Institute of Philosophy
av. Rejtana 16 c, 35-959 Rzeszów
phone no.: +48 17 8721349, +48 17 872 1033
fax no.: +48 17 852 20 44
Director of the Institute
dr hab. prof. UR Przemysław Paczkowski
The Institute employs 24 academic teachers: 2 professors, 6 post-doctoral degree holders, 11 doctors, 5 Master's degree holders and 1 member of technical staff.
The Institute of Philosophy consists of the following units
Department of Epistemology and Ontology
head prof. dr hab. Andrzej L. Zachariasz
Department of History of Philosophy
head dr Przemysław Paczkowski
Department of Logics and Methodology of Science
head dr Krzysztof J. Kilian
Department of Philosophy of Culture
head prof. UR dr hab. Zbigniew Stachowski
Department of Social Philosophy
head prof. UR dr hab. Leszek Gawor
Department of Axiology
head prof. UR dr hab. Romana Kolarzowa
The Interfaculty Institute of Philosophy was founded as an independent unit by the Senate's resolution of 30 June 2005 and the Rector's decision number 28/05 and as a result of the transformation of The Institute of Philosophy in the Department of History and Sociology. The institute is responsible for teaching philosophy in all university faculties and it deals with philosophical studies as well.
Programmes offered by the institute:
Full-time (daily) and part-time - a vocational BA degree course
Full-time (daily) and part-time - MA degree post-graduate studies
There are 2 post-graduate courses (majors) offered within the extra-mural program:
- Theoretical philosophy
- Social and political philosophy
The main areas of research: history of philosophy, axiology (theory of value), philosophy of man, political philosophy, philosophy of the history of the mankind, Polish philosophy, methodology of science, epistemology and ontology, philosophy of culture and in particular philosophy of religion and philosophy of study of religion, aesthetics and ethics as well as philosophy in the Slavonic countries.
Scientific co-operation
It mainly concentrates on the philosophers from the Slavonic countries. A Conference of the Philosophers from the Slavonic Countries is organized every 2 years. It hosts philosophers from Byelorussia, The Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Ukraine , Russia and Lithuania. The Institute co-operates with philosophers from RAN in Moscow, The Public University of Petersburg, University of Rostov, University of Samara, The Institute of Philosophy of the Ukrainian Academy of Science, Kiev-Mohylan Academy, The Mietchnikov University in Odessa, Universities of Drohobycz, Ostrog, Presov, M. Bela's University and Universities of Bern and Ljubljana.
There have been 5 conferences organized so far:
European Models of Tolerance 27-29 May 1999
Publication: European Models of Tolerance (edited by A.L. Zachariasz, S. Symotiuk), Rzeszów 2001 - Philosophy in Slavonic Countries and Processes of Cultural Globalization and Political Integration in Europe 8-10 December 2000 Publication: Slavonic Countries Facing Globalization (edited by A.L. Zachariasz), Rzeszów 2003
The Ability of Giving the Idea of Being, 23-25 December 2001
Publication: The Idea of Being (edited by A.L. Zachariasz), Rzeszów 2003 -
Being and Obligation. Status and Functions of Value, 29 May-1June 2003
Publication: Being and Obligation (edited by A.L. Zachariasz), Rzeszów 2004 -
Philosophy in the cultures of Slavonic Countries, 2-5 June 2005
More details to be found on the Institute's web pages.
The Philosophers' of the Slavonic Countries Periodical "Sofia" was founded in 2000 with prof. dr hab.
A.L. Zachariasz as a managing editor. So far, four editions of the periodical have been published and others are coming soon. The periodical enables philosophers from the Slavonic countries to publish outside their scientific environment and to present their own as well as particular Slavonic countries' philosophical output and to state their personal philosophical approach. It is an organ promoting national philosophical circles in the cultural region of Slavonic countries.
Under resolution no. 621/200 PKA (The State Accreditation Committee) of 18th November 2004 on the "Assessment of the quality of Education at Master's level" the Department of Philosophy received a positive assessment.
Scientific co-operation
The Interfaculty Institute of Philosophy co-operate with the following foreign universities:
- University od Oradea (Romania)
- University of Timisoara (Romania)
- University of Bielefeld (Germany)