About the Centre

The Polish Community Centre was established by the Rector of the University of Rzeszow, Professor Sylwester Czopek, on January 1, 2020, based on Resolution No. 523/12/2019 of the UR Senate. It was created by merging two organisational units:

  1. The Centre for Polish Culture and Language for Poles from Abroad and Foreigners ‘Polonus’
  2. The Centre for Research on Polonia and Poles from Abroad.

The newly created Centre continues the mission of the former organisational units. It is a specialised research and teaching unit that functions within the College of Humanities at the University of Rzeszow.

The tasks of the Centre include, but are not limited to:

  • collecting, processing, and providing access to archival materials, sources, and studies concerning the Polish diaspora,
  • conducting interdisciplinary research on Polish culture, particularly in the fields of linguistics, literary studies, cultural studies, and history;
  • developing educational programmes for foreigners studying Polish as a foreign language,
  • organising and conducting preparatory courses for foreigners intending to study in Poland,
  • organising courses in Polish language and culture for foreigners,
  • educating future teachers of Polish as a foreign language,
  • promoting the educational and scientific offer of the Centre,
  • acquiring external funding for research, archiving, and teaching purposes.