Representative and Commission for mobbing and corruption

Chairwoman (term 2024-2028):

dr hab. Aneta Arkuszewska, prof. UR – Rector's Representative for counteracting mobbing and corruption –


Members (term 2024-2028):

PhD Jakub Łukasiewicz - expert

PhD Jacek Pasternak - expert

PhD Małgorzata Bozacka - expert

MA Monika Zima - secretary


Tasks of  Rector's Representative for counteracting mobbing and corruption:

  • receiving and investigating official complaints of mobbing and corruption and taking action in the scope of preliminary proceedings,
  • collecting data on manifestations of mobbing and corruption,
  • collecting information on good practices related to counteracting mobbing and corruption,
  • undertaking initiatives related to counteracting mobbing and corruption, including in the scope of disseminating knowledge about mobbing and corruption in the workplace, serving as the chairperson of the Commission for mobbing and corruption, who oversees the proper course of each meeting and presents recommendations to the Rector after each meeting


How to file a complaint?

  • Every employee of the University of Rzeszów has the opportunity to file a complaint to the Rector through the Commission for Combating Mobbing and Corruption,
  • A complaint shall be filed in writing,
  • An anonymous complaint or one not signed by the employee shall be left without consideration,
  • The proceedings conducted by the Commission do not in any way limit the employee's ability to seek legal protection under separate provisions, including taking legal action.


Additionally, inquiries can be sent by e-mail to