Environmental Research and Innovation Centre


The following laboratories will be established within the Centre for Environmental Research and Innovation:

  1. Soil chemistry laboratory
  2. Soil biology laboratory
  3. Soil physics laboratory
  4. Microbiology laboratory

Specific objectives:

  • expanding possibilities of conducting practical classes for our students,
  • enhancing students’ access to modern research equipment,
  • adapting our teaching infrastructure to the nedds of the disabled,
  • extending possibilities of continuing second-cycle studies at the Faculty of Biology and Agriculture at the university,
  • adapting the research laboratories to the analytical standards of the European Union,
  • increasing the possibility of applying modern ICT in research and didactics for students,
  • enhancing the scope of scientific transfer to the economic sector,
  • increasing the number of high-class specialists in the field of natural sciences,
  • enhancing the practical skills of graduates of the Faculty of Biology and Agriculture,
  • creating a centre that constitutes a research base for solving specific problems, not necessarily for specific scientific disciplines.

Biotechnology Laboratory

The following laboratories will be established as part of the Environment-friendly Biotechnology project:

  1. The objectives of the Biotechnology Laboratory include:
  • To develop a laboratory for plant biotechnology
  • To conduct research in such fields of study as:
    • Innovation from a biotechnological perspective,
    • Horticultural and agricultural practice, and
    • The environment.

Accepted indicators:

  • Laboratory size - approx. 970 m2
  • Research equipment - approx. PLN 6 million
  • Specialized workshops  - 4

The Biotechnology Laboratory complex will consist of air-conditioned lab rooms, fitted with equipment and apparatus, rooms that will serve as a greenhouse-multiplier and a growing area (to be located on the building walls or on its roof). Research will be conducted in four closely functioning research teams/ laboratories:

  • Laboratory of Plant Cultures in Vitro
  • Laboratory of Plant Biotization and Allelopathy
  • Molecular Marker Laboratory
  • Chromatography Laboratory

Research conducted in the mentioned laboratories will Focus on such areas as: introducing plants for pharmaceutical purposes and for the production of food substitutes; improvement of municipal and industrial waste treatment methods; reclamation of degraded areas or their prevention; obtaining of substances, microorganisms and plants resistant to greenhouse shock effects and limiting the use of artificial and mineral fertilizers.

Anticipated products

  • Practical instructions for the micro propagation of fruit, ornamental and Energy plants;
  • Practical instructions regarding quality assessment and certification of nursery materials obtained via in-vitro cultures;
  • Fruit plant varieties adapter for organic and integrated cultivation, tolerant to stress due to greenhouse effects;
  • Varieties of energy crops suitable for cultivation in polluted or susceptible areas;
  • Ornamental varieties specifically useful in urban vegetation as well as in contaminated or susceptible areas;
  • Natural substances and strains of beneficial microorganisms, useful as effective plant protection products or for yield increases / stabilization and crop quality;
  • Production of high quality nursery material of previously mentioned varieties (in cooperation with plant nursery companies in Podkarpacie) in quantities to meets needs of south-eastern Poland.