Student Scientific Circle of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine

Since March 2022, the Student Scientific Circle of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine has brought together students of the Faculty of Medicine who are interested in the subject. The Circle works at the Department of Internal Medicine, Nephrology and Endocrinology with the Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine and Dialysis Center of the Regional Hospital No. 2 in Rzeszow.

Cyclic meetings of the Circle allow its members to expand their theoretical knowledge by preparing presentations on a particular disease entity, active discussion after each presentation or listening to a lecture by our Supervisor. A very important element in the work of a doctor is the ability to transform the acquired book knowledge into practical knowledge, which we also try to enable the members of the Circle! Thanks to the cooperation with the Clinical Hospital, it is possible to regularly participate in the work of the department, the Endocrinology Clinic or the Nuclear Medicine Laboratory.

The SKN of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine also supports scientific activities. On more than one occasion, members of the Circle have had the honor of representing the University of Rzeszow at scientific conferences of national and even international scope. Several times a year we have the opportunity to participate in meetings of the Rzeszow Branch of the Polish Society of Endocrinology, where we get to know at close quarters the most interesting cases from hospitals in the Podkarpacie region and exchange views with specialists in endocrinology and pediatric endocrinology of our region.

Thanks to the commitment of our Supervisor, we are involved in writing scientific papers and conducting clinical research. The later results are presented at student scientific conferences, which makes us accustomed to public speaking and allows us to gain self-confidence.

We would like to welcome all those who are interested to join the Student Scientific Circle of Endocrinology and Nuclear Medicine! We welcome all applicants, already having completed the third year of medical school.


Circle Supervisor: Dr. Mariusz Partyka, M.D.
Chairperson: Julia Inglot