Małgorzata Martynuska, assistant professor
Dr hab. Małgorzata Martynuska
assistant professor
Department: Literary and Cultural Studies
Habilitation: SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw
PhD: Jagiellonian University
MA: American Studies Center of Warsaw University
Research area:
Cultural Hybridity of US Latinx, Acculturation Patterns,
Hybrid Identities, Transculturation,
Ethnic Representations in American Media.
BOOKS (in reverse chronology):
1. “The Cultural Hybridity of Mexican Americans” (2018) Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House.
2. „Imigrantki w społeczeństwie amerykańskim: porównanie przypadku irlandzkiego i włoskiego, 1880-1930” (2012) Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House.
BOOK CHAPTERS (in reverse chronology):
1. “Cooking up Cubanidad: Cultural Hybridity in the Case of Cuban American Cuisine” (2017) [in:] New Developments in Postcolonial Studies (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Germany: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. pp. 145-157.
2. “Transculturality Exemplified by the Evolution of Salsa Dance in the USA” (2017) [in:] Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in Anglophone Literature and Culture (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Germany: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. pp. 241-252.
3. “Ethnic Conflicts in Urban Landscape. Irish-American Representations in the Gangster Film Genre of 1990-2010” (2016) [in:] Racial and Ethnic Identities in the Media: The Politics of Representation (eds.) Eleftheria Arapoglou, Yiorgos Kalogeras, and Jopi Nyman, New York: Palgrave Macmillan's. Film, Culture, and Media Studies Series. pp. 181-198.
4. “Destabilizing Ethnic Stereotypes in American Mainstream TV: Latino/a Representations in Ugly Betty” (2015) [in:] From Theory to Practice 2013: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Anglophone Studies. Book Series: Zlin Proceedings in Humanities Vol. 5. (eds.) Roman Trušnik, Gregory Jason Bell and Katarina Nemcokova, Zlin, Czech Republic: Thomas Bata University in Zlin. pp. 265-272.
5. “Consuming Latinidad: Mexican Foodways in Maria Ripoll's Tortilla Soup (2001)” (2014) [in:] Eating America: Crisis, Sustenance, Sustainability (eds.) Justyna Kociatkiewicz, Laura Suchostawska, and Dominika Ferens, Germany: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. pp. 229-236.
6. “Showing Faith: Irish and Italian Catholics in American Film” (2014) [in:] The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture Vol. 2. Literature and Culture (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska, Barbara Niedziela, and Elzbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 153-165.
7. “Masking of Identities: The Portrait of Femme Fatale in the American Film Noir” (2013) [in:] Narrating American Gender and Ethnic Identities (eds.) Aleksandra M. Różalska and Grażyna Żygadło, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. pp. 45-56.
8. “From The Godfather to The Sopranos: Italian-Americans in the Gangster Film Genre” (2012) [in:] Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World II. Part I: Linguistics, Translation and Cultural Studies (eds.) Milan Ferencik and Klaudia Bednarova-Gibova, Presov: Filozoficka fakulta Presovskej university. pp. 358-372.
9. “Detective’s Portrayal in John Huston’s Adaptation of Dashiell Hammett’s The Maltese Falcon and Howard Hawks’ Adaptation of Raymond Chandler’s The Big Sleep” (2012) [in:] From Page to Screen (eds.) Agnieszka Kallaus and Sławomir Kozioł, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 98-118.
10. Grzegorz A. Kleparski i Małgorzata Martynuska. “Femme Fatale: on her cultural and conceptual portrayal in American film noir genre” (2009) [in:] Galicia Studies in Language, Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore (eds.) M. Górecka-Smolińska, G. A. Kleparski i A. Włodarczyk-Stachurska, Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA. pp. 45-56.
11. “The Portrayal of Femme Fatale in the American film noir”(2009) [in:] Galicia English Teachings. Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko and Agnieszka Uberman, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 226-234.
