About the Institute

Institute of Materials Engineering (IIM) is an organisational unit of the College of Natural Sciences of the University of Rzeszów, established by the decision of the Rector from 1st  September, 2021. The structure of the Institute of Materials Engineering was created on the basis of the existing units at the College of Natural Sciences: Didactic Centre of Technical and Natural Sciences and the Didactic and Scientific Centre of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (CDNMiN).

The research facilities of IIM are research centres: CDNMiN and the Centre for Innovative Technologies (CIT) and selected laboratories of the Centre for Innovation and Transfer of Technical and Natural Knowledge at UR. In particular, these are: Laboratory of Materials Technology for Industry, Laboratory of Manufacturing Engineering, Laboratory of Control of Mechanical and Electrical Systems.

At IIM, research is carried out in areas related to materials engineering, the mainstream of modern materials science, and related disciplines. The specificity of research focuses on the relation between the nanostructure, microstructure and properties of the materials used in various industrial sectors and in medicine.

The scientific activity of the employees is related to the testing of materials in terms of their physical, chemical, electrical, static and other properties. In addition to research on existing materials, the work is also carried out on obtaining new materials based on MBI and PVD methods.

Currently, the Institute employs 6 UR professors (with a postdoctoral degree), 18 assistant professors (with a doctoral degree), 3 assistants (with a master's degree), 11 engineering and technical employees and 1 administrative employee.


Institute of Materials Engineering consists of 4 units:

  • Didactic and Scientific Centre of Microelectronics and Nanotechnology
  • Centre for Innovative Technologies
  • Department of Functional Materials
  • Department of Mechatronics and Automation


Education at the Institute covers the following fields:

  • Materials Engineering - full-time 1st and 2nd degree studies
  • Mechatronics - full-time 1st and 2nd degree studies
  • Mechatronics – part-time 1st and 2nd degree studies


The number of students at the Institute in the academic year 2021/2022 (data on 16.11.2021) in all forms of study is 343, including full-time studies - 256, part-time studies - 87.

Research carried out at the Institute is financed from funds obtained from the National Science Centre, the National Centre for Research and Development, the Ministry of Education and Science and the Podkarpackie Centre for Innovation.

Scientific research conducted by the research and teaching staff is focused on cooperation with research centres, business and industry. Institute of Materials Engineering cooperates with various universities in the country and abroad as well as with various companies, among which are the associated plants in the Aviation Valley.

The employees of the Institute take part in numerous conferences, symposia, programs, campaigns, activities and events popularising science.