About the Faculty


The Institute of Health Sciences (INoZ) of the College of Medical Sciences of the University of Rzeszów began its operations on October 1, 2019, on the basis of Resolution No. 469/09/2019 of the Senate of the University of Rzeszów of September 26, 2019. Currently, it operates on the basis of the Statute of the University of Rzeszów of November 28, 2019, adopted on the basis of Resolution No. 505/11/2019 of the Senate of the University of Rzeszów of November 28, 2019.

Currently, the following fields of study are conducted within the INoZ:

  • Physiotherapy - 5-year uniform master's degree studies, full-time and part-time, as well as full-time and part-time IInd cycle studies;
  • Midwifery - full-time Ist cycle studies and part-time Ist cycle studies, so-called “bridging studies” (path B), full-time and part-time IInd cycle studies;
  • Rescue and Emergency Medicine - full-time Ist cycle studies;
  • Nursing - full-time Ist cycle studies and full-time and part-time IInd cycle studies;
  • Public health - full-time Ist and IInd cycle studies;
  • Dietetics - full-time and part-time Ist cycle studies as well as full-time and part-time IInd cycle studies.

Studies in all faculties are conducted in Polish. In the field of Physiotherapy, 5-year MA studies, selected subjects are also available in English.

Ist cycle studies in the fields of Midwifery, Emergency Medicine, Nursing, Public Health and Dietetics end with obtaining a bachelor's degree. 5-year studies in Physiotherapy end with a master's degree. After the Ist cycle studies, there is the possibility of continuing education at the 2-year MA studies (second cycle) in the fields of Midwifery, Nursing, Public Health and Dietetics. After obtaining the master's degree, you can continue your studies at the Doctoral School .

INoZ is a dynamically and actively developing research unit. The Institute conducts scientific activities within the discipline of health sciences. Numerous scientific publications, organized and co-organized scientific conferences and functioning student scientific clubs provide a wide range of the Institute's activities. The Institute's scientific activities have a significant societal impact at local, national and international level.

At INoZ, compulsory nationwide e-learning health courses for specialized doctors are run, affiliated by the Medical Center for Postgraduate Education in Warsaw https://www.zdrowiepubliczne-rzeszow.pl

The unit has the right to confer the degree of doctor of health sciences.