
Visit by Prof. Giuseppe Cibelli of the University of Foggi in Italy

The visit of Prof. Giuseppe Cibelli from the University of Foggia in Italy took place on April 26, 2023. The professor is head of the Department of Physiology at the Faculty of Clinical and Experimental Medicine at the University of Foggia and head of the Department of Sports Medicine at the Foggia Clinic. The visit was implemented within the framework of the "New Scientist Space #KNM" project by the College of Medical Sciences.

The main purpose of the meeting was to expand knowledge including the exchange of scientific and teaching experience and internationalization of research in the field of physiological diagnosis and sports medicine. The professor's visit took place at the Institute of Medical Sciences and the Natural and Medical Center for Innovative Research. It consisted of a theoretical part combined with a lecture and a panel discussion with the participation of Polish and foreign medical students. The lecture in English dealt with topics related to sports medicine and exercise physiology entitled. "Exercise Prescription for Health." The visit also included an introduction to the scientific and teaching infrastructure of the College of Medical Sciences.

The scientific supervisor of the event was Filip Woloszyn, M.D., from the Department of Human Physiology. Also in attendance were the authorities of the Institute of Medical Sciences and other members of the Department of Human Physiology, employees of the College of Medical Sciences and the Natural Medicine Center for Innovative Research, as well as students of the Neuron Student Physiology Research Group.

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