
Internship of KNP employees at the Universidad de Jaén in Andalusia

Prof. UR, dr. hab. inż. Natalia Matłok (Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Environment Management and Protection) and prof. dr. hab. Maciej Balawejder (Institute of Food Technology and Nutrition) completed a one-week scientific internship at the Universidad de Jaén in Andalusia (Spain), under the supervision of prof. Manuel Jesús Hermoso Orzaez, an outstanding specialist in the processing of biomass and waste from the production of olive oil.

UR employees visited the laboratories at the Polytechnic Institute of the Universidad de Jaén. Moreover, they participated in a meeting organized on the occasion of the Day of combating climate change, moderated by the Vice-Rector for Sustainable Development Juan de Dios Carazo Álvarez. During the meeting, a book by José Antonio La Cal Herrera on the applications of bioenergy in industry was presented, describing his visions of energy autonomy of Andalusia based on the processing of waste biomass resulting from the production of olive oil in this region. The speech of the author was preceded by a laudation of prof. Manuel Jesús Hermoso Orzaez, who represented the Universidad de Jaén as head of a research group specializing in energy engineering and sustainability. The scientific congress „Bioenergy international conference”, organized jointly with the Politécnico de Portalegre was also announced. Our employees have been invited to participate in this event.

The visit ended with a meeting with the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation - Sr. D. José Ignacio Jiménez González, which resulted in the promise to sign a bilateral agreement between our universities. The talks also concerned the commencement of joint teaching activities by launching of joint study courses. It should be noted that Universidad de Jaén started lobbying activities at other universities in Poland, which proves the high potential of cooperation.

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