12. “Irlandki w kraju i na emigracji – rola kobiety w rodzinie imigrantów irlandzkich w USA (1880-1930)” (2009) [in:] Pogranicze kulturowe (eds.) Oksana Weretiuk, Grzegorz Jaśkiewicz and Jan Wolski, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House – Biblioteka „Frazy”. pp. 426-433.
13. “American Myths about Freedom Presented in Road Films” (2008) [in:] Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond (eds.) Robert Kiełtyka, Dorota Osuchowska, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 261-267.
14. “The Disintegration of The American Dream as Seen in the Films of Jim Jarmusch” (2008) [in:] Galicia Studies in Language, Literature and Culture (eds.) Grzegorza A. Kleparski and Agnieszka Uberman. Chełm: Wydawnictwo TAWA. pp. 133-138.
ARTICLES (in reverse chronology):
1. “Cultural Hybridity in the USA exemplified by Tex-Mex cuisine” International Review of Social Research 7(2) 2017. Bucharest, Romania. pp. 90-98. DE GRUYTER OPEN.
2. “The Exotic Other: representations of Latina tropicalism in U.S. popular culture” Journal of Language and Cultural Education 4(2) May 2016. Nitra, Slovakia. pp. 72-81.
3. “Hyphenated Identity of Irish-Americans in Gangster Film Genre” Journal of Foreign Languages, Cultures and Civilizations 3(2) December 2015. New York. pp. 1-9.
4. “Incorporating Mexicanness into American Culture: the Case of Mariachi” Ostrava Journal of English Philology No 1, 2015. Ostrava, Czech Republic. pp. 33-41. List ERIH PLUS.
5. “Latino Identity: the Case of Mexican Americans” Lingaya’s International Refereed Journal of English Language & Literature 2(1) January-February 2015. Faridabad, India, pp. 17-21.
6. “Border Crossings in Gregory Nava’s El Norte (1983) and Mi Familia (1995)” Sociology Study 4(2) February 2014, Serial Nr 33. New York. pp. 150-156.
7. “The portrayal of law enforcement figures in the American detective and police film genre“ Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 8, 2011. Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 93-110.
8. “The Western Genre as a Metaphor of the American Society” In Medias Res Vol.1, 2009. Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Promar – International. pp. 171-178.
9. “Evolution of western genre resulting from social changes in the USA” Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 6, 2009, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 59-67.
10. “Redefining the American Dream: from John de Crèvecoeur to Jim Jarmusch” Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 5, 2008, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 177-187.
11. Grzegorz A. Kleparski i Małgorzata Martynuska “The Picture of Police Officer as Emerging from Road Movies and Road Lingo” Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 5, 2008, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 68-83.
REVIEWS (in reverse chronology):
1. Screening Difference: How Hollywood’s Blockbuster Films Imagine Race, Ethnicity, and Culture, Jaap Van Ginneken. USA: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2007. ISBN-10:0-7425-5584-4. [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 10, 2013. Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 153-157.
2. Fifty Things You Need to Know about British History, Hugh Williams. UK: HarperCollins, 2009. ISBN- 978-0-00-731390-7. [in:] Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 7, 2010, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House. pp. 77-83.
EDITING (in reverse chronology):
1. New Developments in Postcolonial Studies, (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Germany: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2017).
2. Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in Anglophone Literature and Culture, (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Germany: Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2017).
3. Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 13, (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Piotr Cymbalista, Edyta Więcławska, Małgorzata Martynuska, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2016).
4. The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture. Vol. 2. Literature and Culture, (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska, Barbara Niedziela, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2014).
5. Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 11, (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Bożena Duda, Marta Dick-Bursztyn, Małgorzata Martynuska, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2014).
6. Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture. The Students’ Voices 2, (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Beata Kopecka, Małgorzata Martynuska, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2014).
7. Galicia Studies in Linguistics, Literature and Culture. The Students’ Voices, (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Małgorzata Martynuska, and Elżbieta Rokosz-Piejko, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2013).
8. Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 9, (eds.) Grzegorz A. Kleparski, Bożena Kochman-Haładyj, Ewa Konieczna, and Małgorzata Martynuska, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2012).
9. Studia Anglica Resoviensia Vol. 7, (eds.) Małgorzata Martynuska and Oksana Weretiuk, Rzeszów: University of Rzeszow Publishing House (2010).
1. 39th Conference of The Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Évora, Portugal, 26-28 IV 2018. Presentation: “Process of Transculturality in the Mexican-American Celebration of Quinceañera”.
2. 38th Conference of The Portuguese Association for Anglo-American Studies, Braga, Portugal, 27-29 IV 2017. Presentation: “Cultural Hybridity Presented in Mexican Celebrations of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the USA”.
3. European Association for American Studies Biennial Conference. Constanta, Romania, 22-25 IV 2016. Presentation: Cultural Hybridity in the USA Exemplified by Tex-Mex Cuisine” within the panel: “Advocating “Wisdom’s Bill of Fare”: Culture, Religion, Politics and American Diets”.
4. Harbors. Flows and Migrations of Peoples, Cultures, and Ideas. The U.S.A. in/and the World. 23rd Italian Association for North American Studies Biennial Conference. Universita degli Studi Napoli “L’Orientale”, Napoli, Italy, 24-26 IX 2015. Coordinating the panel: Harboring Ethnic Cultures and Forming Hybrid Identities in the USA. Presentation: “The USA as a harbor for Mexicanness: the Case of Mariachi.”
5. A View from Elsewhere. Palacky University in Olomouc, Czech Republic, 20-22 VI 2014. Presentation: “The Exotic Other: Representations of Latina Tropicalism in U.S. Popular Culture”.
6. Crossing Boundaries in a Post-Ethnic Era – Interdisciplinary Approaches and Negotiations. The Society of Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA) Biennial Conference. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, Germany, 29V - 1VI 2014. Presentation: “Border Crossings in Gregory Nava’s El Norte (1983) and Mi Familia (1995)”.
7. 59th Conference organized by British Association for American Studies. University of Birmingham, Great Britain, 10-13 IV 2014. Presentationt: “Hybridization of Mexican-American Cuisine and Identity Examined Through Foodways in Maria Ripoll’s Tortilla Soup”.
8. From Theory to Practice, Tomas Bata University, Zlin, Czech Republic, 5-6 IX 2013. Presentation: “Destabilizing Ethnic Stereotypes in the American Mainstream TV World: Latino/a Representations in Ugly Betty”.
9. Language, Literature and Culture in a Changing Transatlantic World. University of Presov, Slovakia, 4-5 X 2012. Presentation: “From Southern Italy to Urban America: Ethnic Representations of the Italians in American Crime Films”.
10. Representations of Ireland. Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church, Budapest, Hungary, 30-31 VIII 2012. Presentation: “The Irish-Americans in the Gangster film Genre”.
11. Media and Mediated Performances of Ethnicity. The Society of Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA) Biennial Conference. Barcelona, Spain, 19-21 VI 2012. Presentation: “Ethnic Representations of the Irish in American Crime Films of 1990-2010”.
12. James Bond & Co: spies, espionage and thrillers in cultural context, Safarik University, Kosice, Slovakia, 21-22 V 2010. Presentation: “The Portrait of Spy – Noir Femme Fatale in the American Cinema”.
1. Latinx Day. Conference organized by Warsaw University. Warsaw, 7 XI 2018. Presentation: American Colonialism in Puerto Rico: President Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria”.
2. Challenging America, American Challenges. Conference organized by Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS). Łódź, 24-25 X 2018. Presentation: Mexican Challenge: Cultural Hybridity Presented in the Celebration of Day of the Dead in the USA”.
