Research projects and publications

Ecology, protection and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems

Aquatic environments have been selected as a model for ecological research, although some research topics also relate to the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems. The main research problems are:

  • Research on the predator-prey relationship and the influence of apex predators on biocenosis
  • The impact of habitat heterogeneity on the life history of species and the structure of animal communities
  • The role of keystone and engineering species in shaping the structure of ecosystems
  • The impact of primary colonizers on the structure of biocenoses
  • Assessment of the migration patterns of opportunistic species in mountain river systems
  • Assessment of the role of stepping-stone habitats in ecosystems
  • Analysis of human impacts and responses of aquatic ecosystems
  • Protection of the Carpathian fauna and the role of migration corridors


Selected publications:

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2022. Impact of fine-grained sediment on mountain stream macroinvertebrate communities: forestry activities and beaver-induced sediment management. Science of the Total Environment 832, 155079. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155079.

Bylak A., Kukuła K., Ortyl B., Hałoń E., Demczyk A., Janora-Hołyszko K., Maternia J., Szczurowski Ł., Ziobro J. 2022. Small stream catchments in a developing city context: The importance of land cover changes on the ecological status of streams and the possibilities for providing ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment 815, 151974. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151974

Kukuła K., Bylak A. 2022. Barrier removal and dynamics of intermittent stream habitat regulate persistence and structure of fish community. Scientific Reports 12: 1512. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-05636-7

Bilinski T., Bylak A., Kukuła K., Zadrag-Tecza R. 2021. Senescence as a trade-off between successful land colonisation and longevity: Critical review and analysis of a hypothesis. PeerJ 9: e12286. doi: 10.7717/peerj.12286   

Mikuś P., Wyżga B., Bylak A., Kukuła K., Liro M.,  Oglęcki P., Radecki-Pawlik A. 2021. Impact of the restoration of an incised mountain stream on habitats, aquatic fauna and ecological stream quality. Ecological Engineering 170: 106365. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2021.106365       

Wojton A., Kukuła K. 2021. Transformations of benthic communities of in forest lowland streams colonised by Eurasian beaver Castor fiber (L.). International Review of Hydrobiology 106: 131-143. doi: 10.1002/iroh.202002043

Wyżga B., Amirowicz A., Bednarska A., Bylak A., Hajdukiewicz H., Kędzior R., Kukuła K., Liro M., Mikuś P., Oglęcki P., Radecki-Pawlik A., Zawiejska J. 2021. Scientific monitoring of immediate and long-term effects of river restoration projects in the Polish Carpathians. Ecohydrology and Hydrobiology 21: 244-255. doi: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2020.11.005

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2020. Geomorphological effects of animals in mountain streams: Impact and role, Science of Total Environment 749: 141283. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.141283

Kukuła K., Bylak A. 2020. Synergistic impacts of sediment generation and hydrotechnical structures related to forestry on stream fish communities, Science of The Total Environment 737: 139751. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.139751.

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2020. Conservation of fish communities: extending the 'research life cycle' by achieving practical effects. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30: 1741-1746. doi: 10.1002/aqc.3396

Bylak A., Szmuc J., Kukuła E., Kukuła K. 2020. Potential use of beaver Castor fiber L., 1758 dams by the Thick Shelled River Mussel Unio crassus Philipsson, 1788. Molluscan Research 40: 44-51. doi: 10.1080/13235818.2019.1664371

Kukuła K., Ortyl B., Bylak A. 2019. Habitat selection patterns of a species at the edge - case study of the native racer goby population in Central Europe. Scientific Reports 9: 19670. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-56264-7

Bylak A., Rak W., Wójcik M., Kukuła E., Kukuła K. 2019. Analysis of macrobenthic communities in a post-mining sulphur pit lake (Poland). Mine Water and the Environment 38: 536-550. doi: 10.1007/s10230-019-00624-2

Bylak A. 2018. The effects of brown trout on salamander larvae habitat selection: a predator-avoidance strategy. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96: 213-219. doi: 10.1139/cjz-2017-0064

