Department of Biophysical and Structural Research

The research of the BBiS department's staff is diverse and generally concerns three directions. The first direction relates to fundamental and applied research, including the study of broadly understood solid state physics, low-dimensional structures, acoustic radiation or the thermodynamic evolution of comets. The second direction is related to applications of physics in biology and medicine, including, among others: the possibility of using Raman and IR spectroscopy to search for markers providing answers in cancer treatment, medical imaging using the phenomenon of resonance or synchrotron radiation. The third line of research focuses on issues related to high-energy physics, and in particular concentrates on the theoretical analysis of selected processes occurring in high-energy hadronic collisions.


Conducted research

Dr hab. Paweł Jakubczyk, prof. UR - head of the department

Analysis of symmetry and structural properties of condensed matter. Research on: strictly solvable models, Bethe substitution, Bethe ansatz string systems, electron correlations in multiparticle systems and quantum entanglement in spin systems

Prof. dr hab. Marian Cholewa

Medical imaging with the use of resonance imaging, tomograph, PET / MR and synchrotron radiation
Modern methods of cancer treatment such as hadron cancer therapy (HCT) or micro beam radiation therapy (MRT)
Spectroscopic research used in biology and medicine
New materials related to modern photovoltaic systems in the future
Development and application of radiation detectors based on new nanomaterials

Prof. dr hab. inż. Wojciech Rdzanek

The acoustic radiation of vibrating surface sources as well as the point sources. The theoretical and the experimental research performed in the semi-anechoic chamber. The acoustic power of the sources and the radiated acoustic fields. The asymptotic and the approximate methods. The rigorous theoretical analysis. The basic and the applied sciences.

Prof. dr hab. Antoni Szczurek

Perturbative processes. Exclusive production of mesons. Production of quarkonia and light mesons. Production of heavy quarks. Ultraperipheral collisions of heavy ions. Quark-gluon plasma and electromagnetic effects. Photon induced processes. Parton distributions. Hadron structure.

Dr hab. Marta Łuszczak, prof. UR

The subject of scientific research focuses on issues related to high-energy physics, and in particular focuses on the theoretical analysis of selected processes occurring in high-energy hadron collisions. The main goal of the research is to connect the front of theoretical research with the latest experimental data on the LHC accelerator at CERN.


Dr Rafał Rak, prof. UR


Multidisciplinary research; quantitative analysis of complex systems; econophysics; complex network theory, neural networks

Dr hab. inż. Krzysztof Szemela, prof. UR

An analysis of an acoustic field generated by flat sound sources inside regions bounded by baffles with the use of the acoustic linear theory and some efficient mathematical methods such as e.g. : modal expansions and integral transforms. Predicting the acoustic properties for resonators in the form of circular and rectangular cavities. Modeling of sound transmission through plate systems to develop some control algorithms.

Dr hab. Małgorzata Sznajder, prof. UR

The research is focused on the condensed matter physics, including semiconductors, layered crystals, and nitrides applied in the opto- and microelectronics of high frequencies, power, and temperatures. Studies include ab initio atomistic modeling of adsorption processes on surfaces, reconstruction processes, investigations on semiconductor heterostructures, and the growth of thin films. First-principles calculations on the diffusion of point defects at interfaces, band structures of the crystalline materials, and investigations on the role of symmetry and topology in the reflection of selected physical properties of crystals.

Dr hab. Andrzej Wal, prof. UR

Structural and magnetic properties of condensed matter both in the area of low-dimensional spin systems and volume metal alloys (Heusler alloys). Thin-film semiconductor materials in photovoltaic applications. The use of computational and measurement physical methods in medicine.

Dr hab. Marcin Wesołowski, prof. UR

My research is related to the thermodynamic evolution of comets. In particular, they focus on the emission of cometary matter,  e.g. as a result of a cometary outburst. A secondary interest is the widely understood popularization of astronomy.

Dr Anna Cisek

The subject of research focuses on high-energy physics and particle physics. Scientific research includes calculations of total and differential cross sections. The cross section as a function of many variables (e.g. energy, transverse momentum, rapidity, azimuth angle) for the production of vector mesons in photon-proton, proton-proton, photon-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions. The calculation results are compared with experimental data from HERA, RHIC, Tevatron and LHC accelerators.

Dr Grzegorz Górski

The main topic of research is the transport properties of nanoscopic systems. Particular attention is paid to spin-dependent transport in a quantum dot system coupled with a metallic, ferromagnetic and superconducting electrodes. The transport properties of a quantum dot coupled with Majorana fermion are also considered.

Dr Krzysztof Kucab

Energy harvesting systems with piezoelectric and electromagnetic transducers; high temperature superconductivity; magnetic ordering; coexistence of HTSC and magnetic ordering

Dr Mirosław Łabuz

In my research work I deal with a one-dimensional model of Heisenberg magnets for finite chains with a 1/2 spin on each node. By using several alternative methods, such as solutions to Bethe equations or rigged string configurations, I determine eigenstates of the problem and investigate the coherent and divergent points of various approaches describing the system under study, mainly for chains composed of several nodes. The key aspect necessary to understand the problem of short chains is also the use of the extension of the field of rational numbers by primitive roots of the N-th degree of unity, which is related to the appropriate structure of the Galois group.  This topic is a part of the current research related to nanoscopic physics and quantum informatics.