Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego (MiSROA)

        Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego is interested in research questions and results of field survey, of all periods in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe, field archaeological methods, analysis and interpretation of archaeological remains and theory of archaeology. All volumes are devoted for separate, distinct problems.


        Please, submit separate text and graphics files. Our preferred text format is Microsoft Word. If submitting your manuscript as a Word file DO NOT embed figures and tables in the text. Figures should be submitted as separate high-quality JPG or TIFF files. Resolutions must be 300dpi or higher and image dimensions should be full-page width 175mm and the maximum acceptable height is 220-250mm.

        The title page should contain: author’s name, author’s affiliation, the article title. An abstract in English is to be provided, no longer than 150 words, accompanied by a list of 5-6 key words.

        Submitted text should be written in English, German, Polish, Ukrainian (Russian).

        All submissions are considered by the Editor in the first instance. Suitable papers are peer-reviewed.


        Authors will receive a proof of their article as a PDF file. Please note that only typographical or factual errors may be corrected at proof stage.

Reviewing procedure
  1. The editorial board of Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego shall ensure the proper substansive level of the texts, good quality and appropriate choice of the diagrams.
  2. All the received articles are initially assessed and evaluated in order to to check if they are compliant with the profile of the journal and if they meet all the requirements provided in the ‘Information for the authors’. If the articles fail to comply with the profile or do not meet the requirements provided in the ‘Information for the authors’ they are returned to their authors together with a letter of explanation.
  3. All the published papers are double-bind reviewed ( both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, throughout the review process.).
  4. The assessment is made with the use of review template.
  5. Every article is assessed by two external reviewers independent of the scientific department afiliated by the author of the article. The names of the reviewers are published on the editorial page of each volume and on the editorial website.
  6. Each review is summed up with a clear conclusion stating either about the authorisation for printing (either as it stands or after the changes), or the rejection of the article.
  7. The authors of the articles are required to include the reviewers’ remarks or to explain the rejection of the remarks. In case of divergent reviews the aricle may be processed for publication only if it received positive opinion from the third reviewer. In case when both reviewers give their negative opinion, the editorial may reject the article from publication.


        References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper and referred to in the text by the author’s full name, date of publication and page number, e.g. (A. Kokowski 2005, s. 142), or (Z. Bukowski, K. Dąbrowski 1972, s. 285). Where there are three or more authors, only the first author’s name is given in the text, followed by et al., e.g. (J. Kruk et al. 1996, s. 28). Full numbers for pages and dates should be used, e.g. 35-37, 123-135. Exceptionally footnotes ken be usede.

        In order to save editorial time, please use the following template for the list of references to articles submitted to Materiały i Sprawozdania Rzeszowskiego Ośrodka Archeologicznego:

Journal articles

Węgrzynowicz T.

1988 Kultura grobów kloszowych na Mazowszu i Podlasiu w świetle próby typologicznej klasyfikacji ceramiki, „Wiadomości Archeologiczne”, t. 49, s. 3-16.

Jarosz P., Włodarczak E., Włodarczak P.

2010 Settlement Finds of the Corded Ware Culture in the Valley of the Upper Vistula. Kraków Bieżanów, Site 33, “Acta Archaeologica Carpathica”, t. 45, s. 7-27.

Single-author or book editors

Moskwa K.

1976 Kultura łużycka w południowo-wschodniej Polsce, Rzeszów.

Czopek S., Poradyło W.

2008 Warzyce, pow. Jasło, stan. 17 – osada z epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza (= Colectio Archaeologica Ressoviensia, t. 10), Rzeszów.

Hodder I. (ed.)

1991 Archaeological theory in Europe. The last three decades, London: Routledge.

Contribution to a book

Ginalski J., Muzyczuk A.

1999 Stan badań nad osadnictwem celtyckim na Podkarpaciu, [w:] Czopek S., Kokowski A. (red.), Na granicach antycznego świata, Rzeszów, s. 9-14.

Madyda-Legutko R.

1995 Sytuacja kulturowa we wczesnej epoce żelaza na terenie polskiej części Katrpat Zachodnich, [w:] Szydłowski J. (red.), Dziedzictwo kulturowe epoki brązu i wczesnej epoki żelaza na Górnym Śląsku i w Małopolsce (= Śląskie Prace Prehistoryczne , t. 4), Katowice, s. 241-265.

In the case of subsequent works by the same author in the list of references, the name is not repeated in all cases and only followed by the date of publication

Woźniak Z.

1970 Osadnictwo celtyckie w Polsce, Wrocław.

2004 Rola Karpat Zachodnich w okresie lateńskim, [w:] Gancarski J. (red.), Okres lateński i rzymski w Karpatach polskich, Krosno, s. 43-70.

2010 Kontakty mieszkańców ziem polskich ze światem celtyckim u schyłku okresu halsztackiego i we wczesnym okresie lateńskim, „Przegląd Archeologiczny”, t. 58, s. 39-104.

Numeration of illustrations – reference mark

Abbildung – (Abb. 1); (Abb. 4a); (Abb. 5b; 7c; 9a, c-d)

Figure – (Fig. 1); (Fig. 4a); (Fig. 5b; 7c; 9a, c-d)

Taffeln – (Taf. V, 1); (Taf. X, 2-4, 6); (Taf. XV, 2-3; XX, 5)

Plate – (Pl. V, 1); (Pl. X, 2-4, 6); (Pl. XV, 2-3; XX, 5)