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2018. Concrete slab ford crossing - an anthropogenic factor modifying aquatic invertebrates communities. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management 21: 41-49. doi: 10.1080/14634988.2017.1329604

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2018. Living with an engineer: fish metacommunities in dynamic patchy environments. Marine and Freshwater Research 69, 883-893. doi: 10.1071/MF17255

Bylak A., Kukuła K. 2018. Importance of peripheral basins: implications for the conservation of fish assemblages. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 28: 1055-1066. doi: 10.1002/aqc.2939

Plesiński K., Bylak A., Radecki-Pawlik A., Mikołajczyk T., Kukuła K. 2018. Possibilities of fish passage through the block ramp: model-based estimation of permeability. Science of the Total Environment 631-632: 1201-1211. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.03.128

Biliński T., Bylak A., Zadrąg-Tęcza R. 2017. The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism: possible implications for gerontological studies. Biogerontology 18: 631-640. doi: 10.1007/s10522-017-9712-x

Bylak A., Kukuła K., Plesiński K., Radecki-Pawlik A. 2017. Effect of a baffled chute on stream habitat conditions and biological communities. Ecological Engineering 106: 263-272. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2017.05.049

Kukuła K., Bylak A. 2017. Expansion of water chestnut in a small dam reservoir: from pioneering colony to dense floating mat. Periodicum Biologorum 119: 137-140. doi: 10.18054/pb.v119i2.4748

Grabowski M., Hupało K., Bylak A., Kukuła K., Grabowska J. 2016. Double origin of the racer goby (Babka gymnotrachelus) in Poland revealed with mitochondrial marker. Possible implications for the species alien/native status. Journal of Limnology 75: 101-108. doi: 10.4081/jlimnol.2015.1253

Biliński T., Bylak A., Zadrąg-Tęcza R. 2016. Principles of alternative gerontology. Aging 8: 589-602. doi: 10.18632/aging.100931

Bylak A., Kukuła K., Mitka J. 2014. Beaver impact on stream  fish life histories: the role of landscape and local attributes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71: 1603-1615. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0105

Konopiński M., Amirowicz A., Kotlík P., Kukuła K., Bylak A., Pekarik L.,Šediva A. 2013. Back from the Brink: The holocene history of the carpathian barbel Barbus carpathicus. Plos One 8(12): e82464. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082464

Recommended websites:


Forest ecosystems. Lichenology

The main research problems focus on:


  • A reaction of lichens to environmental changes in the ecosystems of the Carpathian Mountains
  • Taxonomy of lichenized fungi of the genera Micarea, Bacidia and Bacidina
  • A study on large predators in the Western Carpathian Mountains
  • Changes in the meadow flora of Beskid Mountains under the influence of active and passive protection
  • An inhibitory effect of lichen metabolites on fungi
  • An impact of environmental factors on the dynamics of forest-forming species and forest communities in Gorce Mountains:


Selected publications:

Furmanek Ł., Czarnota P. & Seaward M.R.D. 2019. Antifungal activity of lichen compounds against dermatophytes: a review. Journal of Applied Microbiology 127: 308-325; doi:10.1111/jam.14209

Tanona M. & Czarnota P. 2019. Natural disturbances of the structure of Norway spruce forests in Europe and their impact on the preservation of epixylic lichen diversity:  A review. Ecological Questions 30(4): 1-17.

Czarnota P., Loch J., Armatys P., Wierzbowska I. & Matysek M. 2019. Monitoring rysia euroazjatyckiego (Lynx lynx) z użyciem fotopułapek na terenie Gorczańskiego Parku Narodowego - wskazania do ochrony gatunku w oparciu o wyniki z okresu 2014-2018. Studia i Materiały CEPL w Rogowie 59(2): 77-87.

Czarnota P. & Guzow-Krzemińska B. 2018. Bacidina mendax sp. nov., a new widespread species in Central Europe, together with a new combination within the genus Bacidina. Lichenologist 50(1): 43-57.

