Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences project


The general objective of the project is to create favorable conditions for the establishment of close cooperation between science and economic entities, as well as the development and diffusion of innovative projects, necessary to increase the competitiveness of the economy and build a knowledge-based society.


Through the implementation of the project, the Beneficiary aims to achieve the following specific (direct) objectives:

  • To increase the number of business entities cooperating with the Intersite Faculty of Biotechnology, the Faculty of Biological and Agricultural Sciences and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
  • Increase in the number of scientific publications prepared by the employees of the Intersite Faculty of Biotechnology
  • Organization of conferences/consultations/meetings, within the framework of the established Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences, addressed to entrepreneurs and concerning the area of biotechnology
  • Intensification of the cooperation of the Foreign Faculty of Biotechnology, the Faculty of Biology and Agriculture and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences with domestic and foreign scientific centers.
  • To increase the number of full-time staff positions at the Foreign Faculty of Biotechnology within the framework of the established Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences
  • Promoting knowledge in the field of biotechnology among business entities, through extensive promotion of the established Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences
  • To train specialists capable of implementing into the economy the results of research conducted by the scientific community, in key areas for the development of biotechnology, such as molecular biotechnology, food biotechnology, plant biotechnology, biomedical engineering, analytical biotechnology


The Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences carries out such activities as:

  • research and application work in the fields of animal, plant, food, medical and environmental biotechnology
  • implementation of basic sciences in the development of technologies using biological systems
  • cooperation with the economic sector and other domestic and foreign scientific centers
  • training specialists in Biotechnology, capable of implementing innovative solutions into the economy


The long-term effect of the Center for Applied Biotechnology and Basic Sciences in the Podkarpackie Province is to be:

  • Strengthening innovative companies and stimulating the emergence of new innovative enterprises
  • Strengthen permanent cooperation between the research and development sector and the economy
  • Strengthen and develop the innovative culture of the region's residents