Year 2020

XVIII International Forum on Thermoelectricity, October 26-30, 2020, Chernivtsi – 2020, Ukraine


Energy Harvesting and Vibroacoustics and Vibrotechnics w Madrasie (Chennai), Indie, 1-10.02.2020. K. Kucab „Nonlinear effects in broadband energy harvesting from mechanical vibrations”.


Epiphany2020, Krakow, Styczeń 7-10, 2020

  • Szczurek From transition electromagnetic form factors $\gamma^* \gamma^* \eta_c(1S,2S)$ to the production of $\eta_c(1S,2S)$ at the LHC
  • Łuszczak Production of heavy particle pairs via photon-photon processes at the LHC
  • Cisek Production of vector mesons in pp-→pVp reactions with electromagnetic dissociation of protons


ICHEP2020, Praga, Lipiec 28 – sierpień 06, 2020 Wirtualna konferencja

  • Szczurek Inclusive production of $f_2(1270)$ tensor mesons at the LHC via gluon-gluon fusion in the $k_t$-factorization approach
  • Szczurek, Can we contrain anomalous magnetic and/or electric dipole moments of $\tau$ lepton from $PbPb \to PbPb\tau^+\tau^-$ reaction at the LHC
  • Łuszczak, Production of heavy particle pairs via photon-photon processes at the LHC in proton-proton scattering
  • Cisek Exclusive and semiexclusive production of vector mesons in proton-proton collisions with electromagnetic proton dissociation


Seminarium Zakładu Fizyki Litosfery w Instytucie Geofizyki na Wydziale Fizyki Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. (on-line ) 03.07.2020r M. Wesołowski Wybuchy komet w dalekich odległościach heliocentrycznych. Aktywności Centaurów


Kierunek NANO – badania i osiągnięcia z obszaru nanotechnologii” 27.11.2020 Analiza warstwy wierzchniej utlenionych kryształów SnTe i PbTe.


V Międzynarodowa Konferencja „The development of mobile telecommunications networks in the era of disinformation”, 9-10 grudnia 2020 A. Koziorowska


IEEE WORLD CONGRESS ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE (WCCI) 2020 (online) 19 – 24th July, 2020, Glasgow (UK). R. Rak The use of concave and convex functions to optimize the feed-rate of numerically controlled machine tools