European Interdisciplinary Centre for Research on Cultural Convergence of Borderlands

The Centre is particularly concerned with the investigation of merging cultures at the Polish, Ukrainian, and Slovakian border, the area with a rich and long history of reciprocal influences. The primary aim of the multi-faceted research project initiated at the University of Rzeszow many years ago is to preserve the cultural heritage of the area between Krakow and Kyiv. The main areas of focus include:

  • preservation of the prehistoric and medieval heritage;
  • aspects related to the coexistence of different cultures, religions, and nationalities;
  • contemporary social processes in the studied area, with special emphasis on the convergence of cultures.

Several research centres from Poland, Ukraine, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Slovenia, Romania, and Germany are involved in the project.

The infrastructure will be made available to research teams affiliated with our university, as well as external researchers. Additionally, the infrastructure will be used to boost economic growth. The University of Rzeszow cooperates with approximately 150 universities from all over the world (including countries such as Ukraine, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Romania), enhancing the international character of the infrastructure. Scientists from the centres have been actively researching cultural influences at the Borderlands, resulting in multiple projects, conferences, and publications. The infrastructure is currently used in several international projects, including:

  • the research and publications concerning the exploration of Cherven Cities partially founded by the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe in Leipzig;
  • the excavation works supported by our Ukrainian, Czech, and Moldavian partners;
  • academic conferences.

Additionally, the infrastructure significantly expanded the recruitment possibilities of the College.

Due to its localisation, a long-standing tradition of interdisciplinary research concerning the Borderlands and merging cultures, and multinational research teams, the infrastructure is a remarkable undertaking on the European scale. It creates a unique avenue for revolutionary research projects concerning reciprocal cultural influences and contributes to the preservation of cultural heritage. The development of the infrastructure will further contribute to the quality of research, conservation of cultural legacy, and digitalisation of research projects that aim at protecting the heritage of the Borderlands. Future expansion plans include the creation of an International Doctoral School specialising in the cultural convergence at the border of Eastern and Western Europe.