3. Re-Imagining The Limits of The Human. Postcolonial Theory and Practice in The Twenty-First Century. Rzeszów, 12-13 IV 2018. Presentation: “Is Puerto Rico an American colony? Trump’s response to Hurricane Maria”.
4. Cultural Palimpsests: Ethnic Watermarks, Surfacing Histories. The Society of Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA) Biennial Conference. Warsaw, 22-24 VI 2016. Presentation: “Is it Cuban or Puerto-Rican? Evolution of Salsa Dance in New York”.
5. Postcolonial Theory and Practice in the Twenty-First Century. Crossing Boundaries, Breaking Ties, Bridging Worlds. Rzeszów, 7-8 IV 2016. Presentation: “Cooking up Cubanidad: Cultural Hybridity in the Case of Cuban American Cuisine”.
6. Revolution, Evolution and Endurance in the English Language and Anglophone Literature and Culture. Rzeszów, 12-13 XI 2015. Presentation: “Transculturality Exemplified by the Evolution of Salsa Dance in the USA”.
7. Kuchnia i Stół w Komunikacji Społecznej, Tekst, Dyskurs, Kultura. Wrocław, 15-17 X 2015. Presentation: “Transculturation on the Example of Tex-Mex Cuisine”.
8. Eating America. Crisis, Sustenance, Sustainability. Conference organized by Polish Association for American studies (PAAS), Wrocław, 23-25 X 2013. Presentation: “Consuming Latinidad: Mexican Foodways in Tortilla Soup”.
9. Third Anglistentag in Rzeszów. The Subcarpathian Studies in English Language, Literature and Culture. Rzeszów, 22-23 IV 2013. Presentation: “Showing Faith: Irish and Italian Catholics in American Film”.
10. American Experience – the Experience of America. Conference organized by Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS). Gdańsk, 19-21 X 2011. Presentation: “Detecting Experience – The Investigating Figures in the American Detective and Police Film Genre”.
11. American Diversity: Identities, Narratives, Politics. Conference organized by Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS). Łódź, 20-23 X 2010. Presentation: “Masking of Identities: the Portrait of Femme Fatale in the American Film Noir”.
10. (Mis)Reading America. American Dreams, Fictions and Illusions. Conference organized by Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS). Puławy, 21-23 X 2009. Presentation: “The Western Film Genre a an Expression of American Values”.
12. Galicia English Teachings: Old Pitfalls, Changing Attitudes and New Vistas. Rzeszów, 9-10 III 2009. Presentation “The Portrayal of Femme Fatale in American Film Noir”.
13. The Past in the Present: the American Uses of History. Conference organized by Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS). Warsaw, 22-24 X 2008. Presentation: “Redefining the American Dream - A History of an Idea Which Shaped the Nation”.
14. Dialog Pogranicza Kulturowego. Rzeszów, 8-9 X 2008. Presentation: „Irlandki w kraju i na emigracji - rola kobiety w rodzinie imigrantów irlandzkich w USA, 1880-1910”.
15. Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond. Rzeszów, 22-23 X 2007. Presentation “American myths about freedom presented in road films”.
- Polish Association for American Studies (PAAS)
- European Association for American Studies (EAAS)
- Research grant: Clifford and Mary Corbridge Trust, Robinson College, Cambridge University. Research was conducted at Cambridge University Library (10.07-30.07. 2016).
- Research grant: Clifford and Mary Corbridge Trust of Robinson College, Cambridge University. Research was conducted at the University of Leicester (30.07-13.08. 2012).
International Internship
Project UR – modernity and future of the region – project conducted at Texas State University in San Marcos (11.03.2013 – 22.03.2013).
Guest Lectures - Erasmus - LLP Programme:
- University of Presov, Slovakia, (November 2012).
- Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen, Kortrijk, Belgium, (November 2010);
- Universidad de Castilla-la Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain, (November 2009);
Current Courses: American Society, Culture of English-Speaking Countries, Civilization of Anglo-Saxon Countries, MA seminar, BA seminar.