Galician melting pot: Intelligentsia in the Austrian Partition (1772-1918)

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Galician melting pot: Intelligentsia in the Austrian Partition (1772-1918)


Principal investigator - dr Agnieszka Kawalec

Duration of the project - 24.10.2022 - 23.10.2024

The project was partially financed from the government budget
Financing institution - Ministry of Education and Science / Excellent Science Programme

Project value - 193 800,00 PLN
Funding value - 173 800,00 PLN

Project description
The main aim of the project is to organise a two-day international scientific conference titled ‘Galician Melting Pot: Intelligentsia in the Austrian Partition (1772-1918)’. The conference will be held in a stationary mode with the possibility of online participation. The research will focus on the multinational intelligentsia (Polish, Ukrainian, Armenian, Jewish, German, Hungarian, and Czech) in the Galicia region.
The review of studies to date revealed that among the three partitions of Poland, the intelligentsia in the Galicia region remains relatively understudied. The conference aims to integrate scientific communities from Central and Eastern Europe.
The results will be published in both traditional and online formats.