
The Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism is a partner in the Visegrad Fund project

By the decision of the Visegrad Fund, the scientific project entitled Journalism education in V4 countries and Ukraine: strengthening of cooperation (22310314) was qualified for funding under the Visegrad+ Grants program.

Funding amount 9880 €.

Project participants:

  • Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Journalsim and Mass Communication;
  • University of Rzeszów, College of Humanities, Institute of Polish Studies and Journalism (Department of Communication Pragmatics);
  • University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Faculty of Mass Media Communication;
  • Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Department of Media Studies and Journalism.

The aim of the program is to maintain Visegrad cooperation and mobility in Central and Eastern Europe in the field of journalistic education.

At the University of Rzeszów, the project will be coordinated by Dr. Justyna Majchrowska from the Department of Communication Pragmatics.

The results are on the website

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