Berlin: Peter Lang, 2018, pp. 179-190. ISBN 978-3-631-74300-3.
- First Certificate Gold - a Review. Języki Obce w Szkole. Warszawa: WSiP. Sept. – Oct. 1998, pp. 369 – 371.
- Janusz Arabski, Przyswajanie języka obcego i pamięć werbalna. Glottodidactica. Vol. 27. Poznań, 2000, pp.140 - 142.
- G. A. Kleparski First Facts First Studia Anglica Resoviensia vol.2 Rzeszów, 2001, pp. 193 - 195.
- Review for the publisher: H. Górny "Język angielski dla przedszkolaków. Metoda nauczania języka angielskiego dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym z zastosowaniem rytmiki jako środka wspomagającego naukę." Wydawnictwo Oświatowe Fosze: Rzeszów, 2005.
- Review for the publisher: Roczniki Naukowe Nauczycielskiego Kolegium Języków Obcych w Ostrowcu Św. Miscellaneous Studies in English Vol.1, Dobrowolska-Wesołowska, M. and Kaptur, P. (eds.). Ostrowiec Św: NKJO, 2008. ISSN 1899-3095 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting-1899-3095end_of_the_skype_highlighting.
- Review for the publisher: R. Hycner & M. Dobrowolska-Wesołowska "Geodesy, Surveying And Professional Ethics." Wydawnictow GALL: Katowice, 2008. ISBN: 978-83-60968-02-4.
- Review for the publisher: R. Maksymowicz, Język angielski dla elektroników i informatyków. Wydawnictwo Oświatowe Fosze: Rzeszów, 2010. ISBN: 978-83-7586-039-9.
- Review for the publisher: T. Hrehovčík Introduction to Second Language Acquisition. Vydavatelstvo Prešovskej Univerzity: Prešov, 2011. ISBN 978-80-555-0474-2.
- Review for the publisher: M. Bilá & A. Kačmárová When Pragmatics Meets Prosody.(Discovering what Text Means to the Speaker). Brno: Vydavatelstvo MSD, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7392-213-9.
- Review for the publisher: M. Gorczyca-Blok Introduction to Mathematical English. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2013. ISBN 978-83-7338-951-9.
- Review for the publisher: E. Dźwierzyńska (ed.) Новый взгляд на теорию и практику обучения русскому языку как иностранному. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo UR, 2014. ISBN 978-83-7867-071-1.
Editing and reviewing:
Deputy editor of a journal Lege Artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow published online by Mouton De Gruyter Open (2016-2017).
Reviewing articles for:
- Lege Artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow
- Athens Journal of Philology
- ELTA Journal (ELTA Serbia - English Language Teachers' Association)
- US-China Foreign Language
- Journal of Special Education and Rehabilitation (Macedonia; University Ss. Cyril and Methodius, Skopje)
- Socjolingwistyka
- Annales Philologiae UMCS Lublin
- Teaching and Teacher Education
- Reviewer in 3 international grants
Conference participation and guest lectures:
- XIIth International Conference on Foreign / Second Language Acquisition, Szczyrk: 21-22 October 1999, presented paper: Foreign language lexical subsystem: evaluation of advanced learners' abilities - a scheme of a diagnostic study..
- Seminar at the Institute of English and American Studies of the University of Prešov (Slovakia) 10.10.2001: 'Vocabulary presentation and revision techniques'.
- Seminar at Facultade de Filoloxia e Traducción - Universidade de Vigo (Spain) 19.01.2004: 'Sposoby utrwalania słownictwa obcojęzycznego' - 'Methods and techniques in consolidating English lexis'.
- Seminar at Facultade de Filoloxia e Traducción - Universidade de Vigo (Spain) 20.01.2004: 'Historyjki i opowiadania w nauczaniu języka obcego dzieci' - 'Storytelling for Children'.
- 2nd International Conference 'Messages, Sages, and Ages' 19 - 21.10.2006; Suceava, Romania, presented paper: Uberman, A. & Dimitrijev, L. Storytelling for Children.
- Conference Przemoc wobec dzieci - profilaktyka i interwencja. Rzeszów - Leżajsk 30.11 - 01.12.2006. presented paper: Cartoons in foreign language teaching - a non-violent way of introducing children to the world?
- The International Scientific Colloquium: Competences and Teacher Competence, (18-19.04.2007) Osijek, Croatia. presented paper: Uberman, A. & Uberman, M. 'The system of teacher training in Poland and Bologna process: the present and conclusions'.
- VI International Conference: Wschód - Zachód. Dialog kultur. Słupsk, Poland 31.05 - 01.06.2007. presented paper: Metaphors in Language Teaching.
- I Anglistentag. Rzeszów, Poland 22 - 23.10.2007. presented paper: Metaphors as a method of conceptualization in language.
- International Conference Aktuálne Problémy Výchovy K Euroobćianstvu V Dimenziách Spoločensko-Vedných Odborov. Uniwersity of Žilina, Strečno, Slovakia 10-11.09.2008. presented paper: The application of cognitive models for adult learners' vocabulary instruction.
- International Conference Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development. Rijeka, Croatia, 21-23.05.2008. Presented paper: Cross-curricular teaching - integrating linguistic education with other subject areas for sustainable development.
- International Conference: Teraźniejszość wyzwań edukacyjnych do kreowania cywilizacji przyszłości – inspiracje Floriana Znanieckiego we współczesnych badaniach przemian edukacyjnych i społecznych. Rzeszów – Lwów, 22-24.10.2008. University of Rzeszów, Presented paper: Rozwijanie kompetencji językowych dla cywilizacji przyszłości.
- International Conference II Anglistentag / Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. University of Rzeszów, Rzeszów 08-09.03.2009. Presented paper: On metaphorics and symbolism of colour terms.