Bielczyk U. & Czarnota P. 2018. Porosty i grzyby naporostowe Babiogórskiego Parku Narodowego. [W:] Mułenko W. & Holeksa J. [red.] Monografie Babiogórskie. Grzyby Babiej Góry: 131-165. Grafpol, Agnieszka Blicharz-Krupińska & Babiogórski Park Narodowy, Wrocław-Zawoja. ISBN 978-83-64423-86-4

Vondrák J., Malíček J., Palice Z., Coppins B., Kukwa M., Czarnota P., Sanderson N. & Acton A. 2016. Methods for obtaining more complete species lists in surveys of lichen biodiversity. Nordic Journal od Botany 34(3): 1-8. DOI: 10.1111/njb.01053

Czarnota P. 2016. Contribution to the knowledge of come poorly known lichens in Poland IV. Bacidia fuscoviridis and Bacidina brandii. Acta Mycologica 51(1): 1074 (e-issue).

Guzowska-Krzemińska B., Czarnota P., Łubek A. & Kukwa M. 2016. Micarea soralifera sp. nov., a new sorediate species in the M. prasina group. Lichenologist 48(3): 161-169. doi: 10.1017/S0024282916000050

Czarnota P. & Stefanik M. (red.) 2015. Gorczański Park Narodowy. Przyroda i krajobraz pod ochroną. Gorczański Park Narodowy, Poręba Wielka, ss. 320.

Czarnota P. & Hernik E. 2014. Some peltigericolous microlichens from southern Poland. Acta Botanica Croatica 73(1): 159-170.

Czarnota P., Kison H-U. & Seelemann A. 2014. Remarkable records of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from the Harz National Park (Lower Saxony and Saxony-Anhalt). Herzogia 72(1): 67-82.

Czarnota P. & Hernik E. 2013. Notes on two lichenicolous Epigloea species from Central Europe. Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 82(4): 321-324. DOI: 10.5586/asbp.2013.030

Guzow-Krzemińska B., Halda J. & Czarnota P. 2012. A new Agonimia from Europe with a flabelliform thallus. Lichenologist 44(1): 55-66.

Czarnota P. 2012. Lichen protection needs natural forest disturbances - examples from some Polish Western Carpathian national parks. In: L. Lipnicki (ed.), Lichen protection - Lichen protected species: 53-66. Sonar Literacki, Gorzów Wlkp.

Schiefelbein U., Czarnota P., Thüs H. & Kukwa M. 2012. The lichen biota of the Drawieński National Park (NW Poland, Western Pomerania). Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 49: 59-71.

Czarnota P. & Guzow-Krzemińska B. 2010. A phylogenetic study of the Micarea prasina-group shows that Micarea micrococca includes three distinct lineages. Lichenologist 42(1): 7-20.

Czarnota P., Osyczka P. & Kowalewska A. 2010. Status of some poorly known lichen species from the genus Lecanora (lichenized Ascomycota) in Poland. Mycotaxon 113: 449-462.

Kukwa M., Czarnota P. & Perz P. 2010. New or interesting records of lichenicolous fungi from Poland VIII. Herzogia 23: 111-119.

Suija A., Czarnota P., Himelbrant D., Kowalewska A., Kukwa M., Kuznetsova E., Leppik E., Motiejūnaitė J., Piterāns A., Schiefelbein U., Skazina M., Sohrabi M., Stepanchikova I. & Veres K. 2010. The lichen biota of three nature reserves in island Saaremaa, Estonia. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 47: 85-96.

Czarnota P. & Kukwa M. 2010. New and noteworthy lichenized and lichenicolous fungi to Latvia. Botanica Lithuanica 16(1): 21-27.


Taxonomy, ecology and biogeography of diatoms

Selected publications:

Kochman-Kędziora N, Noga T, Olech M, Van de Vijver B. 2022. The influence of penguin activity on soil diatom assemblages on King George Island, Antarctica with the description of a new Luticola species. PeerJ 10:e13624 DOI 10.7717/peerj.13624

Rybak M., Kochman-Kędziora N., Luthfi O.M. 2022. A new diatom (Bacillariophyta) species from Indonesian urban areas, description of Microcostatus labrisicus sp. nov. Phytotaxa 555(1): 87–94.

