
Visit of guests from Kosice to the UR Medical Simulation Center as part of the New Scientist's Space project

On March 17, 2023, Prof. PhDr. Luca Dimunova, PhD and PhDr. Beáta Grešš Halász, PhD from Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice visited the Center for Medical Simulation and the Institute of Health Sciences.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to increase the internationalization of research, including the exchange of experiences at the scientific level related to the application of new tools for medical simulation in health sciences courses. The visit took place at the Medical Simulation Center and consisted of a theoretical part with a panel discussion and a practical part, where the infrastructure for recording simulation sessions, the process of creating simulation scenarios and debriefing analysis were presented.

The scientific supervisor of the event was Dr. Paweł Więch, Prof. UR, the Center for Medical Simulation was represented by Mr. Marek Muster, MA. The meeting was also attended by representatives of the State Academy of Applied Sciences in Przemyśl and staff and students of the University of Information Technology and Management.

The visit was held within the framework of the "New Scientist Space #KNM" project implemented by the College of Medical Sciences, the aim of which is to strengthen the University of Rzeszow on the road to internationalization by building the image of UR as a foreigner-friendly university.

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