Guidelines for authors


General information

  1. „Słowo. Studia językoznawcze” is published by the University of Rzeszów annually. The journal publishes articles in Polish, English, German and Russian. The text submitted for publication should additionally contain: keywords, abstract and title in English, affiliations of the article‘s author and ORCID number.
  2. Unpublished so far articles, polemics, reviews, translations of foreign texts from the subject area relevant for ​​the journal, as well as information, reports and memories related to the scientific life of the linguistic community are accepted for publication.
  3. The journal counteracts ghostwriting and guest authorship.
    1. definitions of terms:
      • ghostwriting is a phenomenon that occurs when someone has significantly contributed to the publication, but does not disclose their participation (the one is not listed as a co-author of the work, their role is not reflected in the form of thanks included in the publication);
      • guest authorship (honorary authorship) is a phenomenon that occurs when the author's participation is negligible or missing, yet the one is the author / co-author of the publication.
    2. the procedure for counteracting ghostwriting and guest authorship adopted in the journal:
      • the phenomena of "ghostwriting" and "guest authorship" are a manifestation of scientific misconduct and any detected cases will be unmasked by the Editorial Board, including notification of relevant entities (institutions employing the authors, scientific societies, associations of scientific editors, etc.);
      • The Editorial Board requires the authors of the publication to disclose the contribution of individual authors to the publication (including their affiliation and input, i.e. who is the author of the concept, assumptions, methods, protocol, etc. used in the preparation of the publication), and the author bearing the main responsibility is the one submitting the manuscript;
      • The Editorial Board of the journal should receive information about the sources of financing the publication, the contribution of scientific and research institutions, associations and other entities;
      • The Editorial board of the journal will document all the manifestations of scientific dishonesty, especially the violations of ethics applicable in science.
  1. Editing guidelines: A4, Word, Times New Roman 12 pt font, 1.5 line spacing, text aligned to the left and right margins, paragraph indentation 0.67; length up to 40 thousand characters with spaces (1 author's sheet). Along with the text, the author's data (name and surname, academic degree, place of employment, telephone number and internet address) should be provided.
  2. After the texts are initially qualified for the issue, they are sent by the UR Publishing House for external review.
  3. After the review, the authors (if necessary) make corrections in accordance with the suggestions of the reviewer.
  4. After the first editorial proofreading, the author receives the manuscript for the author's proofreading and then sends it back to the Editorial Board within two weeks.
  5. The authors do not receive a fee for the published works. However, they are entitled to one free copy of the journal.
  6. Printed and unsolicited works and their electronic versions are not returned to the authors.
  7. Works should be sent to the following address:
    Redakcja czasopisma
    „Słowo. Studia językoznawcze”
    Uniwersytet Rzeszowski
    Instytut Polonistyki i Dziennikarstwa
    35-959 Rzeszów, al. Rejtana 16c