Danz A., Van de Vijver B., Kochman-Kędziora N., Kusber W.-H., Guerrero J., Vouilloud A., E. Sala S., Liu Q., Kociolek J.P. 2022. The genus Orthoseira Thwaites: historical overview, current status and recommendations for the future. Nova Hedwigia 115(1–2): 1–29.

Rybak M., Kochman-Kędziora N., Peszek Ł. 2021. Description of four new terrestrial diatom species from Luticola and Microcostatus genera from South Africa. PhytoKeys 182: 1-26.

Peszek Ł., Zgrundo A., Noga T., Kochman Kędziora N., Poradowska A., Rybak M., Puchalski C., Lee J. 2021. The influence of drought on diatom assemblages in a temperate climate zone: A case study from the Carpathian Mountains, Poland. Ecological Indicators 125: 107579.

Kochman-Kędziora N., Olech M., Van de Vivjer B. 2020. A critical analysis of the type of Navicula skuae with the description of a new Navicula species (Naviculaceae, Bacillariophyta) from the Antarctic Region. Phytotaxa 474 (1): 015-026.

Noga T., Kochman-Kędziora N., Olech M., Van de Vijver B. 2020. Limno-terrestrial diatom flora in two stream valleys near Arctowski Station, King George Island, Antarctica. Polish Polar Research  41(4): 289-314. DOI: 10.24425/ppr.2020.134793.

Kochman-Kędziora N., Pinseel E., Rybak M., Noga T., Olech M., Van de Vijver B. 2018. Pinnularia subcatenaborealis sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) a new chain-forming diatom species from King George Island (Maritime Antarctica). Phytotaxa 364 (3): 259-266.

Kochman-Kędziora N., Noga T., Olech M., Van de Vijver B. 2018. Freshwater diatoms of the Ecology Glacier foreland, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Polish Polar Research 39(3): 393-412.

Bulínová M., Kochman-Kędziora N., Kopalová K., Van de Vijver B. 2018. Three new Hantzschia species (Bacillariophyta) from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Phytotaxa 371 (3): 168-184.

Kochman-Kędziora N., Noga T., Van de Vijver B., Stanek-Tarkowska J. 2017. A new Muelleria species (Bacillariophyta) from the Maritime Antarctic Region. Fottea 17(2): 264-268.     

Kochman-Kędziora N., Noga T., Zidarova R., Kopalová K. & Van de Vijver B. 2016. Humidophila komarekiana sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a new limnoterrestrial diatom species from King George Island (Maritime Antarctica). Phytotaxa 272(3): 184-190.

Noga T., Stanek-Tarkowska J., Kochman-Kędziora N., Pajączek A., Peszek Ł. 2016. The inside of a dam as an unusual habitat for two rare species of Gomphosphenia - G. fontinalis and G. holmquistii.  Diatom Research 31(4): 379-387.       

Kochman-Kędziora N., Pajączek A., Peszek Ł., Domszy P., Noga T., Stanek-Tarkowska J. 2016. Różnorodność zbiorowisk okrzemek rozwijających się w rzece San w okolicach Jarosławia. Rocznik Przemyski 52(3): 3-26.                 

Noga T., Stanek-Tarkowska J., Pajączek A., Peszek Ł., Kochman N., Kozak E., Kędziora Ł., Wąsacz P. 2013. Wstępne rozpoznanie okrzemek Bacillariophyceae Jeziorek Duszatyńskich (Bieszczady Zachodnie). Roczniki Bieszczadzkie 21: 127-146.


Other papers:



Water pollution and sanitary threats to the environment

Aquatic environments are an object of research on the impact of pollution and the assessment of sanitary hazards. Natural and artificial water reservoirs are permanent elements of the environment, often providing the appropriate conditions for recreation. Some are used for fishing, others also for bathing. In connection with, for example, the possibility of eating caught fish, or direct human contact with water, it is important to assess the purity and quality of the water - both to assess the physicochemical parameters indicating the presence or absence of contamination as well as to to assess its sanitary quality, which determines safety for human health.

