About the journal


Chief Editor

Kazimierz Ożóg



Robert Słabczyński (assistant editor): slowo@ur.edu.pl

Scientific Board

Ałła Krawczuk (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine)
Jaromír Krško (Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, Slovakia)
Aleksandra Piasecka-Till (Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil)
Henriette Langdon (San Jose State University, USA)
Anna Piotrowicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
Renata Przybylska (Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland)
Fred Schulz (Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz, Germany)
Nataliya Shumarova (Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine)
Małgorzata Witaszek-Samborska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland)
Joseph Voyles (University of Washington, USA)
Maria Wojtak (Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland)


Editorial Committee

Grażyna Filip
Robert Kiełtyka
Wioletta Koch mańska
Maria Krauz
Małgorzata Kułakowska
Agnieszka Myszka
Ewa Oronowicz-Kida
Robert Słabczyński Robert
Bożena Taras


Address of the editorial team

Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa
ul. Rejtana 16C
35-959 Rzeszów
Tel. 17 872 12 30
Fax 17 872 12 91
e-mail: slowo@ur.edu.pl



Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
al. Rejtana 16 C
35-959 Rzeszów
tel. +48 17 872 10 00
tel/fax: +48 17 872 12 65
e-mail: info@ur.edu.pl


Organizational unit

ul. prof. S. Pigonia 6
35-959 Rzeszów
Tel. 17 872 13 69
Tel./fax 17 872 14 26
E-mail: wydaw@ur.edu.pl


Ethical guidelines related to the publishing of scientific works

      In order to ensure compliance with the principles of good research practice, the editorial team of Słowo. Studia językoznawcze adopted the following ethical guidelines related to the publishing of research works in the journal. These guidelines have been formulated on the basis of ethical rules specified by the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org) and in accordance with The Code of Ethics for Scientists (Kodeks Etyki Pracownika Naukowego http://info.ath.bielsko.pl/files/informator/Kodeks_etyki_pracownika_naukowego.pdf ).


Obligations of authors

  1. The journal Słowo. Studia językoznawcze publishes only original articles which have not been previously published in any other journal or academic monograph.  
  2. Authors shall present the results of their research in a reliable, clear and precise manner so that they can be verified by other scholars.
  3. Authors shall accurately and reliably refer to results of other scholars’ works.
  4. In the case of co-authored publications, the order of authors’ surnames shall be accepted by all co-authors of the work intended for publication.
  5. Stating untrue information, falsifying research results, or manipulating data are considered unethical and deemed a scientific misconduct.

Obligations of reviewers

  1. Every article submitted for publication in the journal Słowo. Studia językoznawcze  is reviewed by two independent reviewers. Reviewers sign a declaration stating that there is no conflict of interests in relation to the authors of articles reviewed by them.
  2. Reviewers shall not agree to evaluate works discussing topics which are beyond the scope of their competences, or if they are unable to produce a review within the deadline specified by the editorial team.
  3. Any text submitted for publication is considered confidential. Reviewers shall keep their opinions and evaluations confidential until the articles reviewed by them appear in print. Without the author’s/authors’ consent reviewers must not use ideas or research results presented in the reviewed work.
  4. Reviews shall be precise, reliable and objective, and the assessment marks shall be justified.
  5. A reviewer notifies the editorial team of Słowo. Studia językoznawcze  about the suspected scientific misconduct (including plagiarism) of the person submitting the text for publication, indicating relevant fragments or presenting relevant evidence.