
Name and surname

Research interests

Scientific and teaching staff

Małgorzata Dżugan Professor

Head of the Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology

phone: +48 (17) 872 16 19

room 129, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.,
35-601 Rzeszów


  • analysis and authentication of honey and other bee products;
  • the use of innovative methods for honey decrystallization;
  • research on the synergism of bee products and herbs;
  • designing new products for apiphytotherapy;
  • cadmium toxicity mechanisms and search for natural protectors;

Maciej Balawejder Professor

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 45

room 121, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • soft fruits storage technologies with the use of ozonation;
  • obtaining plant extracts rich in biologically active compounds;
  • alternative methods of plant protection against fungal diseases;
  • increasing the content of biologically active compounds in fruits and plant material through ozonation;
  • chromatographic analysis of volatile compounds, including the GC-MS SPME technique;
  • reduction of pesticide residues and microbial load in plant material;
  • separation of optical steroisomers of biologically active substances, including drugs;

Radosław Józefczyk Eng. Ph.D.

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 86

room 108, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • analysis of the activity of antioxidant and glycolytic enzymes in biological material;
  • the use of glycolytic enzymes as markers of the integrity of invertebrate cytoplasmic membranes;

Michał Miłek Eng. Ph.D.

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 30

room 111, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • medicinal plants as a source of bioactive substances and food additives;
  • chromatographic methods in food analysis;
  • natural enzyme inhibitors;

Anna Pasternakiewicz Ph.D.

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 22

room 110, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • the impact of processing on food quality;
  • assessment of the stability of food fats;

Tomasz Piechowiak Associate Professor

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 68

room 113, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • study of biochemical transformations in berries during storage in an ozone atmosphere;
  • studying the process of extracting antioxidants from wastes of food industry and assessing their biological properties;
  • looking for methods extending the oxidative stability of vegetable oils;

Monika Tomczyk Eng. PhD.

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 30

room 111, building D3

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów

  • evaluation of the quality of honeys and analysis of their biological activity;
  • obtaining a honey powder enriched with plant ingredients by spray drying;

Maria Droba Professor

Professor retired

Bogusław Droba Associate Professor

Professor retired

Scientific and technical staff

Joanna Hęclik Eng. M.Sc.

phone: + 48 (17) 872 17 20

room 135, building D3    

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów   


Bogumiła Leja Eng. M.Sc.

phone: +48 (17) 872 17 20

room 135, building D3    

1 Ćwiklińskiej St.
35-601 Rzeszów                        


Ph.D. Students

Artur Chorostyński M.Sc.