The most important research problems are:

  • The impact of pollution on the water quality of natural and artificial reservoirs.
  • Structure, trophic relationships and environmental role of organisms, including activated-sludge components.
  • Research and assessment of the sanitary condition of water in natural and urbanized areas.
  • Environmental hazards and mass consequences associated with algal and cyanobacteria blooms
  • Assessment of water quality based on diatoms and saprobial indicators

Selected publications:

Bylak A., Kukuła K., Ortyl B., Hałoń E., Demczyk A., Janora-Hołyszko K., Maternia J., Szczurowski Ł., Ziobro J. 2022. Small stream catchments in a developing city context: The importance of land cover changes on the ecological status of streams and the possibilities for providing ecosystem services. Science of The Total Environment 815, 151974. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.151974

Peszek Ł., Kochman-Kędziora N. 2020. Statystyczne i projektowe narzędzia informatyczne w badaniach przyrodniczych - studium przypadku na przykładzie wykorzystania okrzemek w ocenie jakości wody. W: Gajdek G., Puchalski C. (red.). Ochrona środowiska produkcji rolniczej. Uniwersytet Rzeszowski, Rzeszów: 75-95.

Bylak A., Rak W., Wójcik M., Kukuła E., Kukuła K. 2019. Analysis of macrobenthic communities in a post-mining sulphur pit lake (Poland). Mine Water and the Environment 38: 536-550. doi: 10.1007/s10230-019-00624-2

Noga T., Stanek-Tarkowska J., Peszek Ł., Pajączek A., Kochman-Kędziora N., Ligęzka R. 2016. The use of diatoms to assess the water quality in the Wisłoka River in the town of Dębica and the surrounding area. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 45, 191-201.

Grabas M., Tomaszek J. A., Czerwieniec E., Zamorska J., Kukuła E., Masłoń A., Gruca-Rokosz R. 2011. Environment Protection Engineering 37. 17-25.

Noga T., Stanek-Tarkowska J., Pajączek A., Peszek Ł., Kochman-Kędziora N., Irlik E. 2015. Wykorzystanie okrzemek (Bacillariophyta) do oceny jakości wód rzeki Białej Tarnowskiej. Inżynieria Ekologiczna 42, 17-27.

Grabas M., Tomaszek J.A., Czerwieniec E., Zamorska J., Kukuła E., Masłoń A., Łuczyszyn J. 2010. Stosowanie biopreparatów EM-BIO w celu ograniczenia uciążliwości zapachowej odpadów ściekowych. W: Szynkowska M.I., Zwoździak J. (red.). Współczesna problematyka odorów. Wydawnictwa Naukowo-Techniczne, Warszawa, 479-502.

Kukuła E., Woszczyńska W. 2010. Stan sanitarny wód cieku zasilającego zalew i kąpielisko w Janowie Lubelskim. Journal of Civil Engineering, Environment and Architecture 57, 73-84.

Kukuła E., Zamorska J. 2009. The Hygienization of waste from minicipal waste water treatment plants with Bio-Preparation EM. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 4,  54-59.



Plant ecology. Protection of meadow and grassland communities

Selected publications:

Wójcik T., Ziaja M., Makuch-Pietraś I., Ćwik A., Kotańska M. 2018. Szata roślinna rezerwatu "Lisia Góra" w Rzeszowie. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 25: 21-43.

Wójcik T., Ziaja M., Kotańska M., Ćwik A., 2016. Anthropogenic changes in the vascular plant flora of the "Lisia Góra" reserve in 2002-2015.W: Szczuka E., Szymczak G., Śmigały M., Marciniec M. (red). Botanika - tradycja i nowoczesność: 57. Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego, Lublin, 27 czerwca - 3 lipca 2016. Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne, Lublin.

Kotańska M., Kowalska A., Szlachta A., Wójcik T. 2016. Przemiany roślinności łąk z klasy Molinio-Arrhenatheretea po zaniechaniu użytkowania w rejonach Boguchwały i Tarnobrzega (Polska południowo-wschodnia). Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 23: 83-99.

