About the Institute

The Institute of Economics and Finance at the University of Rzeszów came into existence on October 1, 2019, following the reorganization of the University of Rzeszów's administrative structure, as outlined in Resolution No. 424/04/2019 by the University of Rzeszów's Senate, dated April 4, 2019, which approved the revised University Statute. However, the roots of our institute run much deeper. We not only carry forward the traditions and initiatives of the former Faculty of Economics but also draw from the rich heritage and extensive experience of the university from which the faculty originated in 2001. This inception resulted from the merger of the Rzeszów branch of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin with the Faculty of Economics in Rzeszów, a part of the Hugo Kołłątaj Agricultural University in Kraków.

The Institute serves as an educational hub for approximately 2,000 students across two faculties: Economics, Finance and Accounting. Our academic offerings encompass both undergraduate (first-cycle studies) and graduate (second-cycle studies) programs, embracing a broad academic spectrum available in full-time and extramural formats. Students can select from a diverse range of appealing specializations, including Business Economics, Economics and Management in the Public Sector, Economics of Business Services, Business Accounting and Financial Auditing, and Finance and Banking. We are also in the process of launching an English-language program titled "International Business - Cross-cultural Aspects."

Furthermore, our students have the opportunity to engage in international student exchanges through the Erasmus+ program, with access to over 20 foreign academic institutions.
The Institute further enhances the academic landscape by offering a selection of enticing postgraduate programs, including Internal Auditing, Compliance in Organizations, Certified Coach, Public Finance with Elements of Budgetary Accounting, Accounting Specialist, Audit in Cooperatives, Social Insurance with Elements of Law, Housing Cooperative – Economic, Organizational, and Legal Aspects, and Management - Managerial Studies. Additionally, we organize specialized courses like Accounting in Practice (both first and second cycle studies) and Accounting in English.

Located within the same Zalesie University Campus on Ćwiklińska Street, the Institute boasts modern scientific and educational facilities, complemented by convenient social amenities such as student dormitories and a cafeteria.

Our Institute of Economics and Finance is comprised of a dedicated team of 64 academic professionals, including 3 professors, 17 post-doctoral scholars, 37 individuals holding doctoral degrees, and 7 master's degree holders. Our faculty actively engages in scholarly research, collaborating with the business community to accrue extensive professional expertise. Widely recognized in the academic sphere, our lecturers are prolific authors of influential research papers, expert reports, and scholarly opinions, and they frequently serve as speakers at both national and international scientific conferences, contributing significantly to the broader academic discourse.