- International Conference Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. University of Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia 22-23.04.2009. Presented paper: Learners’ self-assessment of lexical knowledge.
- International Conference Kultúra – Umenie – Vzdelávanie Univerzita Mateja Bela, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia 03-04.06.2009. Presented paper: The use of music for developing foreign language competence.
- International Conference Sociálne a Kultúrne Determinanty v Edukácii. University of Žilina, Strečno, Slovakia 08-09.09.2009. Presented paper: Foreign language learning – a social and cultural necessity.
- International Conference 4th International Conference on Foreign Languages in an Academic Environment. Technical University of Košice, Košice, Slovakia 17-18.09.2009. Presented paper: Teaching English in higher education institutions.
- International Conference Text, Context, Hypertext, Interpretation and Communication. University of SS Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Modra - Harmónia, Slovakia 21-23.10.2009. Presented paper: The representation of the frame of crying in Polish and English.
- International Conference Múdrosť veku – vek múdrosti. University of Prešov , Prešov, Slovakia 15.01.2010. Presented paper: Vocabulary as a reflection of life wisdom.
- International Conference Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: kierunki badawcze filologii na Podkarpaciu. Jarosław 14-15.04.2010. Presented paper: Rama GRA W KARTY – zastosowanie modeli kognitywnych w opisie słownictwa.
- International Conference I International Scientific Conference Actual Problems Of Philology: Linguistics, Literature, Teaching Methodology Of Philological Science. Mariupol State University of Humanities, Mariupol, Ukraine 23.04.2010. Presented paper: Advanced English vocabulary and idiom in tertiary education: the frame of playing cards.
- International Conference Myśl i praktyka edukacyjna w obliczu zmian cywilizacyjnych. University of Rzeszów, Sanok 26-28.05.2010. Presented paper: Cultural aspects of English lexis instruction.
- International Conference Identity in Intercultural Communication: 3rd Triennial Conference in English and American Studies. Comenius University, Bratislava, Budmerice, Slovakia 21-22.10.2010. Presented paper: Learning strategies in teaching culture-related language issues at advanced level.
- International Conference II Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Peryferia Języka, Literatury i Kultury. Jarosław 03-04.04.2011. Presented paper: Yellow in Polish and English – contrastive metaphorics.
- Seminar at the Institute of British and American Studies – University of Prešov (Slovakia) 12.04.2011: ‘Application of frames and scripts in the process of modelling the English lexicon’.
- Seminar at the Institute of British and American Studies – University of Prešov (Slovakia) 14.04.2011: ‘Metaphorical extensions of the frame elements’.
- International Conference: IV Triennial Conference in British and American Studies: Humans, Humanity and the Humanities: Cross-Cultural Challenges in British and American Studies. Bratislava, Slovakia 30-31.01.2014. Presented paper: Framing COLOUR.
- International Conference: III Podkarpackie Forum Filologiczne: Podkarpackie Studia Filologiczne: Językoznawstwo, Literatura i Kultura. Jarosław 03.04.2014. Presented paper: Black revisited: colour lexicon.
- Seminar at the Institute of American and English Studies – Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). 07.05.2014: ‘The frame of CRYING - metaphorics of selected frame elements.
- Seminar at the Institute of American and English Studies – Comenius University in Bratislava (Slovakia). 07.05.2014: ‘Analysing ‘red’ - contrastive metaphorics’.
- International Conference Актуальні проблеми початкової освіти та інклюзивного навчання у світлі евроінтеграції, Lvov 13.05.2015. Presented paper: Selected aspects of teaching English vocabulary at pre-school level: cognitive lexical frames (Problemy nauczania słownictwa anglojęzycznego na poziomie wczesnoszkolnym: leksykalne ramy kognitywne).
- International Conference Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World III. Uniwersytet w Prešovie, Prešov, Słowacja 10-12.09.2015. Presented paper: Figurative language: the analysis of nautical metaphors in English and Polish.
- International conference Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture. Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów 12-13.11.2015. Presented paper: ‘The colour of endurance: figurative semantics of green’.
- International Conference Culture and Cognition in Language: Formulaic Language as a Cultural and Cognitive Phenomenon. Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów 06-07.04.2017. Presented paper: ‘A semantic frame of DEATH’.
- International Conference Językoznawstwo Kognitywne w roku 2017/Cognitive Linguistics in the Year 2017. Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów 21-23.09.2017. Presented paper: ‘English and Polish figurative language employing components of the frame of DEATH’.
2012: University of Rzeszów Rector’s Award for academic achievement (II degree: PostPhD)
2005: University of Rzeszów Rector’s Award for academic achievement (III degree: PhD)
29.09.2014 – 08.10.2014 International internship: Australian National University, School of Literature, Languages and Linguistics, Canberra
10-12 June 2013: W30 Program: University of California, Los Angeles, USA: The John E. Anderson Graduate School of Management
08 – 30 March 2006 US State Exchange Program: International Visitor Leadership Program, Teaching English as a Second Language (A Multi-Regional Project), USA
External Expert of a National Programme Foresight Polska 2020
Expert for Polish Accreditation Commission
Administrative duties:
Head, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów (November 2014 – August 2016)
Deputy Dean, Philological Faculty, University of Rzeszów (since 2012)
Deputy Head, Institute of English Studies, University of Rzeszów (2000-2012)
Academic supervisor of Teacher Training College in Leżajsk (2008-2015)
Academic supervisor of Teacher Training College in Tarnobrzeg (2008-2014)
Association membership:
International Cognitive Linguistics Association
Polskie Towarzystwo Językoznawstwa Kognitywnego
Alumni Association - since 2006
Polish Academy of Sciences Wrocław; member of Philological Sciences Committee (2015-2018)