
Implementation of the project from the Visegrad Fund

On September 27-28, 2023, a conference entitled „The Scientific and Practical Conference PROBLEMS OF JOURNALISM EDUCATION AND PRACTICE: UKRAINIAN AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE” was held at Lviv Polytechnic University within the framework of the implementation of the scientific project entitled: „Journalism education in V4 countries and Ukraine: strengthening of cooperation” (22310314), which was qualified for funding under the Visegrad+ Grants program (Visegrad Fund).
During the conference, papers were presented by representatives of partner research centers, including representatives of the Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism of the College of Humanities at the University of Rzeszów: Prof. Grażyna Filip, Dr. Justyna Majchrowska (Department of Communication Pragmatics) and Honorata Smerecka, MA (PhD student of Prof. Grażyna Filip).
The conference co-organizers and project partners:
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Journalsim and Mass Communication;
  • University of Rzeszów, College of Humanities, Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism (Department of Communication Pragmatics);
  • University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Mass Media Communication;
  • Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Department of Media Studies and Journalism.
The aim of the program is to maintain Visegrad cooperation and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe in the field of journalistic education.

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