Kotańska M., Buziak-Chmielowiec E., Dąbrowska A., Gladysz M., Jakielaszek A., Wójcik T. 2015. Human impact on the plant cover of four villages in SE Poland. Steciana 19: 115-121. DOI: 10.12657/steciana.019.013

Kotańska M., Towpasz K., Wójcik T., Mitka J. 2015. Łąki w krajobrazie rolniczym Płaskowyżu Proszowickiego (Wyżyna Małopolska). Ekologia i Technika 23: 183-192.

Wójcik T., Kotańska M. 2014. Meadow communities with Cirsium canum (L.) All. in the Wielopolka River valley in the Strzyżow Foothills (Western Carpathians). Steciana 18: 37-47. DOI: 10.12657/steciana.018.006

Kotańska M., Wójcik T., Zachara K. 2013. Murawy napiaskowe Mielca i okolic - stan zachowania po 15 latach. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 20: 303-331.

Kotańska M. 2010. Murawy kserotermiczne jako wyspy siedliskowe w siedliskowe w krajobrazie rolniczym Płaskowyżu Proszowickiego. W: Ratyńska H., Waldon B. (red.). Ciepłolubne murawy w Polsce: stan zachowania i perspektywy ochrony. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, Bydgoszcz.

Towpasz K., Cwener A., Kotańska M. 2006. Rzadkie i zagrożone elementy flory Płaskowyżu Proszowickiego. Chrońmy Przyrodę Ojczystą 62: 81-105.


Our postgraduate Students

In the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection students have the opportunity to pursue master's, engineer's and bachelor's theses. Scientists from the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection deal with a variety of research topics, from issues related to broad ecology, hydrobiology, protection of water ecosystems and monitoring of flowing waters, to monitoring air quality, issues related to ecology of lined mushrooms and assessment of the dynamics of forest communities. That is why the subject matter of our work is so extensive. We are also open to new issues - it is possible to modify the topics of the works, being an adaptation to the students' academic interests.

Examples of engineering theses (Eng.) and master theses (M.Sc. Eng.) carried out at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection:

  • Analysis of the long-term changes in selected species from the forest groundcover in Gorce National Park (Eng. thesis)
  • Assessment of habitats of benthic invertebrates in the altered section of a submontane stream (Eng. thesis)
  • Assessment of the atmospheric air quality of the city of Rzeszów with the use of epiphytic lichenobiot as a bioindicator and based on the analysis of the I.A.P. (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Assessment of the ecological status of a stream with a catchment subject to extensive forest management (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Concrete thresholds in a mountain stream as a habitat for aquatic invertebrates (Eng. thesis)
  • Effect of accumulation of fine-grained material in a submontane stream channel on macrozoobenthos (Eng. thesis)
  • Extraction of aggregates from the submontane river channel as a factor that degrades invertebrate fauna habitats (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Functioning of aquatic ecosystems - threats related to the expansion of alien fish species (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Influence of anthropogenic factors on macrozoobenthos of a submontane river (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Influence of fish farming on the mountain stream ecosystem (Eng. thesis)
  • Lobaria pulmonaria as an umbrella species for the protection of epiphytic lichen diversity in Gorce Mts (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Macrozoobentos of the reference section of the flish stream and the possibilities of its use in environmental monitoring (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Natural regeneration of invertebrate fauna inhabiting the bottom of the mountain stream (Eng. thesis)
  • Reactions of aquatic invertebrates to stream bottom siltation (M.Sc. thesis)
  • The characteristics of Lobaria pulmonaria population in Gorce National Park in the years 2000-2020 (BSc. thesis)
  • The impact of municipal wastewater on macrozoobenthos of a mountain stream (M.Sc. thesis)
  • The influence of refrigerants on population changes, selected forest period in the Gorce National Park in the period 2002-2017 (Eng. thesis)
  • The role of wood in the mountain stream channel in the protection of natural habitats for invertebrate fauna (M.Sc. thesis)
  • Use of elements of hydrotechnical structures in a mountain stream by macrozoobenthos (Eng. thesis)